Soft Skills
How soft are your Soft Skills?
Every day all of us, are interacting in different situations, and our reactions are different. It is very important to be conscious of our reactions, our habits, our answers, but 80% of our behavior is based on automotive reactions.
Our conscious mind is helping us only in 20% of our lives, 80% is conducted by the unconscious and subconscious mind. Psychology, like to supervise the habits and behaviors and predict the future of persons, part of the hypothesis, is real and rest during the entire life the same, but other parts can be changed. We have the power to change ourselves, to develop our thoughts, our brain, and to change our beliefs.
If we are thinking about the origins of our behaviors we can find the answers in our families, some of our reactions we are learning during childhood and others are active in our cells.
Usually, you can’t learn soft skills but is something that you can develop so, is very important to know your level and improve it every day.
Do you know that the most important 3 soft skills that are evaluated in the interviews, with examples and case studies are communication skills, teamwork, and adaptability?
In the big picture all the people that we are working with should have these 10 soft skills at a high level of knowledge- solving problems, creativity, time management, ethic, attention to details, storytelling, change management, emotional intelligence, empathy, personal productivity.
In the future, the focus will be on soft skills, because many of the actual activities that are made today by people, will be made by robots. So the focus will be on the way that people communicate and develop relationships between them.
Forbes magazine writes an article about why are important soft skills in the work environment and which are the most important soft skills.
For your next month, propose yourself to identify your level of every soft skill important, and create a plan to develop yourself.
After a few months of working on it, you will see a big change around yourself and you will be more prepared for any kind of work environment.