Soft Skills in 2025
Muhammad Shakil
Pharmacist @Apotek1 || Committed to join Pharma Industry/Public Sector || Top 1% Industry SSI rank on LinkedIn || Open for Collab || Career & Life Coach || 32,000+ LinkedIn family || Hit Follow
These are the most useful soft skills along with do's and don'ts to help guide you on each:
1) Work hard
?Do: Put in the effort without having to be asked and without complaint
?Don't: Think this is about hours - outcomes matter most of all
2) Be professional
?Do: Build trust by speaking and acting maturely at all times
?Don't: Assume you can cross any lines in more relaxed settings
3) Focus on growth
?Do: Welcome feedback, embrace learning, and incorporate both
?Don't: Think you know everything
4) Be reliable
?Do: What you say you will do by when you say you will do it
?Don't: Break promises
5) Adapt
?Do: Rethink your plan when you gain new information
?Don't: Fail to make adjustments after setbacks
6) Listen actively
?Do: Listen to hear, not to respond, and validate what people say
?Don't: Forget the importance of body language
7) Strengthen self-awareness
?Do: Recognize how others perceive your words and actions
?Don't: Fail to self-reflect or think you're above critique
8) Manage time effectively
?Do: Prioritize and be organized, so you stay on top of your work
?Don't: Allow distractions to steal your attention and waste time
9) Build emotional intelligence
?Do: Learn to identify emotions and control your responses
?Don't: Fail to pause when you're heated
10) Be collegial
?Do: Be easy to work with
?Don't: Think this means being a pushover - you can still be you
11) Communicate strongly
?Do: Speak and write simply and clearly
?Don't: Use complex language, bury your point, or ramble
12) Read people
?Do: Watch the reactions, body language, and mood of others
?Don't: Fail to ask people how they're feeling if you’re unsure
13) Self-motivate
?Do: Get going on projects quickly and without being asked
?Don't: Require constant hand holding or encouragement from your manager
14) Collaborate
?Do: Work well with other people, sharing ideas and credit
?Don't: Think you'd be better off on your own
15) Be resilient
?Do: See every setback as a lesson
?Don't: Fail to get back up after getting knocked down
16) Have integrity
?Do: Be honest and ethical, whether or not others will know
?Don't: Think you can hide things
Master these, and you'll stand out in any role. Which skills am I missing? ---
?? Repost to help your network master the soft skills in 2025.
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