The "soft fascination" of water
Roxana Marin
Crafting top marketing and communication strategies & plans for brands and organisations worldwide. Astrologer. Guiding women leaders in healing, growth & life optimisation. +20 yrs experience. ??????
From mountain springs to ocean's gleam,
It nurtures life in timeless stream.
A tranquil mirror, depths profound,
In every drop, the world is found.
I am water. My body is made mostly of water (according to scientists). I eat her food. I breathe the oxygen she balances. I show my deepest emotions and cry with (salty) water. I am more creative near water. I have a lot of watery astrological placements. My name means Sea. Most of me is…water.
So my relation with the Big Blue Ocean and its vast water sources goes far. This is why I can’t understand (nor accept) the damage we are doing to the most essential part of…well, ourselves.
As I am writing this newsletter, a pod of 77 pilot whales has died after washing ashore on a beach in Orkney, in what media says could be the biggest mass stranding for decades.
Something hit me right in my heart, as I recently saw one of the best docu-movies from past years: Les gardiennes de la planète. And I know now that these phenomena are signals for the great damage that our species is doing to water everywhere.
Did you know that:
Nevertheless, in our constant pursuit for plastic and carbon, we are damaging our main source of life on Earth, our heart.
We damage water everyday
Here are some UN stats about Ocean pollution and change today.
And I can go on and on and on about how important water is and how we are constantly damaging it. More stats here.
I don’t get the chance to be near large bodies of water many times each year, but when I do, I take it all in. The sea calms me but also gives back ideas for how to cultivate more of what’s needed in my life. I can’t imagine what we would be and do without the sea, the oceans.
I’ve been struggling with burnout and work addictiveness for many years (well, more like decades) and this is now shown in the health issues that I am going through. Water has always been my refuge for cleansing the unwanted, the residual emotions, for getting me back to…ME. As I do wish one day to live everyday by the sea, I dedicate this edition to our hopefully increasing awareness of water and what she holds for us.
Water is good life
Supporting water ecosystems and planet Earth really starts with us mending our relation to water and guiding it towards better outcomes. Self-consciousness is the first step, action is the next one. So build a better awareness of how you relate to water.
1.According to marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols, “when we put ourselves at the edge of the water, visually, our field of view is simplified. Auditorily, our world is simplified. Sensory input gets simple. When you get into the water, the hundreds of muscles that have been holding you in standing position no longer need to do that work, and the brain regions that were taking care of that get a break. Auditorily, visually, somatically, you’re getting a break. You’re getting a rest. The default mode network is activated and you go into the “default mode,” which is a more contemplative, self-referential perspective.”
2.We are mostly water. According to scientists, different people have different percentages of their bodies made up of water. Babies have the most, being born at about 78%. Adult men, about 60% and adult women, 55%. Drink water with good intentions, even stare at your glass of water or bottle for a couple of seconds and set good intentions for purification and cleanse. And be grateful, there are many places on Earth now that don’t grant people access to clean water. If you want to support an NGO doing work in this field, check Water or Charity Water and donate.
3.Move and breather like water, smooth, in cycles. Here’s one of my favourite Yoga with Adriene sequences - Ocean Flow.
4.Understand Water element in your Astrological Charts. If you don’t know how to do this, give me a message and we’ll delve into it. We are still in a watery season of the Cancer so what a better moment to learn your water. As a collective we are all experiencing the transit of Saturn, the Lord of Karma and Time, Restructuring and Remodeling into the watery sign of Pisces, ruler of seas and oceans. From water shortages all over the globe to marine pollution, these are themes that Saturn will restructure for the next 1-2 years as part of his cycle here.
5.Find those moments in which you can meditate near water. Attention restoration theory (ART) asserts that people can concentrate better after spending time in nature, or even looking at scenes of nature. According to Wallace J. Nichols, “psychologists refer to this sense of “soft fascination,” which we get when we’re on a surfboard or sitting on a beach. It holds your attention, but it doesn’t dominate your attention. The ocean is changing, sending little pockets of information at you. There may be a fin, there may be a bird, the breeze may pick up. It holds your interest, but at the same time, it isn’t a massive, distracting amount of information, so you enter this Blue Mind mode, this mildly meditative state.”
6.Listen to water music. I know he is very controversial right now, but Kanye wrote probably one of the best songs for water meditation and gratefulness. Tune in. Or find those ocean waves compilations on Youtube and let them guide your laptop work on a day.
7.Read my piece on “Blue Mind” book on the effects of water on our wellbeing and creativity. Buy and read this book, it does wonders to your mind and routines.
Until next week, be more water!
Have you read these editions? Tune in!