Order "Hy-Brazil" @ Amazon today to begin playing with its shifting valences of meaning.
The Four
In Jewish exegesis, PaRDeS speaks
about four layers of meaning. It is
an acronym for these fourfold levels.
Peshat (???????)—“surface” (“straight”) or the literal
(direct) meaning. Remez (?????)—“hints” or the deep
(allegoric: hidden or symbolic)
meaning beyond just the literal sense.
Derash (???????)—from Hebrew darash: “inquire”
(“seek”) And
Sod (????) (pronounced with a long O as in ‘sore’)—
“secret” (“mystery”) or the esoteric/mystical meaning,
as given through inspiration or revelation.
Sod is the periphery on which Kabbalah hangs.
The real truth is the secret hidden within
The deceptive covering. The fourth level of exegesis:
Sod-Secret belongs to the esoteric
“Nistar-Hidden” interpretations of scripture.
“AVA,” “MAsons,” “Easter, 2016,”
“288 Recombinant
Seph-I-Rot and the value of the ten.
Superoxide Dismutase (S.O.D)
Earth, a turf war
Michael Collins
It’s in Whitman and the Crane bag,
Crane and Whitman were aware.
System of a Down
Summer of Darkness
PaRDeS has some similarity to
the Christian fourfold scheme:
Literal, Typological, Moral & Anagogical.
The fourth seems more apocalyptic than
hermetic, dealing in prophesies.
In Islam, the four are literal expression (‘ibāra),
allusion (ishāra), subtleties (la?ā’if), and deepest
realities (?aqā’iq).
The literal expression is for the common folk (‘awāmm),
the allusion is for the elite (khawā??), the subtleties
are for friends
of God (awliyā’),
and the deepest realities are for the prophets (anbiyā’).