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Was interesting when Socks had her kittens, the neighbours rescued the pretty grey kittens with blue eyes, the other kitten ran around the roof of the shop, eventully the roof was wrecked when the last kitten was caught and kept.
No one wanted Socks, she was left to go from home to home, drink what ever drop of water she could get, scavanged for food and was treated badly.
I kept Socks, she never forgot the pain she went through, she swipped at other cats and growled and yet was very loving, she had a lot of character and really showed her appreciation.
Socks got cancer in later years, I gave her aloe vera juice and cat claw with wheatgerm oil and this kept it under control for the next three years, until she ran into next doors car.
She waited for me to get home, before she died, unpon hearing my voice and patting her, she took her last breath, I am greatful for the great memories and knowing she died with love was important to me.