Society…a different approach

Society…a different approach


Since 5000 BC circa 101 Billion people have passed away. Right now we represent 7% of all humans who have ever lived. Right now each and every one of us represents 11 people who are no longer with us today. Unfortunately a lot of those people who passed may have only lived a short life. We are so lucky to be here right now! We truly are standing on the shoulders of giants. But with that luck comes’ responsibility. We are 100 % responsible for securing our own future and helping to secure our futures future, so the next generation can be as lucky as we are today…


You know – ‘We don’t know the day nor the hour!’ When the clock stops all that is left is perception and memories! During your eulogy they won't mention how good of a business person you were. How great your Facebook profile was. How rich and comfortable you were. How beautiful your car was. How fashionable you were. How handsome and pretty you were.

Instead all of the bling will be stripped and they will just talk about you. You know the real you. The private you that only you’re closest know. Don’t wait for your clock to stop……write your own Eulogy and take back you from you…..

The Elderly

The luckiest, richest most experienced people on this earth are the elderly. They have managed to out-live, out-experience the majority. They are the true success of humankind. If anyone should write a book on how to live a successful life, it’s them! They have learnt to manage the world's most precious gift ‘Time’. Without it you are gone, with it you have options!

It’s not about money, it’s not about health, it’s not about status and certainly, certainly, certainly- it’s not about your Career. It’s about having time to experience this world a little longer, whatever that experience maybe. So the next time you see an elderly person, it’s OK to be a little envious!

Appreciate your Time, because if you are not in the Now you might still be Rich enough to have a Tomorrow!

Mum & Dad

Isn't it ironic don't you think! They are the reason why we are here. They nurtured us while we were young. They gave us unconditional love. They minded us when we needed minding. They educated us, they inspired us, they loved us, and they shared their life with us. They supported us while we aged. They stuck by us when times got tough! They would give up their life for us! When they need nurturing, when they need Support, when they need unconditional Love. When times gets Tough.  When they need Our Time. We support them, we mind them, we love them. We put them in a nursing home........

Purpose - Uncle Paddy

I have an uncle who is now in his mid-80s. Every day, he dresses in his best suit, shirt and tie and goes to the pub.  Some might see it as extremely unhealthy behaviour, smoking and drinking every day! But he looks amazing and is out living the rest of my family! Now I am not condoning his behaviour and as we all know it can destroy families. But this is his Purpose in Life!  Makes you think - having a purpose is so important in life! Some use their career to give purpose while others use hobbies and family! Our career will always have an end date! So don’t mix Career with Purpose because “We are not born just to pay bills and die”

Purpose - Uncle Noel

Wearing the best suit, driving the nicest car, eating the finest food, living in the best location, vacating in luxury. I had an uncle who was financially very wealthy. He was a rich man, and a contradiction to the above. A family man with a passion for sport! He lived in a modest house, drove a very old rust bucket and continuously bragged about how old his clothes were. “See these shoes, they are twenty years old and they are still looking perfect”! His job appeared to be unimportant and he rarely ever mentioned it! Every year he went on holidays and stayed in hostels, filling in his spare time experiencing the world while training for his annual marathons. His wife and kids preferred to go on a separate holiday, that’s just the way it was! This man could talk to anyone and everyone. His finest food was prepared alongside the people he met in those hostel kitchens and canteens. Never bragged, treated everyone the same. Loved life, understood life, lived life. A happy man who spent money only on experiences, not things. During his funeral the whole town shut down as a mark of respect. Respect based on experiences, not things

The Child

It’s hard to believe that in today’s world a child’s destiny is still shaped by their parents and environment. As a child it’s not your fault that you were born into poverty that you were born to parents who have low expectations of life. It’s not your fault that you were born to an environment which is stricken by starvation or a harsh governmental regime.  It’s not your fault that you were born into prosperity, that you were born into a circle of success, excellent education, wealthy family. It’s not your fault that you are destined to be a success while others are not! Would Richard Branson have been the success that he is if he was born to farmer in North Korea as opposed to Sir George Branson, High Court judge "Show me your parents and I will tell you who you are" - But it’s not your fault that they are your parents! You can't argue the point that a child born in a Slum has an equal platform to a child born into prosperity. I see it all of the time - wealth follows wealth. Circles follow Circles. Accents follow Accents, Education follows education. And when a child is born - it’s the luck of the draw on whom their parents will be. It’s unfair! and because it’s unfair, it not your fault! But who’s fault is it....................................................?


We have highly successful career focused parents. They are highly educated and push us to be our best. They work very long hours to ensure that we have the best opportunity in life. We live in a very nice house in a very nice area and go to a very nice school. All our friends are very similar and live close by!

Our parents are the best. They give us as much as they possibly can. Mum works full time and dad provides when he can. We live in a very nice house in a very nice area and go to a very nice school. All our friends are very similar and live close by

80/20 Unfair Rule

20% of the workforce is successful from a career perspective. They can afford to live in a nice home, to drive a nice car, to put their kids through private school. To go to nice restaurants, to dress in nice clothes........

The other 80%- Yes they might be Happy with life, they might live longer. This is just capitalism. But of that 80% - At least 20% are in a bad situation if not more! - The 80% are locked into a circle of acceptance! - Because their circle of friends also belong to the 80% club. Same situation with that 20%

Break the circle...break the ratio

Early Life

“90% of critical brain development happens in the first five years of life”

Equality in the 'Family Place' should be given the same credence as Equality in the 'Workplace'! We spend at least 50% of our weekday lives in work or travelling to work. For the majority of young families and lone parents, this is only possibly by their ability to outsource child care!

Today's society empowers new parents to continue their career through the use of child minding services, believing that the benefit far outweighs the cost of staying at home to mind their children. For those in high level careers, the concept of mum or dad freezing their career to become a stay at home Mum or Dad appears to be frowned upon!

Yes I said 'Stay at home Dad' because "Gender shouldn't dictate who brings home the bacon and who fries it up in a pan"

I accept that for some families the only way to survive is to work and use child minding services. I accept that some families can’t work because they are unable to afford child minding fees, while others continue to work so they can continue their life style.

‘Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life’. Forget the stereotypical gender roles and put Family Life Balance first. Work Life Balance second


Something really does not sit well with the slightly socialist me! When I look at Ireland in particular Dublin and I see unfairness regarding innocence, it particularly annoys me! For example. Take a trip into the city centre and see the young children being cared for by their parents who appear to be suffering hardship. Hardship regarding addiction, unemployment, low education, which is all aligned to generations of recurring historical family circles of low socio economic status living. The kids are kids, completely innocent! They know no different, but because they are born into poverty, they too have to suffer poverty as they are directed to follow their parent’s path, because that’s normal. It’s normal not to own your own house. It’s normal to leave school early. It’s normal not to go to college. It’s normal to get unemployment assistance. It's normal to live in a council house. It’s normal to depend on alcohol. It’s normal to have kids at an early age. It’s like a vicious circle of unfairness, because it’s normal, because you need to stick to your own! Those same kids befriend similar kids, date similar people, have children with similar people and we go around and around and around and say nothing, do nothing because it’s normal Well it's not normal, it’s unfair

The Kids

It’s very simple. Kids play with kids from the same area and school. Teenagers date teenagers from the same area. Final year students follow their friend’s direction regarding whether to further educate or not they befriend people who are similar to them, with similar accents from similar locations with similar experiences. For full group acceptance they copy each other’s chosen path. This is the ultimate Group Think. Consensus Wins. Those who wish to shy away from the group are shunned! How dare they mix with other kids from other schools from other locations with other experiences with other accents with other expectations? What, and break the cycle of poverty. How dare they!

The educated marry the educated. They live in similar areas. They work in similar jobs. The befriend like-minded people. They make the right educated strategic decisions regarding Health and Education for their children. Their kids play with kids from the same area and school. When they die their children are further supported through inheritance. The working class stays with the working class. They are accepted by their own. They Adapt!

Stop – Rewind - Play. Welcome to the world of 'Circles' where Strength lies in Similarities not Differences. How dare they not adapt, not accept


I recently watched a BBC documentary which reported that over 60% of final year secondary school students who apply to university to study Medicine or Law, do so from Private schools. The report also indicated that a disproportionate number of students who studied Law and Medicine originate from families who currently have qualified Legal or Medical parents.  When you think diversity, when you think equal opportunity, are we allowed to disqualify these sectors? Because competition and cost of education will only allow a certain socio economic sector to apply….. This therefore shows imbalance - hence an unequal opportunity! - Lack of Diversity. An elitist perspective!  An Industry Inbox 'Group Think' approach! Stephen Covey author of 'The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People' wouldn't be happy to discover that in Law and Medicine - Strength lies in similarities only! - Because strength in differences would rock the apple cart.......

In today's Ireland 80% of University applicants originate from Middle Class families while only 20% are derived from the Working Class!

"In today's Ireland 80% of the Travelling Community are unemployed"

"In today's Ireland 50% of student applicants to the Top 20% Best University courses originate from Private Fee Paying Secondary Schools"

The Family

Call it what you wish. But we are not born to die. We are born to live! To live in every moment, for every moment. As a child, some are told to ‘try their best’. ‘Whatever will be, will be! ‘That’s just the way it is! ‘What’s for you won’t pass you’. I guarantee you – it will pass you. It will sail right by and you will shrug your shoulders with disappointment, while recalling one of those silly phrases. In raging acceptance you will complain but do nothing! Because you accept your place in society! “That’s me - I can go no further”. “People like me don’t….” It’s accepted that people who are vulnerable need to be protected. But the vulnerable to me are the real vulnerable, not the want to be vulnerable. We are born to live. To rage against the dark. Not to accept! Not to go easy into that night. We need to stand-up and switch on our own light, so our family and family’s family can switch on their light! Break the miserable historical family trajectory of poverty. Be Brave. Do not accept what is. Stop listening to family learnt limitations! Rage against what is – and switch on those lights

“Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Dylan Thomas.

Your identity makes you ‘You’.

It’s your individuality, the essence of your person, your very own ‘Glow’. The answer to ‘Just be yourself ‘. It is a combination of your private and public self, a uniqueness that should be treasured as your very own brand. But for something so important we sometimes try to mask, hide and even lose. This can happen for a variety of reasons and often relates to family, friends, relationships and employment, but the common denominator is always FIT. The plastic belief that the cost of not fitting in will outweigh the benefit of being ‘You’.

Having to ‘Fake it till you make it’ is a raw endorsement of this camouflage that we paint happily for others! There is no secret to acceptance. You don't need to try to attract successfulness by pretending to be someone you’re not. You are enough as you. Forget about fitting in - Take back you from you and reignite your very own Glow. Your own culture, your own value, your own vision, your own destiny

The Job

The Career

You see it in people, their career become their identity. They live their career. In essence their career is their life. For some it’s their social life, private life and main topic of daily conversation with family and friends. They have become defined by their Job! They also look like their Job. A lot of us become what we do and to an extent, we lose our true original identity. We allow our career to take over our limited time on this earth. It’s a fine balance between wanting to live comfortable and having the time to live comfortably. It’s a fine balance between wanting the best for your family and having time to be with your family. This type of person places great emphasis on Time Investment. Give up time in pursuit of Career, and then Time will repay you in Buckle Loads of comfort in the future. It’s a great strategy if all works out! This is the Type who finds unemployment very difficult. This is the type who sees redundancy as a failure. They look at unemployment as a full time job to regain employment. To an extent that they see unemployment and redundancy as a highly stressful job! And then we have the other type...... “I mean what have you got to lose? You know, you come from nothing; you're going back to nothing, what have you lost? Nothing! Ref. Money Python


My highest respect goes to those who are in high level careers even though their family occupies working class economic circles. These are the people who row their own boat. The people who from young have extreme strength to push away their destined path, friends, neighbours and popularity. Embracing their difference by using it as a catalyst to smash through that real economic concrete roof of today’s’ society. In some cases these are the people who do not listen to their parents, they have a clear vision and they simply just go for it! Like a young tree, they use every day stress to strengthen their core to become solid and established. These are the people who change the economic trajectory of their family and their family’s family. They teach their kids to be raw, real and grounded. No house plants here.....................

Unfair Job Selection

Candidates who originate from unfair circumstances should be given extra credence and higher competency scores at CV assessment and in interview, as they fought a stronger battle to reach their current position. On comparison to similar candidates who received 'extra grinds' in early life because of their favourable circumstances. Whose battle was more like a 'walk in the park’! "In today's Ireland 80% of University applicants originate from Middle Class families while only 20% are derived from the Working Class!" "In today's Ireland 80% of the Travelling Community are unemployed" "In today's Ireland 50% of student applicants to the Top 20% Best University courses originate from Private Fee Paying Secondary Schools"


When a person dies their age is written in all media notifications and even on their epitaph! That’s how important defining ones age is to society! Keep an eye on the media and you will see constant reference to people’s age.  We are obsessed with Age and even go as far as to label one's time on this earth as a category, such as Millennial (18 to 34), Gen X ( 35 to 50), Baby Boomers (51 to 69), and the Silent generation (70 and 87) “Paul O'Grady, 62, 'secretly marries ballet dancer partner Andre Portasio, 37”. “Coyotes to promote 26-year-old John Chayka as new GM”. “A 46-year-old public health nurse has been remanded on bail after she was charged with theft”. “Are you lucky enough to be in the Under30CEO club!"! "David 37 looking for someone special" Wiki defines Ageism as Stereotyping of AND Discrimination against individuals or groups on the basis of their age. Going on this definition Ageism is accepted as normality in today’s media and its everywhere. Even when we depart this world! So as a community can we Allow people to Live their lives and Forget their Age………….. No longer too old to be young, too young to be old ! SO Can WE?

Equal Job Opportunity

I presume The Best Employers are the ones who state that they are ‘Equal Opportunity Employers’ I presume The Best Recruitment Agencies are the ones who are committed to ’Equal Opportunity’ recruitment it’s not just a phrase, it’s an action                                              

Dear Recruiters

Dear Recruiters. If it looks like a duck ... If it walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck……...... It still doesn’t mean that it’s a duck! Our first thoughts can be conditioned thoughts from previous experiences. .. Think Again! And Again and Again before you Judge.  You may just be looking at a wonderful swan......

 Dear HR

What if the HR Manager was given a 'Protected Status' in the organization? That they could possess special powers to veto Senior Management direction, all with purpose of enabling HR Empowerment thus in turn acting as judge and jury to serve the employee and company needs to the Highest Regard…… “If your CFO is more important than your Chief Human Resource Officer.......then ..................You're Nuts!” 

Recruiter See

You select the candidate because you see something inside their CV. You phone interview the candidate because you See potential. You call the candidate for face to face interview because you See ability. You reject the candidate because you see them! If the world was blind, would you see different, would you recruit different, would you hire different....


Isn’t it ironic - we spend 45% of our precious time on this earth either in work or travelling to work (Monday to Friday) and for some reason when we want to change employment we Accept that our future employer must interview us as opposed to us interviewing them !

Work Life Balance

There is no balance in work life balance. You sleep for eight hours if you are lucky. Between travel to work and work 12 hours fades away. So we have 4 hours. That’s work life balance. Let’s not forget intrusive emails, calls, messages, work events, Christmas parties abroad and weekend team building events. All in the name of career building. So when you are on your death bed, running through the last thoughts of your life. How many thoughts will you give to work? Now I know the phrase 'If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life'. If that is you’re thought and it keeps you happy! So be it the irony of this situation is the concept that organization rituals enable an amazing organization culture. They probably do, but they do at the expense of the limited time that you have left on this earth. Like – really! Who do you want to spend your life with? Your family/ friends or your work colleagues? What about home office work? This is where work life dilutes into life, with no balance or attempt at balance because you are always at work. Work for a company that teaches you to be highly productive. To complete all tasks as early as possible! One that entices you to go home early! A company that makes you forget about work when you are not at work

Step down

It’s such a negative word! You failed because you dropped rank, because the only way was up. To take a demotion you obviously had some issues, it’s a penalty for lack of achievement or inability to handle the work load. You failed and the practice of demoting celebrated that failure The industries view of senior people is that they belong to high level career titles, and those who don’t obviously were forced to take some form of step down or weren't good enough to take a step up Imagine if our society enabled the perception of 'Demotion' to be just as positive as that of ‘Promotion’. If you can manage your life on a reduced salary, compensated by a stress free better work life balance. Would your ego allow you to apply! Would your employer allow you to apply? Would your colleagues and family send you a Demotion congratulations card changing the perception of career demotion will positively change the recruitment industries view of applicant’s age? If a candidate with 40 years experience applies to a vacancy which requires only two, for the same salary; should this not be the jackpot scenario for any employer. The Golden Nugget Hire the over qualified candidates. They are lucky enough in life to be able to take/ accept a career demotion and you are lucky to receive their CV


These are the Personality traits that have not served you well, the branches that have stunted your Career growth. The dead wood which never carries bloom. They can be very difficult to remove because they have consumed so much of your energy.

Never vertical, always horizontal and protected by your Ego. Marking those branches can be difficult and will require very honest self-counsel, friendly counsel or professional counsel. It all starts with listening to generally what you do not want to hear. 

The purpose of pruning is to improve the health and trajectory of your life and career. This is how you become Forever Young!

Enjoy the cut. Enjoy the Waking up :) Forever You. Forever Bloom...

Our Mind. My Mind

Role Play

From a very young age I played towards the role of ‘Joker’. It was accepted well in the family and with enthusiasm I continued to pursue the attention of my new title. That’s me! I’m the Joker, the accepted family and early friend role play label. Here to entertain and not to educate, here to entertain and not to care, here to entertain and not to lead. That was my stamp. So when one starts to grow up, the label is followed. Hey I knew no different! Through a very steep learning curve you find out quickly and for some slowly, that your original label may not be your true stamp. For me this took a very long time. I will repeat that again… A very long time……….! This view could be considered as a normal human experience and you will see it clearly when you meet up with family and old friends again. It’s like that it’s expected of you to follow rank, to continue the role play and when you don’t.  Well let’s just say it’s a very steep learning curve for family and friends….


It would be nice to see Empowerment Events held individually for both Men and Women. It’s a shame that the thought of empowering Men Only appears to be a politically incorrect thought. When was the last time you saw an ‘Empowering Men Event’? According to the ‘Irish Times’ - Men accounted for almost 80 per cent of all suicides recorded in the State last year!

Mental Health

Perception is all about your state of mind. No matter how many vacations you have, no matter how many friends you have. If the mind is troubled, you will feel exactly the same way in every situation....... Happiness is not a reflection of the outside. It's all inside! Imagining an amazing holiday is just as good as having an amazing holiday. To be happy your biggest fan, your best friend needs to be you. If you are in a bad state of mind, the best vacation for your mind, the best vacation for you, is to attend professional counselling sessions. Just do it! Keep it to yourself if you wish and give each session your all. You have nothing to lose, but all to gain! Watch the old you becoming the new you or hey, even finding a Brand-New You! It will be the best vacation you will ever have in your life. You will be on a permanent vacation....Happy! My mum always said. "Once you are happy, that's all that matters"

Look Away

It’s the person that you see and look away quickly. Maybe the drug addict, maybe the drunk, maybe the homeless beggar. These are the people that society is no longer responsible for. I often questioned what would happen if this person was born to a different family? Who lived in a different location. Who had different friends. Who believed in different things. What would happen? Would they be the same or would they be different. If you were to swap your early childhood life with them, would you be the same or would you be different……………?

The Train

Yesterday I took the train. A lady sat next to me, she appeared not to have much money on the basis of her attire. She appeared to possibly be on some sort of medication. She may be classified by some as a drug addict based on her appearance and disposition. On the train staring out the window conversing to herself. Highly stressed, highly agitated. Upset. Shaking her head with annoyance. I dressed in my silly suit just looked on and said nothing, hoping that she wouldn’t ask me a question! Now I ask myself the question. If the same lady of the same disposition was dressed professionally would have I acted differently. Now! I shake my head with annoyance......


The best way to Beat the Impossible is to Lie to yourself! – Let your public self convince you’re private that you can do it! - Force a smile and Go for it - ’I Can and I Will - Watch Me!’


But Mum… Why? Because……because, because. Sounds familiar! As a child we are born to question everything. Why is the grass green and sky blue? Children are the ultimate creative machines. Each answer leads to another question as they paint their picture of life. For them the word “Why” is like a magic wand in their fairy tale Now. Over the years as we reach adulthood, our Fairy tale now disappears and we are slowly conditioned to accept what is as opposed to what could be. We follow the education set curriculum and rejoice in our grades of adherence. We are thought what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. What is politically correct and what is not. We learn, and by learning we no longer question, because we understand. Are you questioning my authority? That’s the way we do it here. We are a team. You must follow the process! As adults the system rewards us to follow but not to lead. To lead means to create a future path. To create, you need to question. To question you need to ask yourself and others ‘Why’ “Now I understand”. So when your child asks you why, “perhaps you will listen now” 

You’re Flaws, My Flaws, Our Flaws

There comes a time when you just have to accept that your flaws are part of you, part of your DNA. Let’s call them the unfixable flaws! For me one of my main flaws is ‘Constant Thought Distraction’ which results in mistakes around attention to detail. Now I am reminded of them every day because I experience them every day. I absorb the consequence with an annoying shake of the head and carry on. I know you might say that one is a fool if they don’t learn from their mistakes and you might be right. But I have become friends with my many flaws and see them as an opportunity. 

Being aware of your flaws allows you to accept that there may be another way. That your gut feeling may be the wrong feeling. That what seems to be may not be. The shake of the head for me is my acceptance of flaw output. An acceptance of my many imperfections. The mistake is just a result of the underlining flaw! I don’t learn from my mistakes, instead I use the source, the flaw as an opportunity to see different. The mistake is just a consequence of playing with imperfection. 

Why change the world if it’s already perfect. Embrace your flaws and allow your imperfection to create a new path, a new idea, a new service. For me it's a new way to approach people……………………………

Social Media

In 1889 Pavlov came across classical conditioning unintentionally during his research into animals' gastric systems. Whilst measuring the salivation rates of professional network and social media users, he found that users would produce a little dopamine when they received a 'Like' to their social media feed. All in anticipation of becoming a little more popular, gaining more likes, receiving more dopamine. They would then produce more content designed to gain more likes, receiving more likes, receiving more dopamine! Eventually users rebelled against this classic conditioning by producing content that they wanted to produce, without giving consideration to whether their followers, their contacts and overall community liked it or not. They coined this content using the word ‘Opinion’. Those uninterested would unfollow! After a brief interlude! Platforms responded by celebrating independent thought, by creating a new algorithm which conditions users to post more independent thoughts and thus the cycle continued......

Screen Time

Awake to a screen. Gym to a screen. Breakfast with a screen. Travel with a screen. Sing a-long with a screen. Work with a screen. Type into a screen. Eat lunch with a screen. Celebrate with a screen. Shout at a screen. Travel home with a screen. Talk to a screen. Think with a screen. Agree with a screen. Eat with a screen. Socialize with a screen. Play with a screen. Have a relationship with a screen. Capture life through a screen. Hide through a screen. Rely on a screen. Update a screen. Stare at a screen. Live through a screen. See through a screen. Sleep with a screen. Awake to a screen.

Social Media Circles

Soon we will have different circles of professional and social media platforms. You know just like in the real non virtual word. Where you will be able to associate yourself with the people who you feel comfortable with. With the people who you perceive as being your equal. The people of similar socio economic status. The people who you feel that you belong to. Your very own kind, your own level, your own circle, your own people! Just like in the real world were people sticks to their own. Living beside their own. Befriending their own. Socializing with their own! Dating, marrying their own. Living in a world of their own. Maybe, the best chance you have to see different, is right now to connect with different. Befriend different. Communicate with different. Accept the connection that in the real world, you would ignore! Enjoy different while you still have time to be different

It’s nice to be Liked

Recruiters talking recruitment. Sales people selling. Motivators motivating. Marketers marketing. All aspiring for likes with encouraging comments of agreement. Enabling this virtual dopamine illusion of popularity and conformity. The professional network of group think, sugar coated with pretence of diversity. We go around around and around, thinking the same, working the same. Being the same

For those who disrupt, well they are not really professional are they! They are the click bait crazies looking for attention! Disagree and they call you negative, attracting many negative comments which is the platform’s way of putting the crazies under pressure to conform or disappear. The ultimate censorship machine. Self appointed mind guards protecting like-minded contacts by pressuring dissenters with sole purpose to maintain the illusion of unanimity. 

Social Media    

It’s like when you send a Friend request on Facebook and it’s not accepted, but if you were to meet the person on the street they would be very friendly and polite! It’s like when you send a connection request on LinkedIn and it’s not accepted, but if you were to meet the person on the street or at a Networking event, they would be very professional, friendly and polite.  It’s like when you have a follower on Twitter and when you meet the person on the street or at a networking event, they are very friendly and polite,...... But you don’t know who they are! So who are we? - Virtual World or Real World ? Public or Private? Shoot from the hip or Type from the mind......

One Chance

In one moment your life is Set, the next it’s in Chaos. Life can change in an Instant. If only for one moment - Live the moment! Be the moment! Accept the Moment. Define the moment by deciding in the moment. “Every moment before this one depends on this one.” Strike the moment, before the moment strikes you!

Disagree and they call you 'Negative'. Think differently and they call you 'Unfocused'. Empower yourself and they call you a "Maverick"

Remember - "To Avoid Criticism, Say Nothing, Do Nothing, Be Nothing...."



?? Ian Doherty P.C.

The Impossible Dream

6 年

Makes a very enjoyable read Brian thank you

Trisha Amable

Girlfridayz marketing services provide SMEs with high-quality expert knowledge and scalable solutions contributing to your growth with our resources, website design and planning. Trisha is a theorist|Author| Innovator.

6 年

Your article is interesting and your opinion since set on all subject of life and preconceived ideas which may present true to you and you have form a strong opinionated views of life here a link that maybe you might like?

Trisha Amable

Girlfridayz marketing services provide SMEs with high-quality expert knowledge and scalable solutions contributing to your growth with our resources, website design and planning. Trisha is a theorist|Author| Innovator.

6 年

Like the glasses what is your opinion do you care to share with LinkedIn as a pair of shade does not quite express an opinion or maybe for you it does?


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    The Recruitment Agent

    For me it was Never about the money. Commission was something needed to subsidize salary as a lot of time the basic…

  • Become Your Own Career Brand

    Become Your Own Career Brand

    The word is 'Provenance'. A word often used when discussing art, antiques and history.

  • Not Just Any Employer Brand

    Not Just Any Employer Brand

    This is relatively a new concept. To give context, it’s the immediate thought that you receive when hear about a…

  • Social Media Job Marketing Success

    Social Media Job Marketing Success

    The success of any Social Media Campaign is dependent on whether the targeted user Sees it or Not. Then they must look…

  • Celebrate your People and your People will Celebrate You!

    Celebrate your People and your People will Celebrate You!

    Employer Branding is who you are! It’s not about who you want to be. Be Proud of your company.

