As society comes out of lockdown, we ask can we learn from the experience of past pandemics

As society comes out of lockdown, we ask can we learn from the experience of past pandemics

OVID-19 has been having a huge impact on all our lives over the past few months: socially, emotionally, and financially. The current government restrictions have meant that normal life, and all its freedom, is unlikely to be fully reinstated for the foreseeable future, in a bid to slow down the infection rate. But the origin of this ‘virus’ is still unclear and is a vaccine our only hope of seeing a return to normal life?

There is an abundance of existing work, research and theories surrounding COVID-19 and similar viruses which remain fairy undiscussed in the mainstream. For people to make truly informed decisions, it's important to gain a holistic view of all available research and facts. Maybe then we might become empowered enough to make informed decisions about the way we choose to view and approach the subject in question.

I don’t know about you, but in a bid to reduce society's fear of the current pandemic, I feel a strong need to obtain a greater insight into the real challenges our frontline workers are facing. Whilst doing so, it's become evident that the answer might come from identifying what caused historic pandemics. 

How COVID-19 began

So, how did this ‘virus’ begin?

There are many theories regarding the origin of COVID-19, some suggesting it is man engineered, others saying it has mutated from animals. As we do not seem to have any firm facts, perhaps the best way to try and understand this is to look at some of the history of similar pandemics, that in turn may help us gain a clearer understanding of the potential cause/s of COVID-19.

To put this information into context, it is important to note that prior to the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, in Wuhan, in December 2019, studies had already confirmed TB to be an epidemic throughout China (Liu et al, 2018). A study carried out by Yang (2014) in Wuhan found TB to be most prevalent during the winter months, due to increased indoor crowding, air pollution, and increased risk of Vitamin D deficiency from a lack of sunlight. Air pollution is severe in Wuhan and Yang suggested it can harbour Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB).

Pork and poultry are huge staples in the Chinese diet with China being the biggest pork consumer in the world, creating a huge demand for pork and poultry production. With many farms to keep up with production also comes huge amounts of waste and incineration plants. 

In 2018 African swine fever spread throughout China leading to nearly 40% of China’s pig population being wiped out, including those in Wuhan. To control this outbreak China culled thousands of pigs and many were incinerated, adding to the already severe air pollution, potentially containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) from the infected animals.

Dhama et al (2011) found that between 1953 and 1968 Mycobacterium avium (fowl tuberculosis) in the pig population had an 81% prevalence rate and that Mycobacterium avium could be transmitted between pigs and humans. A state veterinarian, WJ Butler (1924) commented “I consider contaminated manure and stagnant water the most important factors in the spread and propagation of Tuberculosis”. A recent study by Wang (2020) suggested the reason COVID-19 appears to spread fastest on cruise ships and in hospitals was because workers may be more likely to reuse gear contaminated with faeces to try to conserve supplies.

It is also worth noting that historically influenza was referred to as Mycobacterium influenzae because it appeared similar to TB in laboratory tests and in genetic profile.

In March 1918, during the annual peak of TB in Wuhan, following dust storms and the ashes of 9 tonnes of burning manure, a cook named Albert Gitchell, working at one of the camps which housed 26,000 men and a lot of livestock, reported flu-like symptoms a week after cleaning out the pig pens. Within a month of Albert falling ill, 1000 men at the camp were infected and 50, including Albert dead (Rist, 1929).

Several studies also suggest that Pneumonia and unexplained fevers are often caused by undetected TB. Farber and Clarke (1943) reported 100 cases admitted to a general hospital for non-TB related Pneumonia, which were later found to be caused by TB.

Shi (2013) carried out a study of the major causes of fever from an unknown origin at Peking Union Medical College Hospital in the past 26 years and found that in 48% of cases the cause of fever was TB.

Dubos (1987) a bacteriologist also noted that TB is rarely severe between the ages of 5-12, an interesting correlation with COVID-19, which also appears to predominantly spare children of this age group.

Bats are carriers of over 100 viruses, including viral and Mycobacterium tuberculosis and have also been referred to as the potential source of human infection of COVID-19.

Given that Mycobacterium tuberculosis killed a billion people between 1850 and 1950, continues to kill 1.7 million each year and has such similarities in terms of symptoms, including pneumonia to COVID-19, a link between TB and COVID-19 is certainly worthy of further consideration.

Broxmeyer (2011), an experienced medical researcher, who has written many peer reviewed articles and was lead author and originator of ‘A Novel Technique To Tills AIDS Mycobacterium And Tuberculosis With Outstanding Results’ suggested it was a combination of the fowl TB passed on from the pigs, along with latent human TB that led to the pandemic of 1918-19. 

Is COVID-19 really a virus?

We are told that COVID-19 is a virus, but this begs the question of why antibiotics appear to be effective in treating it in some cases. We know that antibiotics are not effective at killing viruses, suggesting that there could be a bacterial element to COVID-19. We know that TB is also caused by bacteria (Bacterium tuberculosis), further substantiating a potential link. 

According to Hendrickson (1920), if a person with pulmonary TB contracts the flu, the TB process is likely to be exacerbated “and very often terminates fatally in a comparatively short time”. This could have been the case with the Measles outbreak in the army barracks during World War 1. If the measles virus was attacking lungs already affected by TB, TB was more likely to have caused the fatalities rather than the Measles virus itself.

Is this also the case with COVID-19?

Why might COVID-19 be mild in some and fatal in others?

If the above connection with latent TB is accurate, this could be one potential explanation for why there is such disparity between the severity of COVID-19 symptoms and why many people experience no or few symptoms, whilst some are sadly dying. Could it be that those with severe or fatal symptoms already have latent TB?

Dr Buchanan as far back as 1901 stated, in the Journal of the American Medical Association, that many cases of flu were symptomatic of an initial TB infection, or exacerbation of previously unsuspected TB.

Hawes (1918) said flu is often mistaken for pulmonary TB as symptoms of both diseases are often identical.

There is much literature further supporting a historic misdiagnosis of flu as the cause of death, when in fact it was TB (Hendrickson, 1920; Wakely and Wakely, 1899).

It is also important to consider the health of the individual. Bechamps said “the terrain is everything”, he believed that it was not the germs themselves that posed a threat to human beings, after all germs are everywhere. In his research he noted that it was only when the tissue of the host became damaged that these germs manifested as a symptom (rather than a cause) of disease. Bechamps believed that focusing on health through good nutrition and healthy lifestyle practices, along with maintaining hygiene was the key to maintaining wellness (Marone Wellness, 2018). There is significant research emerging, specifically in the context of COVID-19, which supports this theory (Calder, 2020; Naja and Hamadeh, 2020; Butler and Barrientos, 2020).

In our previous Vitamin D blog, we referred to Henrich Kremer’s 16 stages of cellular change and the importance of optimal Vitamin D levels and fully functioning Mitochondria(the power houses of our cells), to maintain good health and immunity. We also explained how our mitochondria require us to have exposure to sufficient amounts of light to function optimally, therefore making the most of our daily exercise and taking the opportunity to get outdoors. Addressing suboptimal Vitamin D levels is key to maintaining a healthy immune system.

Are vaccines the answer to COVID-19?

We know that vaccines are only effective against viral diseases. This suggests that if severe cases of COVID-19 are caused by a bacterium (potentially latent TB) then a vaccine is unlikely to be effective.

Brownlee and Lenzer (2009) discussed vaccinations in-depth and examined statistics around uptake in relation to mortality rates. It may come as a surprise to note that they found when vaccination uptake was low mortality rates did not increase. Mortality rates actually appeared higher when vaccination numbers were higher. So, again we ask how effective these vaccinations really are and what else we can do to help support immunity.

What might be done? 

Apart from maintaining good hygiene and social distancing, what else might we do to help to build our own resilience against this virus?

As Bechamps said “the terrain is everything”, eating a healthy balanced diet and ensuring we receive enough key nutrients to support our immunity is key. Refering again to our previous blog on immunity, where we have gone into detail around all that can be done to help support our immune systems with diet and supplements to stress management and exercise.

Eating a rainbow of fruit and vegetables is important to ensure we are topping up key immune-boosting nutrients, such as Vitamins A, C, and E. Fruit and vegetables are also fantastic at helping to reduce inflammation within the body; important, given that inflammation appears to be a feature of COVID-19. Smoothies and juices are a great way to significantly increase your fruit and vegetable intake. Super green powders are also another way to boost your antioxidant intake and can easily be added to a juice or smoothie.

There is evidence emerging supporting the potential efficacy of Vitamin C supplementation in relation to fighting COVID-19: a good Vitamin C supplement may be of benefit. (Cheng, 2020; Mongelli and Golding, 2020).

Given that 80% of our immunity is linked to our gut, probiotic foods and probiotic supplements to top up our ‘good’ gut bacteria may also be of benefit. Probiotic foods include:kefir, kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, tempeh and fermented miso. 

Zinc and Selenium rich foods are also worth topping up on, including mushrooms, seafood and brazil nuts. These are key minerals for optimising immunity, with some studies showing positive effects, particularly in relation to viral respiratory infections (Jayawardina, 2020).

We have already touched on the importance of sunlight to keep our Vitamin D levels topped up and to aid Mitochondria function. Early studies also suggest that Vitamin D Supplementation could possibly improve clinical outcomes of patients infected with COVID-19 (Alipio, 2020). It is worth getting your Vitamin D levels tested and supplementing if your levels are found to be sub-optimal.

For safety, we would always advice you discuss appropriate supplementation with a Registered Nutritional Therapist prior to embarking on a protocol, as needs and suitability vary from person to person.

We also suggest that frontline workers would ideally be tested for latent TB before risking exposure to COVID-19.


Butler, M.J and Barrientos, R.M. (2020). The impact of nutrition on COVID-19 susceptibility and long-term consequences. Brain, Behaviour and Immunity. Available at: (Accessed 21/05/20)

Butler, W.J. (1924). Tuberculosis. Proceedings of the Twenty- Eighth Annual meeting of the United States Live Stock Sanitary Association. Chicago, 3-5 December. p.97

Calder, P.C. (2020). Nutrition, Immunity and COVID-19. British Medical Journal Nutrition, Prevention and Health. 000085. Available at: (Accessed 21/05/20)

Cheng, R. (2020). Successful High-Dose Vitamin C Treatment of Patients with Serious and Critical COVID-19 Infection. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. Available at: (Accessed 21/05/20)

Hendrickson, G. (1920). Influenza and Tuberculosis, in: Transactions of the Minneapolis. St Paul and Sault Ste Marie Railway Surgical Association. Thirteenth Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. December 17-18. Pp. 149-161. P 150.

Jayawardina, A. et al. (2020). Enhancing Immunity in Viral Infections, With Special Emphasis on COVID-19: A Review. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 14(4):367-382. Available at: (Accessed 21/05/20)

Liu, Q. et. al. (2018). China's tuberculosis epidemic stems from historical expansion of four strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Nat Ecol Evol. 2(12):1982-1992. Available at: (Accessed 20/05/20)

Martineau, A.R. (2017). Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data. BMJ. 356. Available at: (Accessed 21/05/20)

Naja, F. and Hamadeh, R. (2020). Nutrition amid the COVID-19 pandemic: a multi-level framework for action. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Available at: (Accessed 21/05/20)

Pfeiffer, R.F.I. (1893). “Die Aetiologie der Influenza” (The Aetiology of Influenza). Zeitschrift fur Hygiene and Infektionskrankheiten. 13:357-386

Rist, E. (1929). The sudden onset of lung tuberculosis and its lobar localization, Can Med Assoc J. 21(2): 143-152. Available at: mky7o (Accessed 21/05/20)

Von Unruh, V. (1916). A Comparative Study of the Acid Fast Bacilli. The Eclectic Medical Journal. 76(6): 289-300

Wakley, T.H. and Wakley, T. (1899). Influenza. The Lancet. 1:103.

Wang, D. et. al. (2020). Clinical characteristics of 138 hospitalized patients with 2019 novel coronavirus- infected pneumonia in Wuhan, China. JAMA. Available at: (Accessed 20/05/20)

Yang, X. et al. (2014). Seasonal Variation of Newly Notified Pulmonary Tuberculosis Cases from 2004 to 2013 in Wuhan, China. PLoS ONE 9(10): e108369. Available at: (Accessed 20/05/20)

Additional Reading

Brownlee, S. and Lenzer, J. (2009). Does the Vaccine Matter? The Atlantic. Available at: (Accessed 21/05/20)

Marone Wellness (2018). Pasteur VS Bechamp: An Alternative View of Infectious Disease. Available at: (Accessed 20/05/20)

Mongelli, L and Golding, B. (2020). New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C. New York Post. Available at: (Accessed 21/05/20)


