Society 5.0 [New Digital Society]
Dr. Saju Skaria
Founder & CEO @ Digitech Services Inc. & Digicare Inc. | Forbes Council Member I Best Selling Author I Keynote Speaker I
The world is now facing a great tide of change. The trend of digital transformation cannot be stopped and is drastically changing many aspects of society, including public administration, industrial structure, employment, and people’s private lives.
There are countless directions in which society will be advanced by technological development. While technology could bring about improvements such as higher standards of living and greater convenience, it could have negative effects too, such as the impact on employment, growing disparity and unequal distribution of wealth and information. It is up to us in which direction we choose to go to. We must consider what kind of society we wish to create, rather than trying to foresee the kind of society it will be.
Japan taking the lead in Society 5.0
Japan’s trendy label for what historians often refer to as “ages”. With Society 5.0, the Japanese government and companies are working together to put developments in technology, especially in AI and automation, at the service of improving human society and evolving civilization as a whole. If you’re wondering what Society 1.0 to 4.0 were, you won’t be alone. Japan’s Cabinet Office basically associates these versions to major turning points in human history in relation to society and economics. Version 1.0 started with hunting before man learned to till the soil in 2.0.
Then came the Industrial Revolution, which marked 3.0’s first release. We are currently at the cusp of another “revolution” after the Information age, so probably somewhere along Society 4.7 or 4.8.
More than just marking history, however, Society 5.0 proposes a different paradigm in developing and, more importantly, utilizing technology to address society’s problems. While most technology companies would claim that their products are geared towards improving humanity’s state, Society 5.0 puts concrete goals and the general direction to achieve those goals.
The freedoms of Society 5.0
In Society 5.0, people will be liberated from various constraints that previous incarnations up until Society 4.0 could not overcome, and will obtain the freedom to pursue diverse lifestyles and values.
People will be liberated from the focus on efficiency. Instead, the emphasis will be placed on satisfying individual needs, solving problems and creating value.
People will be able to live, learn and work, free from suppressive influences on individuality, such as discrimination by gender, race, nationality, etc. and alienation because of their values and ways of thinking.
People will be liberated from the disparity caused by the concentration of wealth and information, and anyone will be able to get opportunities to play a part anytime, anywhere.
People will be liberated from anxiety about terrorism, disasters, and cyberattacks, and live with security with strengthened safety nets for unemployment and poverty.
People will be liberated from resources and environmental constraints, and able to live sustainable lives in any region.
In short, we will make Society 5.0 a society in which anyone can create value anytime, anywhere, with security and in harmony with nature.
Dr. Saju Skaria