Socially Conscious, Environmentally Friendly and Global Thinking Gen Z-ers Show Up for Work
Marc LeVine
Empowering Engineers & Advancing Careers | Talent Acquisition, Blogger, Podcast Guest, Conference Speaker | Hiring those Built to Succeed in Control Systems Engineering for Thermo Systems
Following Millennials, Generation Z ("population tsunami") employees have also begun to arrive in our workforce in growing numbers. Currently, 25% of the US population are considered to be Gen Z-ers. At this time they comprise about 7 percent of the workforce, but by 2019 it is estimated more than 30 million will be employed.
Are most companies prepared for yet another generational shift so soon after the recent arrival of millennials and the ongoing Baby Boomer retirement exodus?
So, Who Are Gen Z-ers?
If Hannah Horvath from ‘Girls’ is the typical millennial — self-involved, dependent, flailing financially in the real world as her expectations of a dream job and life collide with reality — then Alex Dunphy from ‘Modern Family’ represents the Gen Z antidote, Alex is a true Gen Z: conscientious, hard-working, somewhat anxious and mindful of the future. - Lucie Greene, a director of the Innovation Group at J. Walter Thompson
The Gen Z generation is generally defined by those born between 1995 and throughout the 2010s.
This is a generation that wants to create their own company -- between 50 percent and 72 percent want to run their own start-up.
The idea of "business" brings up negative responses: "complicated", "brutal", "a jungle".
They believe success comes from their "network" rather than from qualifications and they prefer a flat organisation to a hierarchy at work.
They want to succeed and achieve, with 76 percent aiming to make their hobby their job.
And, like any idealistic generation, they want to change the world and love the idea of volunteer work, which a quarter of Americans in their late teens are already doing.
What Events Have Shaped Gen Z-er's Lives?
A defining generational characteristic of this emerging workforce population is that it is the first cohort group to have been weaned almost entirely on the internet from a very young age. Generation Z members are generally characterized as being naturally comfortable with technology as well as much more inclined to interact almost entirely on social media to engage in the majority of their socializing.
More importantly, employers should note that many social scientists already believe that having grown up during the financially difficult years of the Great Recession, many Gen Z -ers harbor fearful emotions of unsettlement and insecurity. They expect these feelings may show up in aspects of their future employment situations.
The financial stresses felt by their parents during the Great Recession seems to have affected this generation's sense of realism and their world-views. Don't forget that Gen-Z-ers were also witnessed the emotion filled events of September 11, 2001; adding to their feelings of insecurity and unsettlement. Moreso than peaceful time Millennials, Gen Z-ers received a strong taste of reality through life's difficult teachings during their most formidable years.
These are young people, who learned about the world in times of crisis and it shows in their daily outlook. Many of them complain that they are "stressed out," based on world views predicting a bleak future, especially in terms of economy and environment.
Gen Z Employees Yearn for the Warm Glow of Positive Virtues
Gen Z is also a divided lot in many respects. Offer them the same wage and find that just about 25 percent of them would be inclined to accept what they think would be the most "fun" company, 22 percent the most innovative and 21 percent the most ethical.
A 2014 study Generation Z Goes to College found that Generation Z students self-identify as being loyal, compassionate, thoughtful, open-minded, responsible, and determined. How they see their Generation Z peers is quite different than their own self-identity. They view their peers as competitive, spontaneous, adventuresome, and curious; all characteristics that they do not see readily in themselves.
According to Hal Brotheim in Introducing Generation Z, they will be better future employees. With the skills needed to take advantage of advanced technologies, they will be significantly more helpful to the typical company in today's high tech world. Brotheim argues that their valuable characteristics are their acceptance of new ideas and different conception of freedom from the previous generations.
Despite the technological proficiency they possess, members of Generation Z actually prefer person to person contact as opposed to online interaction. As a result of the social media and technology they are accustomed to, Generation Z is well prepared for a global business environment. Another important note to point out is Generation Z no longer wants just a job: they seek more than that. They want a feeling of fulfillment and excitement in their job that helps move the world forward. Generation Z is eager to be involved in their community and their futures.
It's Up to Management to Steer Gen Z in Right Direction
- Mentoring Leadership: Gen Z-ers react better to highly defined, small workgroups that have a strong peer leader dedicated to teaching while they lead.
- Training: Create training programs that focuses on behavior modification —showing Z-ers the right skills and communication techniques to fulfill the role of their job. Often, they need to show improvement in areas of interpersonal and communication skills. Too much nearly exclusive web socializing while growing up.
- Acknowledgment: Encourage performance and development though the offering of rewards; while continuing to reinvent rewards to meet changing expectations.
- Innovation: Keep Gen Z-ers interested and motivated by innovating job descriptions that may represent "dream" positions and helping creating realistic paths to attain them.
In Closing
Generation Z is already presenting additional and profound challenges to leaders, managers, supervisors, hr leaders, and educators, who are already trying to adjust to the first group of millennials reaching the first ladder rung in senior management and the impacts left behind by departing baby boomers . It will be increasingly important to understand where Gen Z-ers are coming from and to design, implement and measure key strategies for bringing out the best in the newest emerging young workforce.
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Marc LeVine is currently employed by Edgewood Properties as its full-time corporate recruiting specialist; charged with building an employment function from the bottom up, staffing the company and developing and administering full-cycle employment policies and procedures. In collaboration with corporate marketing and internal systems, Marc functions as architect of an employment branding strategy designed to establish an employee value proposition message fashioned to attract, reward and retain talent.A highly sought after Digital Strategist for e-Recruiting, Writer, Speaker & Social Media Consultant & Trainer, Marc has a diversified background in BOTH B2C and B2B Social Media initiatives, Marc uniquely bridges Recruiting Strategy,Targeted Objectives and ROI with Social Media, Recruiting & Staffing, Digital Media, Public Relations and Traditional Marketing Initiatives.Mr. LeVine is also a respected thought-leader, whose popular Social Media Blog has caught the attention of many major trade publications interested in publishing his insightful works.Mr. LeVine is a proud graduate of Syracuse University and previously served as Director of Social Media Marketing for RiaEnjolie, a division of InfoPro Worldwide, Director of Human Resources for New Jersey Press, the former operator of Asbury Park Press, Home News and Tribune and NJ101.5, as well as General Manager for Brickforce Staffing.
Specialties:RECRUITING/STAFFING* e-Recruiting & "Employer of Choice" Strategies
You may reach Marc at 732-985-1900 x1140 or by email at [email protected].