Social Wall - Why You Need a Wall at Your Event
A social wall is a highly effective element to increase online interaction at your event. Make visible contributions, posts, videos and questions related to your topic! We'll explain what a Social Wall is, what its benefits are, what you need to keep in mind when installing a Social Wall, and at the end we'll share a galloping real-life example.
What is a Social Wall?
A social wall makes your community visible at your event. It is an aggregation of all social media posts to a hashtag, location or dedicated channel - an extension of your physical event to the internet. What you see is a dedicated newsfeed, often in tiles, where users, visitors and fans share everything about your event or brand. By the way, the social wall doesn't have to be a physical wall, it can also be part of a virtual event, a dedicated website or embedded on your own website. It's a great widget if you're going for image-heavy influencer?event marketing?or want to aggregate experts and opinion leaders on a topic.
The original format of the Social Wall was a so-called Twitterwall: all tweets for a hashtag were displayed in a separate newsfeed. Today, of course, a social wall is no longer limited to Twitter, but can include all social networks.
Here ist a great example of a Social Wall at an event. Source.?
Where can I use a social wall?
Here's the good news: Actually, always! It all depends on what your strategy is.
Events and virtual events
The simplest form of social wall for an event is a simple website or an integration on the event website. This works for both physical and virtual events. Of course, if you're hosting an event on-site, a big screen or screens of any kind are a plus for attention. No one can quickly walk past a meter-high wall of selfies and event photos without taking a peek. The temptation to see yourself on this screen will also be greater.
Integration on the website
You don't need an event to have a social wall. A social wall as part of your website is also a great idea for branding. Especially if you do influencer marketing or sell a product that your buyers like to take pictures with. Of course, you can also limit these feeds to one social network - Instagram, for example, if you're selling a hip consumer product, or Twitter if you're in the tech industry.
What are the benefits of a social wall?
Is the expense of a social wall justified? To help you answer this question for yourself, we've summarized some of the benefits of social walls here.
Social Wall Advantage 1: Reach
A social wall is a great way to increase your reach - especially at physical events: Instead of having a closed circle of people at the event like before, with a Social Wall you encourage people to broadcast their experience and what they experienced to the internet. You can reach a pretty broad target group for a small budget: In the best case, people with similar interests as your visitors, but who didn't know about you until now.
All in all, you could sum it up like this: You extend your event to the Internet, and let more people participate virtually than you have on site. This is especially exciting if they offer a physical or virtual event with limited access or tickets. Your attendees are then sending out little appetizers to potential new guests.
Social Wall Advantage 2: Community engagement.
The beauty of the Social Wall: You create an interactive element for your event. This has many advantages, for you, your visitors and other users. Your guests can actively participate in your event, give feedback and talk about their experiences. Many guests really appreciate this form of communication and are happy to participate. This increases satisfaction and a passive visitor becomes an active contributor. For you, this is an excellent further opportunity to communicate with guests and collect feedback. By the way, a first-hand experience of one of your guests is a very authentic and credible form of advertising. Uninvolved third parties, who are in your guests' extended virtual and social network, may be happy to hear an exciting tip and visit your offerings in the future.
Social Wall Advantage 3: Push your own social media channels
Your social media channels are stagnant and could use a little push? A social wall could solve the problem and get you back in the conversation.
The important thing here is to choose an appropriate hashtag or location so guests can tag them. Repost matching original posts diligently on your own channels.
Social Wall Advantage 4: Advertising your own website
Including a social wall on your website can also be a very good advertising tool. Opinion leaders, experts?or influencers?who comment on your event there, or even present products or merch act as advocates for you. This concept always works: If he/she thinks this is good, it can't be bad.