Social Themes: Exploring the Power of Storytelling in Addressing Contemporary Issues
Being Socially Conscious Through Reading

Social Themes: Exploring the Power of Storytelling in Addressing Contemporary Issues

I hear personal goals every side I turn to.

'I need to manage my health'

'What about travel!'

'I need to rack up 10 millions before I die!'

'I want to be a rockstar content writer who earns 6 USD figures'

'I got to clean my closet!'

Goals are great! Goals take time and effort. The challenge is in balancing our time and effort across multiple, and sometimes conflicting, priorities. And in the rush to take care of things, we forget about some basic big picture things - the communities that we live in, about how the food that we eat comes to us, where does our waste go to, how does the electricity that we use gets generated, how do our cars get manufactured, where is the gold that we all love come from, where does the money come from for the government to protect our borders and our oceans from the predators, and so on.

Every goal of us has a consequence on what it does to the world around us. Recently there were talks about people who own private jets to be called as 'climate criminals'. The need was to dash within Los Angeles city because they have a client who needs their service right away! There is some truth in calling them, ahem, "criminals", because of the amount of environmentally unfriendly gases emitted by their private jet. Pssst, by the way, do you aspire to have your own plane? Maybe you might want to reconsider.

It's heartening to hear that airplane manufacturers are now not only planning green fuel airplanes, but have started alliances with airports to have fuel points that would support these airplanes. Several airports are joining this effort, and there's still a lot more to be done. It's important that the message of social consciousness need to be taken to the general public through mass communication.

It would be great if the message could be communicated to each one directly and individually, but it is impossible, so one-to-many forms work great. Storytelling is a great way for mass communication. From the age-old tradition of sharing a theme or a concept through a story by oral storytelling, to communicating in written form or an artwork, storytelling takes many forms and molds. Today, in the age of Internet, it is quite easy and simple to communicate through e-books, articles, infographics, and such.

There are so many contemporary issues to address. From climate change to crime to social justice, there are a variety of things that need be addressed. These can be banded generally as 'social themes' and written about, or an individual cause can be taken up by an author and be written about in all their works. The choice is up to the author, but it is important that the word needs to get out to every individual out there, so that they can think and do something about a cause that they care for in a way that they can.

In my book 'A Pebble Unlistened', I have narrated about a few social themes by the way of stories. The book is a collection of 14 short stories which can be read over a weekend. You can find the book here:

Apart from individual goals, it would be great if we have goals on doing something about the communities, regions, countries, and the world that we live in, to make them better places to live in!

Happy reading, and action!


Author Venkat Ramakrishnan的更多文章

