Social Status 22/03/2024

Social Status 22/03/2024

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Uber Carshare Australia have teamed up with F1 Finnish Driver Valtteri Bottas, an honorary Australian, to show off his Australian-themed car, fit with mullet aeration technology, a meat pie warmer and a freshwater shower.

The ad looks to inspire people to explore Australia without the limits of their own car - you can actually rent Valtteri’s car on Uber Carshare.

The video plays on tropes that will be well received down under as well as around the world, ensuring it resonates with staycationers and vacationers alike.

To kick off the campaign’s rollout, Uber Australia and Valtteri shared the ad collaboratively on Instagram. The post received an impressive 9.1m views and 614k likes, which is a huge jump up from Uber Australia's last post, which only received 254k views and 1,485 likes. By making the most of the collaboration tool, Uber have hugely expanded the potential audience of the campaign and made their service well-known across the globe.

Watch the ad on Instagram ??

?? Thought Starter

Could you make better use of your partner networks to create collaborative posts on Instagram?

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