Social Shopping and the Mighty “Buy” Button
Harry Kontonikas
Digital Transformation & Operational Excellence Lead | Head of Operations, TIBCO Emerging markets
Social media are taking over phones when it comes to daily usage. What’s the next big social trend?
The Mighty “Buy” Button.
Last year reports show that on average people hold 5 social media accounts and spend on a daily basis 1 hour and 40 minutes on them. While this is still far behind phone usage – where the Americans spend more than 4 hours daily – the trend is significant and it is well backed-up by the plans of some of the most important social networks.
Let’s examine some facts. Every minute: 2.5 million posts are shared, 300,000 tweets are generated and 72 hours of YouTube video are uploaded (video by forward jam). Now despite the synchronous communication that the phone supports (and will continue to be of great significance), these impressive social network figures suggest that asynchronous communication accumulates. It is shareable too.
So what happens when e-commerce meets social media? The answer to this might re-define shopping.
Nowadays the two are separated. You need to leave the social network to fulfill the purchase. But this is changing as already Facebook, Tweeter, Pinterest and Instagram are testing the huge possibilities of the Mighty “Buy” Button.
Take for example Pinterest. It’s a network heavily dependent on image and one that is based on the psychology of a “wish list” creation. So users are creating these wish lists. Next step is to satisfy their needs; without leaving the network!
Check for yourself to see how powerful this could be!
E-commerce is changing and the social-ready businesses will greatly benefit from this.
This post first appeared on forward jam blog.