Social Science 401 the Aboriginal African Americans Part II

Social Science 401 the Aboriginal African Americans Part II

(Please read or view these presentations in ascending order of their course numbers. The Videos are available on If you go there, search for "Peace Love and Progress Party." All ten of the Party's videos are also accessible from the Video Page of the same site.)

In Volume III, Appendix B of Decoding the Deluge; I show you that analysis of all the mythology and the rituals of the Aboriginal Australians and the photos of the Australian skulls that Australian archaeologists themselves show on the web all contradict their ridiculous claim that Homo erectus never got to Australia!

Knowing, as we do, that the sickest (most loveless, mendacious, malicious and suicidal) of the latent homosexual Big Brothers are the Big Brothers from the US of A; it should not surprise us in the least if we find that they and their archaeologists have also been lying about the presence of Homo erectus in the Americas. The only possible material evidence of Homo erectus, to date, in the official record for the Americas, is rock face drawings and carvings, in Washington State and New Mexico, drawings primitive enough to be from Homo erectus. (It’s a wonder that they haven’t all been ground down!)

Homo erectus dominated the Earth for over 2 million years. That’s 10 to 20 times as long as Homo erectus mutants (modern men, Homo sapiens, we) have existed. As the Scandinavian myth of Balder clearly tells us, for a very long time, from at least the time when they invented the spear until the time when our first, autonomous, Homo sapiens family was formed; they had no competitor. During that lengthy time period, there would have been as many of them on every continent and on all but the most remote islands as the food chain could support. During the depths of the Ice Ages, when the oceans were as much as 400 feet lower than they are today, many of today’s islands were connected to continents. Beringia was often an isthmus and, as shown in the figure above, there would have been many times when Homo erectus could have walked the narrow ice-free Alaskan and Canadian coastline between the Pacific Ocean and the glacier. (The current along the Pacific Coast of North America flows northward, warming the coastline.) Unlike the Delaware/Lenni Lenape, many of them would not have been afraid of being swallowed up by “the water monster” while walking this route. Neither would they have had to fear anyone lying in ambush ahead of them. [At no time would Homo habilis (a scavenger), in any numbers, have been any competition for Homo erectus and his spear.]

Now let’s formulate some of the very general test questions needed to affirm or deny our hypothesis, H1, (that the American Big Brothers and their archaeologists are lying and that Homo erectus was all over the Western Hemisphere).

If H1, then Test(H1)1, T(H1)1: the AAAs would have killed all of them and per the Founder Effect, later peoples (e.g. the Mayas and other Amerindians) would have imitated the AAAs that took the Hemisphere from Homo erectus. The others would have imitated the Olmecs and their Black descendants.

T(H1)1 is easy to verify as true. Failing to fully understand what the Founder Effect implies, even Big Brother’s archaeologists have been unanimous in agreeing that the Founder Effect throughout Mesoamerica is attributable to the Olmecs.

North American archaeologists are, of course, denying that the Mesoamerican-based empires, at their zeniths, stretched at least as far east as South Carolina and, if not as far north as Cahokia (across the river from St. Louis, where exquisite Olmec artworks have been uncovered), at least as far north as the Four Corners (of New Mexico, Colorado, Utah and Arizona) and Chaco Canyon. Chaco Canyon, in northern New Mexico, was long a Toltec turquoise mine worked by slave labor.

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The worked, copper “Birdman,” above, was found in the Etowah Mound at Bartow County Georgia. It is distinctively Toltec in design. He holds a severed head in his left hand, a sacrificial knife in his right hand, and another sacrificial knife is behind his head. The mud people statues, so common in Mayan territory, were also found at Etowah. More about them below. The North American motive for this cover-up and denial is obvious: imperialism. Promoting prejudice and nationalism enables the richest (most capital-intensive-goods-producing) Ks to keep the Rs divided, to super-exploit the more labor-intensive countries and maintain savagery. But now that I am proclaiming that the American Founder Effect is much more extensive than anyone has heretofore contended, you can bet your life that Big Brother’s lackeys will be arguing just the opposite. Recall the Mayan pot shard depicting Black Olmecs on page 38 of Part I of this presentation.

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The Mayan priests that are preparing to sacrifice the drugged and crouching Mayan man are dressed in the skins of their Olmec gods. The Aztec counterpart of this sacrifice was made to propitiate and magically manipulate the fertility god, “Yipe Totec.” The Aztecs (Chichimec people centered in and around Tenochtitlan, now Mexico City) overthrew the Toltecs. The Toltecs or northwestern Toltec vassals conquered many of the Yucatán Mayan kingdoms circa 900 A.D. and established their capitol at Chichen Itzá from where they controlled most of the northern Yucatán for a century or two . Notice how the common sounds in this progression, “o” + “l” “t” or “m” + “ec,” suggest the continuation of a cultural tradition. Note also that many of the avatars of Quetzalcoatl, “plumed serpent,” the god symbolic of Homo erectus per se and worshipped by all of the Amerindians of the Mesoamerican empires, were black. Like his totemic precursor, “the animal people,” Quetzalcoatl was an amalgam of the Amerindians’ victims: mostly the Homo erecti and the Aboriginal African Americans. Quetzalcoatl’s Mayan forerunner was Kukulcan, and Kukulcan’s Olmec forerunner (also a plumed serpent) is pictured on one of the murals at San Lorenzo, the late Olmec capital.

The Popol Vuh, the “Council Book,” the Bible of the Quiché-Mayas, also refers to the Quiché-Mayas as having replaced the “Mud People” and the “Wooden People.” The former were “unable to reproduce themselves” (Amerindians killed all of them). The latter were victims of “a hurricane and flood and monstrous animals that attacked them.” What, if not the Great Flood, could have traumatized the AAAs so much as to virtually paralyze them, to turn them into “wooden” people?

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See the ubiquitous sculptures of “Mud People,” above. These were found in the Etowah Mound, Bartow County, Georgia; but they are common in Mayan territory. Note that their foreheads are Homo erectus, but their skin color is brown, and they appear to be wearing those flower wreaths that Polynesians wear around their necks. I suspect that the “mud people,” referred to in the Mayan Popol Vuh, are the Polynesian people that came to the Pacific coast of South America. The Amerindians (i.e. Mayas) conquered them before conquering the Blacks. Consider T(H1)1 to be proven as true.

Here’s a second test of Hypothesis 1. If H1, then T(H1)2: the Aboriginal African Americans would have been psychologically required – even in the less populated parts of the Americas – to make human sacrifices to the Homo erectus gods both as repetition compulsion for their Species War trauma and to propitiate the murdered Homo erecti that, owing to the ambivalence felt toward them, would have become magnified into the initial element and a lasting and permanent element of the Aboriginal African American godhead.

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This test of Hypothesis I is also easy to prove. Look at the above figure. This is called a chacmool. It is an altar very common to all of the Mesoamerican peoples, from the Olmecs forward. Although North American archaeologists have not reported finding any chacmool in the North, the next figure shows an artifact that has been found in the North.

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It is a pipe, no doubt, a “peace pipe” descending from the Mesolithic, the border between the Old (Paleolithic) and the New (Neolithic, agricultural) Stone Ages. The pipe is decorated with a reclining horned owl that is obviously a totemic forerunner of the chacmool. It was upon the table tops of these chacmools, atop truncated pyramids, that victims were sacrificed by heart extraction. The truncated pyramids were also common throughout the North and the South, but tend to be stone covered only in Mesoamerica.

Five men would assist a priest. One man held each limb of the victim. A fifth man pressed against the victim’s neck with a staff. The priest used a stone knife such as one of those depicted in the next figure to slit the victim’s skin and muscle just below the sternum. Then the priest reached into the victim’s upper thorax and ripped out his beating heart. The best estimate is that roughly 250,000 people were killed in this manner, in Mexico alone, in 1518, in the year before Cortez’ arrival. All the knives pictured below were found in North America. The owl pipe was offered by a stronger people to a weaker people and said, “Pay tribute to us, or else.”

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The northern Indians also had mahquahuitls, similar to those of Mesoamerica except the obsidian blades were embedded in wooden clubs instead of cactus fronds (351). My unreferenced page numbers refer to those of the free PDF (on the Web) of Squier and Davis’ Smithsonian publication, Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi River Valley

Now look once more at the hominid chacmool, and notice that he has Homo erectus and Homo sapiens features. The eyes and arms are Homo sapiens, but the nose, club feet and ears-simulated headdress are Homo erectus. The headdress also hides the forehead, rendering it species-indeterminate. This confirms what we already know from Mesoamerican and Olmec mythology: the Homo sapiens victors of their theater of the Species War had already contracted the ambivalence of their victims and, as Tezcatlipocha, Necocyautl, et. al., had become divinized. Consider T(H1)2 to also be true.

Here’s a third test of H1, our hypothesis that Homo erectus was in the Americas and American archaeologists are lying about him. If H1, then T(H1)3: in addition to making sacrifices to Homo erectus, his Aboriginal African American killers would have adopted practices and left monuments that paid homage to Homo erectus. In addition to the earthen, truncated pyramids (resembling those of Mesoamerica, upon which the sacrificial rites are well-documented and which were once prolific throughout the eastern United States and the Mississippi River Valley), Adams County Ohio has the “Serpent Mound.” See the next figure.

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Of course, the serpent symbolizes Homo erectus. It is over 1300 feet long. The coiled tail is similar to ring markings seen on sacred monuments all over the world. It symbolizes the spirits of Species Warriors rising, like the smoke of the bonfires (that burned the less-edible body parts of Homo erectus) into the sky. It was hoped, during the Mesolithic period of solar mythology, that the spirits of the “good” (propitiated) gods would join the army of the Sun God in keeping the sun overhead where it was needed. Doing so required them to defeat the bad guys, the army of the demons that struggled to steal the sun. The monument is on a level, crescent-shaped hill, 50 feet above the adjacent creek. The side facing the creek is lined with rocks. The other side is five to six feet in height. In my opinion, this is the only existing effigy monument that was built by the AAAs (Aboriginal African Americans). The Amerindians built many effigies in Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, with a few in Iowa, Missouri and Illinois. These others also tend to appear on level river terraces but are much simpler in construction and had much less labor invested in them. The others show animals of various sorts and many human figures that all have Homo erectus’ long arms.

Notice that the serpent of the Serpent Mound is expelling what looks like an egg. This “egg” symbolizes the Aboriginal African village and is oval only because it has been compressed inside the snake’s body. Like the circles in which the AAAs lived and grew their corn, the “egg” is surrounded by a four foot high wall. These walls kept the deer and the rabbits away from their crops at night. It would have been more realistic for the snake to expel the AAA village/egg from its tail end, but that would have offended too many superegos! The fan-shaped object on either side of the serpent’s head appears to be a pillow. The effigy is telling the Homo erectus gods, which started to rise into the sky as of the Neolithic and especially after the Great Flood, “We remember you and recognize you as our parent species.”

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Many Amerindian peoples, especially the Mayas and the Toltecs are also known to have practiced head-binding – deforming the shape of the skull so as to simulate the shape of a Homo erectus skull. The ear plugs, nose bones, lip disks and neck rings of primitive peoples all served the same purpose as head and foot binding. (See Chapter 24 of Volume II of Decoding the Deluge.) I don’t know enough about the AAAs to say with certainty that they practiced head binding; but given that the Mayas imitated them in every way, it would seem highly probable that they did. Consider Test 3 of H1 to also be true.

Here’s a fourth and final test of H1. If H1 (If Homo erectus was all over the Americas, AAAs exterminated him and American archaeologists and their Big Brothers are hiding the truth), then T(H1)4: the ground upon which the Aboriginal African Americans burned the less-edible Homo erectus body parts (e.g. torsos, babies and bones) would have contracted the ambivalence felt toward Homo erectus, would have become both sacred and taboo.

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I will undertake this test by analyzing the round, conical-shaped mounds, such as the one above. But for economy’s sake, we might as well analyze the rest of the monuments at this time. For drama’s sake, we’ll analyze the conical ones next to last.

Now, the Walam Olum, Part IV, tells us that the AAAs would not permit the Amerindians to cross Fish River (the Mississippi) and enjoy the more bountiful eastern half of the continent. Many Amerindian hunters would have been captured while trying to cross at night. When the Amerindians finally defeated the AAAs, they were thirsting for revenge. They built at least two circles of implanted posts on level ground near Cahokia. See the figure below.

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These sites resemble Woodhenge, near Stonehenge, in England, except that these near Cahokia had only one circle of implanted posts. Like the Homo erecti of Species War times, captured AAAs were tied to these posts and shot full of arrows. (The symbol of the cross is derived from this early means of killing Homo erectus.)

By the time the Amerindians fought their way to Ohio, they had devised a more satisfying and poetically-just form of revenge. See the next figure.

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This assemblage of monuments was once ubiquitous throughout the middle latitudes of the Eastern United States and the Mississippi River Valley and especially the Ohio River Valley. They almost always appeared on river terraces, fertile and level ground left by the rivers as, over the ages, they alter their courses and cut their way deeper and deeper into the earth. As I’ve already stated, the large circles enclosed the AAA villages and their crops. The truncated pyramids, that usually appeared at these locations, where the monuments upon which the AAAs had sacrificed their victims. More simple, round or conical mounds were the most numerous type of monument everywhere in the northern-most and the middle latitudes of North America. These Ohio-type locations, with round and square enclosures, such as the one depicted above, tended to disappear as one went south.

When the Amerindians took over these prime living sites, the alluvial terraces where the AAAs had lived and built most of their monuments; the Amerindians added the square enclosures. The square enclosures were not for defensive purposes. Ditches, when they did exist, were on the inside of the walls. The walls or wall and ditch combination were always too high for a man to scale, and the walls were wide enough for spectators to safely stand upon. Posts and post holes at the center of these square enclosures would have disappeared by colonial times, but “chunk” or “slave” posts were known to exist at the center of one of these squares in the Cherokee territory of South Carolina. (248)

These squares replaced the truncated mounds as killing sites. Truncated mounds, most of them built by the Amerindians to simulate the truncated mounds of the AAAs, were built inside these killing squares and in front of the entrance/exits that were placed at regular intervals. Amerindians that had been sacrificed by the AAAs magically returned to life upon these pyramid mounds and, with their bows and arrows, killed captured AAAs tied to posts at the center of the squares.

Many of these Ohio locations, which were very numerous, also had lengthy lanes, bounded by four foot high walls. These were gauntlets that captured AAAs had to run before going to their deaths in the killing squares. The gauntlets allowed women, children and old people to vent their anger upon the AAAs. Small, thick and high walled circular enclosures, often with a ditch on the inner side, served as holding pens for prisoners.

Most of the conical or rounded mounds had been invaded by curiosity or treasure seekers before Squier and Davis got to them. Those few that were relatively untouched yielded prolific relics, many of them Paleolithic in character. Here’s my favorite, as described on page 295-6:

“In a few instances the symmetrical altar, of which so many examples have been given, is wanting, and its place is supplied by a level floor or platform of earth. Such was the case with mound No. 1, in the plan of the great work on the North fork of Paint creek, already referred to. This mound, although one of the richest in contents, was one of the smallest met with, being not over three feet in height. (H It was worn down by the elements over tens of thousands of years) Its deposit was first disturbed by the plough, some years ago, and numerous singular articles were then taken from it. Upon investigation, in place of the altar, a level area ten or fifteen feet broad was found, much burned, on which the relics had been placed. These had been covered over with earth to perhaps the depth of a foot, followed by a stratum of small stones, and an outer layer of earth two feet in thickness. Hundreds of relics, and many of the most interesting and valuable hitherto found, were taken from this mound, among which may be mentioned several coiled serpents, carved in stone, and carefully enveloped in sheet mica and copper; pottery; carved fragments of ivory; a large number of fossil teeth; numerous fine sculptures in stone, etc.” (H emphasis mine, S&D: 295-296)

My interpretation: the Aboriginal African Americans imitated their African ancestors in believing that the murdered Homo erectus gods were still with them and housed nearby, but they had not been required to dispose of the less edible Homo erectus remains as did their African, dessert-dwelling ancestors. These Americans had plenty of wood, so they burned the Homo erectus remains in bonfires on the alluvial terraces where they lived and had feasted upon them and later made round mounds upon the exact spots where the bonfires had been. The Fir Bolgs did the same thing, which is why the Gaelic word Sídhe means “People of the (Fairy) mounds” (See v1, endnote 41 of Decoding the Deluge.) Ashes like those of the previous paragraph –at the center and ground level, at a lower level than any altar or where no altar exists – tend to be Homo erectus ashes. Don’t even bother asking anyone to excavate. It had to be this way because the ground upon which Homo erectus remains were burned contracted the ambivalence felt toward Him. That ground became sacred and taboo. Everything about the above bespeaks of a Paleolithic Boundary, Species War context except the pottery. Why the pottery? Because at the start of the Neolithic, the Aboriginal African Americans feared that their gods needed clay pots in the afterworld. (Not to pee in but to keep their seeds dry and prevent them from germinating during the winter.) So, in the dead of night, with the whole tribe in attendance and the priests in full regalia; they tunneled under the mound and a novice priest, skinny but exceedingly brave, the original Richard Pryor, crawled through the tunnel and placed pots at or just above the level of the ashes. Funny as it sounds, this is exactly what they would have done. Can’t you see the other priests pulling Pryor aside and asking, “What were they doing in there?”

Pryor: “Who? ...What? ...Oh! ...They was having a party.”

Only tlatoanis (high priest and supreme commanders) and (later) kings and emperors, the greatest phonies, could be burned upon these mounds and have their ashes added to them, above the ashes of the Homo erectus gods. T(H1)4 is true.

All four tests of H1 have verified it. We can conclude, with great confidence, that Homo erectus was all over the Americas. The Aboriginal African Americans exterminated them, and Big Brother and his American archaeologists have been lying to us about it.

We can also conclude from the affirmative results of Test(H1)4, that, unless individual instances prove otherwise; we should assume that the oldest mounds everywhere -- around the world – were built upon the sites where large numbers of Homo erecti were killed, eaten and their less edible body parts burned in bonfires. (And we should never accept Big Brother’s word on anything; for if you can lie about your sexual orientation, about whom you love; then what can’t you lie about?) Homo sapiens’ first sacrificial victims would have been sacrificed upon these round or conical mounds, where the gods were most certain to get the message, feel avenged and be grateful to the sacrificers. Wherever sacrifices and trips to and from the tops of the mounds became frequent, our ancestors would have remodeled the mound into a stepped, ramped, truncated and stone-faced pyramid such as the Olmec one below --a Rolls Royce of slaughter houses.

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And traffic there was, lots of it! Between the perfection of the laminated bow, which caused the game animals to disappear quickly, and the advent of horticulture; humans, at the top of the food chain, had little to eat except each other. The following map gives you a realistic idea of how many Homo erectus people were slaughtered in what is now the Eastern USA alone!

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The Amerindians apparently did not understand that the conical mounds covered the ashes of our archaic ancestors and common gods. Otherwise, they would have been more respectful of them. Unburned, skeletal remains were often found within the mounds; and these were invariably the intrusive burials of Amerindians. Whenever the Amerindians were asked about the mounds, by Rafinesque or William Bartram (one of America’s first naturalists, a Quaker who traveled extensively throughout Indian territory in the southern states and reported upon his travels); they admitted knowing nothing about them.

Squier and Davis verify the statements of Rafinesque’s and Bartram’s Indian informants. (231)

“An account of this work (H on the Etowah River, Alabama), substantially the same with that given by Prof. Rafinesque, was published by Mr. E. Cornelius, in Silliman’s Journal, vol. i. p. 223. Mr. Cornelius was accompanied in his visit by several Indian chiefs, who, he says, ‘Gazed upon the remains with as much curiosity as any white man. I inquired,’ continues Mr. C., ‘of the oldest chief, if the natives had any tradition concerning them; to which he answered in the negative. I then requested each to say what he supposed was their origin. Neither [sic] could tell; but all agreed in saying, ‘They were never put up by our people.’”

Naturally, the presence of Amerindian bones or artifacts in some of the mounds –even though they were obviously intrusive – was sufficient for Big Brother to rush to the conclusion he wanted to make: the mounds were all built by the Amerindians. So said that grand old slave-owning hypocrite, Thomas Jefferson. Cyrus Thomas, of the U. S. Department of Ethnology, emphatically proclaimed the same in a report, published in 1894. Although the Thomas report was 727 pages long, he couldn’t have researched the issue well and been so eager to put it to rest.

The latent homosexual Big Brothers and Sisters will either refuse to draw conclusions or jump to conclusions based upon either mountains of evidence or the flimsiest of evidence. They will invent lies or deliberately sow confusion. Their response predictably depends upon whether the conclusion, the lie or the denial refutes or affirms conventional wisdom (lies). New and basic knowledge ignites Big Brother’s fear of change and fear of the truth. Big Brother fears change in general and the truth in general because he subconsciously associates both with losing his Third Mask, the mask that hides his homosexuality. These fears elicit a reflexive reaction from the Big Brothers, the most materially successful savages. These fears, that reaction and Big Brother’s inability to enjoy adult sexual love, which is due to our dysfunctional monogamy and homophobia, but for which Big Brother blames the rest of us and struggles to oppress the rest of us, currently pose the greatest threat to the survival of our species.

Notice that I have yet to describe the purpose of the platform mounds. I have my reasons.

Let’s formulate another hypothesis. Assuming that Rafinesque et. al. and Niède Guidon et. al. are honest and correct in telling us that the African people were the first people to come to the Americas by boat, and at least as early as 65 kya, and assuming that David Huttner (yours truly) is correct in proclaiming that the Great Flood actually did occur circa 14,634 years BPE, then H2: the Aboriginal African American marine people were decimated by it.

Let’s run some tests upon this hypothesis, H2:

T(H2)1: their population would have been greatly reduced and would have required many, many years to recover. This we already know (1) from the ease with which the Delaware defeated them. The Walam Olum tells us that the Delaware were greatly surprised that there were much fewer of them than what was suggested by the Mounds and the sizes of their cities. Also, the Delaware had to wander far south and were confident enough to divide several times before meeting any serious opposition. The numerous mounds in Oregon, California and along the Colorado River also suggest that they once populated these parts of the West but abandoned these population centers. More on this, below.

That the AAA population was decimated is also evident from (2) their failure to defend Beringia and the Pacific Coast. They had to have some idea, from their scouts, of how large Asia was and how great a threat its population might represent. Had the AAA population not been depleted by something, they would have had large garrisons on the eastern side of Beringia and at several places along the Pacific Coast.

That the AAA population had been decimated is also evident (3) from the abandonment of their western sites in Oregon, California, the Colorado River System and Taos, New Mexico -- with no signs of a struggle over them.

Finally, we know that the AAA population had been decimated (4) by the disappearance in the archaeological record of their arrowheads for almost 2000 years. Except for the relics of the mounds, arrowheads are the only thing in the official (public) archaeological record that remains of the AAAs. Here’s the story with respect to the arrowheads.

Look at the figure below. Notice that the Suwannee, Simpson and the large, yellow, unnamed point are all shaped like fish. Primitive people tended to identify with their arrows and to brand them so as to identify them as their own. Fishing people would have been especially likely to do this as a means of telling the Homo erectus gods, “Look, now we only eat fish.”

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Also, these fish shaped points are like children’s toys compared to the Clovis and Folsom points, which we know to associate with the Amerindians. The Clovis and Folsom points much more nearly resemble bullets!

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Now look at the above figure. The distribution of the Cumberland (beige) and Folsom (maroon) points relative to the (blue) Suwannee and Simpson points of the AAAs, here in the early Late Paleoindian Period, clearly suggests that the Cumberland points were also points of the Amerindians. The Cumberland points are modified Clovis points – modified to look a bit like fish but retaining the small, long, thin shape and efficiency of the Clovis point. Why might the Amerindians have wanted to make their points look more like those of the people they were fighting? Answer: so that they could stealthily kill the enemy without clearly identifying themselves as the culprits. Don’t think for a moment that the Amerindians weren’t clever enough to do this. Rafinesque’s translation of the Walam Olum proves otherwise. Also, antiquarians knowledgeable of the Indian Wars in the United States estimate that – even with a technology handicap – the Amerindians took as many white lives as what they themselves lost (about 25,000).

Now, here is the most convincing information that proves T(H2)1. Note, moreover, that H2 and only H2 can account for these facts:

Anderson, Smallwood and Miller, North American archaeologists, tell us that the people producing the fishtail points visited only a very few sites, like Topper in South Carolina (a Pleistocene chert mine) before their arrow heads virtually disappeared. Not until almost 2ky later are these points found again, in the early Late Pleistocene Period [the first half of the Younger Dryas (Big Chill), 12850 – 12,275].

So, after the Great Flood, of 14,634 years BPE, the arrowheads of the Northern AAAs disappeared for about 2,000 years, even within their population center; and it required them this amount of time to have enough people for their arrowheads to be numerous enough to show up again in our archaeological record!

The situation was different in South America. As my friend Kris Hirst, the archaeologist for explains: although lanceolated (straight tail pointed, Amerindian) points generally outnumber the fishtail points (of the African Americans) about 4 or 5 to 1 in the North; in South America, the ratio is just the opposite; and fishtail points are found at all the traditional sites. This is explainable without contradicting our H2. Except for the coast off Argentina, which may have been too cold for many AAAs to want to inhabit in 14,634 y. BPE, the South American coast is steeper than the coast off the Gulf of Mexico. The ledges where people would have been inundated were smaller. Fewer South American AAAs fell victim to the Flood. (See Figures 129a and b of Volume 3 of Decoding the Deluge if you want to verify this.)

Also, when the Amerindians emerged from their original confines of the rainforest to kill the Aboriginal African South Americans, they didn’t use many bows and arrows. Within the rainforest of South America, the Amerindians once again proved their ingenuity and skill as weapons makers. They invented the blow pipe.

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I was introduced to this weapon by the native people in Iquitos, Peru. It’s easy to master. A miss does not break your cover. And when the needle it shoots is tipped with the powerful poison of the tree frog, it becomes a deadly weapon, the ideal weapon for the rainforest and its margins. See the figure above and consider T(H2)1 as verifying of H2. The Great Flood did decimate the AAA population. A 100-200 foot high wall of water swept over the Florida/Guiana land bridge when the sea level was about 300 feet lower than it is today. It raised the sea level about 100 feet and went much further inland, dragging out to sea the thatch and waddle huts and artifacts far beyond what was to become the new coastline. We can list this disappearance of the artifacts as a second test of H2, our hypothesis that the Great Flood actually occurred, as I insist, circa 14,634 years BPE. It appears that smaller pieces of the ice sheet submerged before and after the major piece fell.

Underwater archaeology might confirm that many of these artifacts are in the Gulf of Mexico, but most of us don’t have the resources for underwater archaeology. I, for one, won’t rely on anything Big Brother says about it. Will you?

Here’s another test of Hypothesis 2, that the Great Flood occurred as and when I insist, T(H2)3: the AAA survivors and worst victims of the Flood would have been much more traumatized, less adaptive, less organized and, as a group, less competitive than other peoples. This too can be inferred by (1) the ease with which the Delaware conquered them in the North; (2) by the name that their southern conquerors, the Mayas, gave to them: “wooden people”; and (3) by the fact that virtually all of the AAAs blacked out (or whited out, as you prefer) their prehistory.

Virtually all of them were easily brainwashed into believing that they were descended from slaves recently imported from Africa. When anyone wondered why the Seminole Indians were very dark in skin color, the Big Brothers had a big lie at the ready: “They are descended from runaway slaves,” they said. I suppose all those people who identify themselves as Amerindian – even in the North and the West -- and have dark skin are also descended from runaway slaves. And what about all of those black folks whose slave ancestors never ran away but who, nevertheless have Asian features? When did their imported, slave ancestors have an opportunity to meet and intermarry with Orientals?

Enslaving and super-exploiting an unconscious, traumatized person is very much like stealing from a blind man’s cup; but Big Brother has never had any scruples about it. And he is still doing it! Black folks are still the most traumatized people among us, which is why they are the most receptive to religion, the hallucinatory, cartoon versions of our prehistory and basic psychology. T(H2)3 is obviously true and affirms H2.

Here is a proof by contradiction: if not H2, then T(H2)4: there is some other means of explaining how incoming vagabonds could conquer a civilization that was at least 55 k. y. old (North America) or 56 k. y. old (South America) in just 5 k. y. (the time from when the Delaware first started walking in until the time when they probably won at Cahokia).

Granted: the Amerindian hunters were better warriors than the AAA fishing people. Granted: the Amerindians had a huge outback in which to grow corn and rapidly expand their population. But had the Great Flood not happened and decimated the AAAs, that huge outback would not have been available to them; and the Amerindians would have been stopped or at least slowed down at Beringia! But for the Flood, the rapid victory of the Amerindians over the AAAs is unaccountable. Consider T(H2)4, our proof by contradiction as false. There is no way --other than via the existence of a Great Flood that decimated the marine-culture AAAs – to explain their easy and rapid conquest by the Amerindians. T(H2)4 also verifies H2, tells us that the Great Flood happened, as I insist, circa 14,634 years BPE.

Finally, if H2, if the Great Flood actually occurred, as I insist, circa 14,634 years BPE and decimated and devastated the AAAs, then T(H2)5: the traumatized survivors would have very compulsively adopted some countermeasure to protect themselves from a reoccurrence of the Flood.

Now is the time for us to consider the platform mounds... Got it? If not, your forces of psychological repression are working overtime!

For the benefit of those of you that haven’t got it, we’ll have to talk some more about the platform mounds.

None of the platform mounds have moats around them. The earth used to build them was scraped from the surface of the ground over a wide, surrounding area or extracted from “dug holes,” miniature wells. Moreover, as Rafinesque noticed, the platform mounds, ones like Cahokia with large level platforms at the top, always have causeways leading to the platform or wide, graded ramps leading to the platform or graded terraces that wind their way to the tops or some combination of these. Some have additional platforms on their flanks. Although, like most of the mounds, they are close to rivers or creaks, they were not built close enough to the water to be supplied by it in the event of a siege. Therefore, none of the platform mounds – or the other regular mounds -- were intended for defense.

Yet, as dentist Edward A. Woelk of Belleville, Illinois observed for the 1917 St. Louis Globe Democrat article, fires atop Cahokia and the mounds stretching to its east can be seen for over 100 miles. So, some of the mounds probably were used for signaling purposes once the AAAs became aware of the threat posed by the Amerindians.

Cahokia, the most massive platform mound, is over 100 feet in height. The second largest platform mound, Poverty Point, is in Northeast Louisiana, less than one kilometer from the current Mississippi River. Its ridges were built with 530,000 cubic yards of earth (over 35 times the cubic amount of the Great Giza Pyramid).

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The figure above is a scaled drawing of the great Poverty Point mound as seen from the air. The whole complex of mounds has a North-South length of 3.5 miles, and a width of nearly a mile. Obviously, the main, platform mound was a circular, regular mound before the meandering river undermined it. Prior to its expansion as a platform mound, it was originally, in all probability, a mound made to cover Homo erectus ashes. It sits atop prime real estate, the lengthy, level plateau known as the Macon Ridge. On its eastern side, between the ridge and the current Mississippi River, is the Macon Bayou and numerous other streams connected with the Mississippi. The eastern side of the ridge is 7-9 meters above the flood plain below. To this local geography and all that we have learned about the mounds, add the following observation by the two individuals that will forever remain the experts on the mostly vanished American monuments:

“The rivers are constantly shifting their channels; and they frequently cut their way through all the intermediate up to the earliest-formed, or highest terrace, presenting bold banks, inaccessibly steep, and from sixty to one hundred feet high. At such points, from which the river has, in some instances, receded to the distance of half a mile or more, works of this description are oftenest found.” (S&D: 65)
“And it is a fact of much importance, and worthy of special note, that within the scope of a pretty extended observation, no work of any kind has been found occupying the first or latest formed terrace. This (H lowest) terrace alone, except at periods of extraordinary freshets, is subject to overflow. The formation of each terrace constitutes a sort of semi-geological era in the history of the valley; and the fact that none of the ancient works appear upon the lowest or latest formed of these, while they appear indiscriminately upon all the others, bears directly upon the question of their antiquity.” (H emphasis mine, S&D: 65)

In a lengthy essay, on the Web at, Jay Wakefield gives us all the details you’d ever want to know about Poverty Point. Perhaps the most important of these details are the following:

“Habitation areas have been identified around the site, especially on the north side, covering more than a square mile, though Gibson states ‘only a handful have received more than passing attention.’ Sixty encampments encircling the core complex are known...

The superabundant food, available all year long, was fish. Gibson writes ‘in the 500 square mile swamp around the Poverty Point encampments, there were between 30,000 and 1,000,000 pounds of fish per square mile! --Wakefield citing Gibson

In the early Holocene, “Fish River” would have been so named due to the fish that were newly released from the glacier, where they had been frozen and in suspended animation. Next, Wakefield provides us with this little gem:

“Conical shaped Mound B (H See the map, above, of Poverty Point) has had quite a bit of excavation. Gibson reports that Mound B did not contain burials, but was raised over the ashes of a huge bonfire (H emphasis mine), which had consumed at least one person. It was conical, two stories high, built in four major stages.” --Op. cit. citing Milner (See the Bibliography of Decoding the Deluge for the books by Milner and the Gibsons.)

Yet Big Brother’s experts, many of them from Washington University in St. Louis, are still claiming that the Amerindians built Poverty Point only a few thousand years ago! Are they idiots? Have they no conscience? Or both? For a good laugh, see their cartoon-like video that is on the Web at: The only statement of theirs that might have any truth to it is their contention that the great Poverty Point Mound was built in “30-90 days.” That’s how much time it may have taken the AAAs, about 14,630 years ago, to enlarge the Poverty Point Mound into the platform mound of its current dimensions. I’ll explain how they did it and why this was the most important of all the mounds needed as emergency platforms that people could run to in the event of another great flood, momentarily.

First, we need to explain some things to all the folks that don’t know the Disunited States.

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Louisiana is in the Old South, the part of the country that practiced slavery and seceded from the Union and fought the Civil War in an effort to maintain slavery. There are still many extremely ignorant latent homosexuals in the Old South that refuse to admit that slavery is wrong. Some even say that Black Folks should have been more grateful to their masters. The rest of us call these people “rednecks.”

I agree with the rednecks in supporting slavery, but I’m for a very selective form of slavery. I’m for enslaving all the rednecks that think that slavery is OK. Let’s make them the field workers. Wouldn’t they look great in shackles and chains!

For all the less laborious work, we should enslave all the people that support imperialism in either its prehistoric (tribute-paying) form or its modern (national concentration camp) form.

I’ll tell you all something else, I’m in favor of good old fashioned flower wars, such as the Aztecs had. Let’s take all of those latent homosexual, Big Brother politicians that support military spending and warfare as a means of population control and preserving savagery – all of them, from all over the world – and let’s have them lead their troops, all the other latent homosexuals who love to fight all the time, into battle. We can set aside the whole state of Nevada, outside of its few cities, as the Flower War Field. We’ll only need to send them tanker trucks full of water because they can eat each other. When there’s only one left standing, we can display him in a zoo somewhere where he’ll get plenty of attention but not be able to hurt anyone. Good idea?

Ok, listen up all you rednecks at Poverty Point and at Washington University that refuse to recognize the Aboriginal African Americans. Here’s how they, the AAAs, enlarged the Poverty Point mound, circa 14,630 years BPE, in only 30-90 days.

All those people in the remote west – the garrison at Beringia, the settlements in Oregon, in California, along the Colorado River and at Taos, New Mexico – were recalled to their heartland to help shore it up (secure it in the event of another Great Flood). At least one mound had to be enlarged into a platform mound in every community. (The graded ramps leading to the platforms were generally put either on the side facing the nearest stream or the side facing the Gulf of Mexico.) Poverty Point was the most necessary of all the mounds they needed. It was just far enough inland as to be deemed safe once enlarged. Moreover, there were many thousands of people living in this area where “Fish River” (the Mississippi) and its bayous and streams were teaming with fish, enough fish to feed all of the recalled colonists.

What they perceived as an emergency need to expand mounds into platform mounds would have left them little time for baby making and parenting. They may have been compulsively still at work on their mounds when, 13,200 years BPE, the Amerindians arrived.

This concludes the Social Science Videos of the Peace Love and Progress Party. I won’t be adding any more unless you write to me and convince me to do so.

I know that most of you do not like to read because you were forced to read so much BS in Big Brother’s schools. But if you have any time or inclination to read anything, and I do mean anything; it should be Decoding the Deluge and the other books of the Peace Love and Progress Party. All of them are FREE to download, as digital ebooks, at

Thanks for viewing.

Dave, January 8, 2020


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