Social Science 401 the Aboriginal African Americans Part I

Social Science 401 the Aboriginal African Americans Part I

(Please read or view these presentations in ascending order of their course numbers. The Videos are available on If you look for them their, search for Peace Love and Progress Party. I was unable to enter the images of the text version here. The full text with images should be available soon, at the Blogs Page of and all ten of the Party's videos should be accessible from the Video Page, soon, when I return to the States from China.)

Even as I release this presentation, in January of 2020, most of you will be shocked to discover its major message: the first, aboriginal Americans came to the Americas directly from Africa.

Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. For a social scientist, especially one professing to be the social science leader, I myself was embarrassingly late in realizing this. In my own defense, I can say that as soon as discovering my mistake, my naive belief in conventional lies; I vigorously researched the Aboriginal African Americans and have been able to contribute to what is known about them.

Why are all of us so prone to being ignorant of the Aboriginal African Americans (hence AAAs)? There are several reasons.

First and as we’ve noted above, the prejudice against dark skin is universal. It derives from the expunction of the memory of our parent species (after the Species War and, especially, after the Great Flood) and our subsequent alienation from the rest of the natural world. This alienation was dogmatized by our modern religions. Even Black Folks, who tend to be the most religious Christians, are themselves victimized by this dark skin prejudice. Kenneth and Mamie Clark, a team of married psychologists, proved this in 1947. They offered children their choice of a dark-colored doll or an identical light-colored doll. Even the African-American children assumed the light-colored dolls were “better”!

Secondly, even once we know that we are great apes and that religious myths and rituals can’t be literally true; religion continues to exert a powerful influence upon us until we become conscious of the prehistory to which religion symbolically refers.

Thirdly, old habits of thinking die hard, especially when they are reinforced by most of one’s contemporaries.

Finally, as we shall see, prehistory in the Americas was so violent and traumatic that even the AAAs and the Amerindians that conquered them blacked out (or whited out, as you prefer) most of it. The native people retained, as of the coming of the Europeans, only hallucinatory tales about “the animal people,” “the wooden people,” “black Quetzalcoatl,” etc.

Now, the easy way to proceed from here would be to just summarize the experience of the Aboriginal African Americans and then refer you to three-volume Decoding the Deluge and finding the path for civilization for the details and citations, especially Chapter 14 and Appendix H. That’s what I would do if we met on the bus or in a coffee shop, when I had limited time to talk to you.

But that approach is ill-advised for two reasons. First, you probably wouldn’t believe me. Secondly, it wouldn’t be fair to the heroic individuals that I learned from, individuals that uncovered and publicized the truth at great expense to their own material well-being. You see, popular lies are popular because they favor, in the short run, a ruling class, a large nation or a dominant culture – groups that generally force their wishful thinking and their prejudices upon the rest of us. Of course, as Zoroaster and all the best philosophers have told us by a host of similar expressions; the truth is all the knowledge and information that advances human evolution. Lies, in the long run, do just the opposite. How much more cooperative, united and competitive would North Americans have become -- without having to export violence and import stolen resources – if we had not replaced the truth with racism?

In a world that is drowning in lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Those individuals that combat the most basic lies of a ruling class, a large nation or a dominant culture are not just revolutionaries, they’re heroes; and we need to honor them. So I will tell you first about the Black Historians that I have learned from, mostly in their chronological order.

The foremost of these heroes was the first one, Constantine Rafinesque.

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Constantine Rafinesque, a professor of Botany and Natural History at Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky, was one of the most enlightened men of his day. He devoted his life to science. He came into possession of the Bible of the Delaware (Lenni Lenape) Indians. The last of the Delaware Indians to steward their tribal history, the Walam Olum, painted branches that they kept in bundles, entrusted them to Doctor Malthus Ward of Indiana. Two years later and before moving to Georgia, Malthus Ward entrusted them to Professor Rafinesque. Rafinesque preserved the glyphs of the fragile Painted Record by carving them onto linoleum. Two more years later, from another and unknown individual, he secured “the songs annexed thereto in the original language” (Walam Olum [Indiana Historical Society version]: IX). Rafinesque then proceeded to learn the Lenni Lenape language and translated the songs of the Walam Olum into English.

Rafinesque was a prolific writer whose works include over 900 titles spanning many fields of endeavor. The members of the Indiana Historical Society tell us that, “throughout the past one hundred years Rafinesque’s stature as a scientist has been steadily growing. Among his many contributions to the natural sciences was his articulation (a generation before Darwin) of the general theory of evolution. Rafinesque also championed the principle of natural botanical classification, which became universally adopted. In the field of botany alone, Harvard University and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia have recognized his genius and are re-examining his contributions to that science. In like spirit the Indiana Historical Society is re-examining his contributions to prehistory.”

The Walam Olum passed into the hands of Daniel Brinton and then the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The reason why the survival of the Walam Olum was not forever secured by Rafinesque and his estate and the reason why his genius is so late in being recognized is that he was – and remains – highly controversial. He probed taboo subjects: the Species War and the AAAs (Aboriginal African Americans).

The Indiana Historical Society notes that he fell out of favor at Lexington's Transylvania University. Transylvania University was the first university west of the Allegheny Mountains. It turned Lexington, Kentucky into the “Athens of the West,” but its flowering was short-lived. The advent of the steamboat on the Ohio River caused inland Lexington to decline. Moreover, Rafinesque's individual fate at Transylvania State appears to have been sealed because, “The chaotic condition of the state’s finances and the hostility of religious factions in the Kentucky legislature were contributing factors to the decline of the university” (Walam Olum [Indian Historical Society version]: 256). This Society comment grossly understates the reality: wealthy slave owners and other white, racist Big Brothers were terrified of Rafinesque. He quit teaching and died a pauper.

At least four different individuals or institutions have published new and allegedly improved translations of Rafinesque’s original translation of the Walam Olum. In Volume 1, Chapter 14 of Decoding the Deluge, where we review the Walam Olum, I give you numerous examples of how the allegedly improved editions are all inferior to Rafinesque’s original.

Now I’ll summarize the relevant passages of Rafinesque’s Walam Olum. In Part II, the Delaware used the bow and arrow to fight and defeat Homo erectus in Eastern Siberia. This was still during the depths of the Ice Age. Surviving Homo erectus people were first believed and later hoped to have fled across Beringia to “Snakeland” (Homo erectus land). The angry Homo erectus spirits were thought

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to have destroyed living men, their anger culminating in the Great Flood. To quote the Walam Olum songs that accompany the above glyph:

“The dark snake he brought the monster (Amanyan), he brought snake-rushing water, he brought it... Much water is rushing, much go to hills, much penetrate, much destroying.”

It is extremely important to realize that the Great Flood actually happened. The mythologies of every people make some mention of it. Worst effected were the people living at the coasts and in low-lying areas. Fintann, the Irish “Salmon of Knowledge,” the legendary bringer of culture, is a symbol for the first farmers that were living in the lowest, most fertile and easily-irrigated lands. They were all swallowed up by the sea or swept out to sea by the tidal wave created by a massive ice sheet, probably the Greenland Ice Sheet, falling into the sea. The aberrant zig zag on the far side of the last great ice cycle, a zig zag that is in the middle of the last great upturn on the average temperature graph (as determined by analysis of Vostok Ice Sheet core samples) gives us a rough date of 14,634 years BPE (before the present era, year 2000) for the Flood. See the figure below.

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This tells us that the discovery of horticulture, which had to be the cause of the Flood, happened not 9000 years ago, as archaeologists believe based upon the earliest radio carbon date for the crop pollen they find, but about 15,000 y. a. This explains virtually everything about our dark and disordered past. It causes all the puzzle pieces to fall into place. The discovery of horticulture, selecting the seeds that fall upon the ground without opening, preserving them over the winter in dry clay pots and planting them in the spring, spread like wildfire. Why? First because it enabled people in the temperate zones to live much further down on the food chain and to greatly expand the human population in the temperate zones. Secondly, because animal breeding had been understood for at least one hundred thousand years, but it was not commercially possible until grain or tubers could be grown to feed the animals. So, the discovery of horticulture sparked a global frenzy of slashing and burning to lay claim to possession of the lowest, most fertile and most easily-irrigated lands, lands that our previously nomadic or semi-nomadic ancestors had always thought to have belonged to their gods, their earliest gods, the Homo erectus gods. The slashing and burning caused terrible deforestation and carbonization of the atmosphere – globally. There were no fire departments in those days. This, in turn, caused a massive ice sheet, probably the Greenland Ice Sheet, to fall into the sea at 14,634 years ago, only about 6,000 years this side of the LGM (last glacial maximum), when the glaciers were still massive. Up to half of the world’s people, and all of the first farmers, died. Common folks all believed that the Flood had been brought by the angry Homo erectus gods, as punishment, for defeating them in the Species War. So, it became taboo to even think about them or the Species War because doing so, might ignite their anger and bring on more punishment. Consequently, most of our mythologies, the mythologies of the peoples that were victimized by The Flood, became more grossly compromised after the Flood, so compromised as to virtually extinguish the memory of our archaic ancestors. But the most intelligent people knew that the Flood had something to do with horticulture, so the First Neolithic, the first Stone Age of Agriculture was everywhere aborted. As one of the Greek myths of Deucalion informs us, agriculture and the Neolithic restarted, five thousand years later as people realized that, without agriculture, cannibalism was inevitable. Archaeologists can’t find the pollen from the First Neolithic because all the farming then was being done on lands that are now 300 feet below sea level.


But let’s set aside the Big Picture and deductive reasoning, for the moment, and return to our coverage of the Delaware Indians, the Lenni Lenape Amerindians.

The sea level abruptly rose and fell a number of times, but the Delaware hung on in Eastern Siberia much longer than you would expect due to an abundance of game and their fear of migrating to “Snakeland.”

[Our immediate ancestors, everywhere, referred to our Homo erectus ancestors as snakes or serpents. This was not only because Homo erectus’ sensory perception was much better than ours and because he could detect our approach before we could detect his. This, by the way, is why the dog is “man’s (Homo sapiens’) best friend.” We needed the dog to compensate for our sensory inferiority and win the Species War. Our archaic ancestors were referred to as snakes mostly because of the serpentine shape of their skulls.]

Nevertheless, in Part III of the Walam Olum, seven eighths of the Delaware walk across the ice, all in one night. But they find no Homo erectus people in Snakeland; and, not wanting to think that they killed off the last of them, prefer to think that they are in hiding. It is suggested, early in their North American wanderings, that they were spotted by scouts, Black scouts because several of their chiefs become distinguished as “Snow Somebody” or “White Somebody.” Yet they divide and move in different directions several times before running into serious opposition, further south, in warmer territory. More “White” leaders are referred to; and the enemy are referred to, at least once, as “Blacks” and several times as “robbers.” (The Delaware would have initially assumed that the others’ faces were darkened for the purpose of robbing at night.) They fight the Blacks in the south and the east and are at first defeated by them.

However, the Blacks, preferring the bountiful land east of the Mississippi River and the lands adjoining the rivers and the sea, ceded the hinterlands to the Amerindians. They would have been forced to cede the hinterlands to the North and West because (1) the Amerindians would have kept pouring in, one group after another; (2) the Blacks, being a marine people from tropical Africa, were adverse to cold and dry climates; and (3) the AAA population had been decimated by the Flood. After exploring the whole of the hemisphere, they would have established only outposts and garrisons in the most strategic parts of the less desirable lands (i. e. the Rocky Mountains, the Central Plain and the Western Desert).

By the way, I found the AAA mound that I knew (from solar mythology) would be somewhere near the Gorge and Taos, New Mexico. The AAAs also built a sophisticated fish kill on one of the streams flowing past this mound.

So, the Amerindians were able to build their own towns and perfect their hunting skills. One of their chiefs eventually goes south and learns about planting corn. (Other myths about black ants and red ants and the “Corn Woman” make it clear that the Amerindians learned about corn by spying on Black women planting it.) The Delaware then plant corn everywhere and expand their population until they are formidable and secure enough to confront the Blacks across the Mississippi River from Cahokia. See the next three figures of Cahokia, a photo of it as it is now and two artists’ conceptions of it. Cahokia was the North American capital of the Aboriginal African Americans, whom the Delaware originally refer to as the “Telega.” The Blacks refuse to allow the Delaware to cross into the bountiful East. The Delaware then unite with other Amerindians that have followed them into North America, the Iroquois. When the Amerindians outnumber the Blacks five to one, they attack, defeat them and proceed down the Mississippi River, defeating town after town. (An anonymous document on the web attests to this history and is obviously of Iroquois origin. The Amerindians of Mesoamerica also, unwittingly, confirm the Walam Olum with this popular expression: “Man was not created until the gods bestowed upon him that special food (corn).”)

By the way, the famous artist of the Old West, Charles Marion Russell, was from the St. Louis area. He painted the second image, below for a 1917 article in the St. Louis

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Globe Democrat, and he obviously knew that the first Americans were Africans. Continuing...

It is quite obvious, per the Walam Olum, that the North American trend was for the Amerindians to drive the Blacks from the Northwest to the Southeast (toward Florida).

When one primitive people conquered another, the tendency was for the losing men to all be killed and their women and children to be assimilated as slaves and concubines. Religion-based prejudice has caused native peoples throughout the Americas to be slow to accept the growing evidence of their African ancestors, which is being found in blood types and genetic markers. ?However, any survey of Native Americans reveals that almost all of them were darker in complexion than their Asian ancestors. Moreover, as one goes from northwest to southeast, the native people tend to be ever darker in complexion and less brachiocephalic (have skulls that are less wide, less adapted to cold weather) – exactly as the pattern of conquest would suggest. In the swamps of Florida, Louisiana and Belize and on the biggest islands of the Caribbean and off the tip of Tierra del Fuego – in all the places where the Aboriginal African Americans would have been backed up and where it would have been most difficult to dislodge them – the people have always been darker than their neighbors in skin color and have had more dolichocephalic (elongated, warm-weather-adapted) skulls.

Rafinesque also undertook to map and describe the thousands of earthen great mounds, the ancient great mounds that once dotted the Eastern United States and the Mississippi River System. Some were also in South America. Rafinesque wrote The Ancient Monuments of North and South America, which you can purchase at Amazon or download free at Kindle. His work was continued by two of his protégés, Ephraim Squier and Edwin Davis. They were able to obtain the financial assistance and support of the recently-formed Smithsonian Institution.

About 200 mounds of all sizes and forms were carefully excavated and measured and several thousand remains of ancient art were collected from the mounds. Squier and Davis oversaw all excavation (p. 45 of free Web PDF of their book, Ancient Monuments... to which all my unreferenced page numbers refer). Excavations and surveys were nation-wide, except for Wisconsin and the Northwest and began around Chillicothe, OH. (44). Monuments very regular in shape line the Gulf Coast from Florida to Texas and into Mexico. (52) The monuments were also larger in the South, decreasing in size and number as one went north. Though there were some massive mounds in the north, like those of the south, “the greater number range from six to thirty feet in perpendicular height, by forty to one hundred feet in diameter at the base.” (60) “Regular in shape” describes four types of ceremonial and religious monuments. The “irregular” monuments were easy to distinguish as having been built for military defense. They always commanded the heights, running along the brows of hills or the approach to strong positions like the headlands where waterways join. They were always adapted to the geography and walled off, usually with ditches external to the embankments. (61) The Saint Lawrence Seaway and the Great Lakes seem to have been the limits of the monuments in the Northeast. (52) There is an abundance of small mounds or tumuli in Oregon. (53) Many are on the Gila River in California and along the tributaries of the Colorado River. (53)

The mounds consist of earth or stone or both. Earth and stone was sometimes brought from afar. (61) The regular mounds consisted generally of four types. Rounded or conical mounds of various sizes and heights were the most frequent except in the South. (56) Pyramid mounds, closely resembling those of Mesoamerica, but not stone faced, were everywhere but rare in the northern latitudes (Wisconsin and above). These always had truncated tops, usually were stepped or terraced and generally had graded ramps on one side (56), which we know from Mesoamerica, were used for rolling the bodies of victims down to their owners after the hearts had been extracted from them. (Priests ate the hearts.) Most impressive, rare in the northern latitudes and most numerous in the South, were massive platform mounds of which Cahokia was the largest. These all had graded ramps or winding terraces leading to their tops. The fourth, regular type of monument was actually an assemblage of monuments of the other three regular types described above. These were distinguished as having one large circular and one large square enclosure, each one normally enclosing ten to twenty acres. These were most frequent in the eastern U. S., especially Ohio, and tended to disappear as one went south, as did also the irregular, defensive works.

The monuments were not evenly distributed anywhere:

“The alluvial terraces, or “river-bottoms,” as they are popularly termed, were the favorite sites of the builders. The principal monuments are found where these “bottoms” are most extended, and where the soil is most fertile and easy of cultivation. At the junction of streams, where the valleys are usually broadest and most favorable for their erection, some of the largest and most singular remains are found...And it is worthy of remark, that the sites selected for settlements, towns, and cities, by the invading Europeans, are often those which were the especial favorites of the mound-builders, and the seats of their heaviest population.” (61)

Squier and Davis understood intuitively that all of the regular mounds were tumuli or barrows (were used for interment). (61) I second that conclusion. We know, of course, from Mesoamerica, that the truncated pyramids were adapted for human sacrifice by heart extraction. I will show you why and for what purpose the platform mounds were adapted.

The Smithsonian Institution, the financier of the project, was founded by the eminent scientist and philanthropist James Smithson (below). Smithson, a contemporary of Rafinesque and his equal in stature, understood that it is only with a reverence for truth and a respect for and cooperation with our fellow man that we are able to uncover the laws of nature and society and progress. James Smithson willed his entire estate, a great fortune, to the United States, a country he’d never visited, to found in Washington D. C. “an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.”

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The mounds project resulted in Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, which was published in 1848, eight years after Rafinesque died and nineteen years after Smithson died. It was the first book ever published by the Smithsonian Institution.

If the publication of that book were the only accomplishment of Smithson’s institution, we would still be forever indebted to it and James Smithson for what we are about to learn from it.

The Big Brothers in Washington D. C. did their perverted best to sabotage the project, but Squier and Davis cunningly took their editor’s advice. They avoided persecution from the racist and malicious, pre-Civil War, Big Brother scoundrels by refraining from drawing the important conclusions that were obvious to both themselves and Rafinesque. I am able to analyze their data. I can and will tell you everything you need to know about the American monuments. Insane Big Brother has censored and persecuted me throughout my adult life, so I’ve got no career to protect. I was able to learn what I am about to tell you only because of the heroic efforts of Rafinesque, James Smithson, Squier, Davis and a few others to systematically investigate the monuments before they all fell victim to the white man’s homesteading, plowing and relic-raiding.

Fall victim they did and very quickly because:

“The centers of population are now, where they were at the period when the mysterious race of the mounds flourished.” (62)

Before I tell you everything you need to know about the American monuments, there are a few more heroic individuals that we need to recognize, individuals brave enough to speak truth to power, to contradict the latent homosexual, loveless, lying, malicious and suicidal Big Brothers, the best savages among us, and their determination to prevent change, hide the truth and guarantee the continuation of savagery and the repetition of environmental catastrophes.

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Mexican archaeologist José Melgar was the first person within academia to disclose to the world that the huge, basalt, Olmec heads that keep turning up within the Olmec homeland territory depict African men. They are up to 11 feet tall and weigh up to 44 tons. See the figure, above, a typical example, and note that Melgar’s African pronouncement required more courage than imagination. Notice from the next figure, below, that many of the first mariners from Africa would have followed the warmest currents west until arriving at southwestern-most part of the Gulf. They founded the Olmec civilization there where the climate was most ideal, and they could look homeward across the water. With or without Homo erectus people to impede their dissemination, the Olmecs would have multiplied and spread rapidly throughout the Americas. They would have quickly occupied the whole of the central region, where the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea now exist. They built mounds along the Andean Coast too, at what later became Norte Chico and the Mocha Empire. The Tierra del Fuegans and their neighbors, the uncommonly tall Tehuelche, must also be of African ancestry. They have always been known for their dark skin

Just prior to the Great Flood, circa 14,634 years BPE, the ocean level had become 300 feet lower than it is today. It was all land mass between Florida and Guiana. The Gulf and the Caribbean had become lakes. Imagine 200 feet of water pouring over the land bridge and into the basin where most of the first Americans were centered! The AAAs would have been the world’s worst victims of the Flood. The survivors would have been so traumatized as to be like zombies, which is why their Mayan conquerors referred to them as “Wooden People victimized by a hurricane and a flood.” A rapid return to Pleistocene cannibalism would have motivated Olmec flood survivors to reestablish control of traffic through the isthmus. Trespassers ended up “in the soup,” the exact Mesoamerican expression.

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Although the Mexican Government is still hiding Otolum, the Olmec capital, the largest archaeological site in the Western Hemisphere and perhaps the world, Rafinesque discovered that inscriptions on an Otolum, stone-lined temple employ an alphabet very similar to ancient Libyan and Tuaric alphabets. (The latter peoples are both of North Africa.) See the figure above.

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Mayan art and mythology are also full of references to Black Olmecs, whom they conquered and later divinized (apotheosized). See the figure below.

In fact, all the peoples of Central America imitated the Olmecs, Olmec architecture, Olmec mythology, Olmec religious and population-control practices and what was apparently the first great original American sport of tlachtli.

This world-wide tendency, to imitate the first people, is called the “Founder Effect.” More specifically, the Founder Effect is the tendency to imitate the people with the most legitimate claim to the land, to imitate first Homo erectus and then to imitate the people that replaced Homo erectus. This paragraph, these two facts, alone, should suffice to tell you – contrary to what Big Brother’s archaeologists have always maintained – that Homo erectus was all over the Americas. But let’s not jump ahead of the game. Leave that issue open for the moment.

Former Rutgers University professor Ivan van Sertima visited the Olmec sites that are not being hidden before writing his 1976 book, “They Came before Columbus.”

A Youtube presentation by Frank Joseph clarified the issue of the head gear worn by the Olmec heads and assured us that these heads depict Olmec kings. Head gear, made of leather and much like the Olmec heads’ gear, was worn by Mali kings and studded with gold and stones.

David Imhotep added that Abubakari the Great, a ruler of the ancient Mali Empire, made an expedition to the New World in the early 1300s A. D. Abubakari’s men left numerous inscriptions throughout the Americas in the Manding writing system. Imhotep also pointed out that not only are the pyramid mounds of the Western Hemisphere similar to those of Egypt, but the cliff dwellings of the American Southwest are also similar to ones in Mali and Egypt. See Imhotep’s The First Americans were Africans.

Although I have not yet had a chance to read his book(s), Carl Winters also added to our knowledge of the AAAs.

The decisive blow that ought to forever put the issue of the first Americans to rest for all but the most adamant racists was delivered by a team of American (mostly Brazilian) and European archaeologists. In the early years of this century, Mark Hubbe, Mercedes Okumura, Danilo V. Bernardo, Susan Pessiss, Walter Neves, Pedro Glorya and their colleagues produced the BBC documentary, “Tracking the First Americans.” This video and Appendix H and Chapter 14 of Decoding the Deluge, which this video’s text is based upon, should be the coup de grace for dark-skinned racism.

The other video, the BBC video, informs us, and my private conversations with the Neves staff confirm, that all the pre-9-kya skulls of South America and all the pre-10-kya skulls of North America are Negroid in their cranial features and the facial features that forensic modeling attributes to them. All the post-7-kya skulls of South America and all the post-8-kya skulls of North America are Amerindian in their cranial features and inferred facial features. This doesn’t contradict our 13.2 kya, calibrated radio carbon date for the Clovis entry of hordes of Amerindians. It only says that there were already so many African people here prior to the entry of the Amerindians and the extermination of the African aboriginals by the Amerindians was so rapid that we are very unlikely to find skulls that are exceptions to these general statements. Brazilian and French archaeologists have also provided us with the earliest dates for human occupation of the Americas: 65 kya at Pedra Furada (“Pierced Stone”) an area with rock shelters within Serra da Caprivara National Park in Piauí (northeast), Brazil.

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See the figure above depicting Niède Guidon and the park. There are over 800 archaeological sites there, and we have Niède to thank for their preservation. She also organized the French and Brazilian team of archaeologists who have been finding all the evidence that was reported in the documentary, “Tracking the First Americans.” In the late Twentieth Century, she came out squarely on the side of Rafinesque, José Melgar and Van Sertima, affirming that the first Americans were Negroid. However, the Guidon Team absurdly speculates that the Aboriginal Negroid Americans came by boat from Northeastern Australia!

This “Australia” nonsense is an absurd attempt to protect their careers by compromising with the Yankee and European racists. I’ve spoken with some of the Guidon Team. They aren’t stupid. The route to South America from Northeastern Queensland, where an early boat with a prow has been found, would have required the warm-weather Koories to navigate through arctic waters. Moreover, that route is six or seven times as long as the closest African route to South America.

Sixty-five thousand years ago, or earlier, in the coldest part of the Ice Age; people from North or Western Africa wouldn’t have needed sea-worthy vessels or navigational knowledge of any kind to get to South America. With most of the water tied up at the poles, the two continents would have been very close. Moreover, the currents on either side of the equator, though slow to non-existent at the coldest times, flow in opposite directions at other times. As soon as the African people started making rafts or dugout canoes, some of them would have ended up in South America.

I refuse to compromise with lying, latent homosexual scoundrels. I prefer to follow Rafinesque’s honorable example even if it requires me to live out my life in poverty and obscurity. Why? Because, ultimately, either the truth must triumph or we all, humanity, must fail. Again, truth is all the knowledge and information that advances human evolution. Lies do the opposite.

This ends Part I of this series.

In Part II, we’ll return to our consideration of the big picture, deductive reasoning and analysis of the American mounds.

For the Peace Love and Progress Party at,

Dave Huttner, January 8, 2020

Sedinam Kinamo Chris Moyowasifza Curry

Presidential Candidate at Green Party of USA

2 年

David Hunter Wow! Thank you for posting

David Huttner

Candidate for US President in 2024

4 年

Thanks Guy.

Tobias Link

I am your KING! ?? Iron Lion Zion ???????? Make Love, Not War! ??

4 年

Highly informative and very well written. I've learned a lot from your article. It's pure joy to read it on a social media platform that is not well known for addressing such topics. Thank you, David Huttner!



