Social Science 301 the New Socialist Family

Social Science 301 the New Socialist Family

Hi Dave again. It’s great to have you back!

We are indebted to Burt Bacharach, Hal David and Jackie DeShannon for that great classic song, “What the World Needs now is Love.”

The Peace Love and Progress Party and the New Social Science endorses every word of that song and claims, with its book, “Stage II of the Nonviolent Rainbow Revolution,” to know how to create a world wherein everyone does have all the love he or she needs. That book also describes how to get from here, our present savage world, to there. This talk summarizes and paraphrases that book, “Stage II of the Non-violent Rainbow Revolution.”

Freud once said that life is about love and work. We’ve been talking mostly about work. Today’s talk is about love. We can make this topic transition smoother if we go behind the words that we are accustomed to using and get to their deeper meaning.

Life, if we are living it properly, is all about love. As the great Cuban poet, Jose Marti, said, “Only love constructs.” Work, if we are living properly, is constructive and expresses love for our fellow man, agape, to use the ancient Greek word. Love in the usual sense of the word refers to sexual love, the very special love that we reserve for the person or persons with whom we are most alike – think alike, desire alike and look alike -- and struggle to become as one with.

I’m not just playing with words here. We need to understand and appreciate love in order to accept it as part of the compensation we can have for minimizing K and R, for renouncing an instinctual impulse to pursue one of the extreme reproductive strategies. Love and a more civilized world are the compensations that we can expect for renouncing K and R. A population controlled (and greatly reduced) world also needs a general appreciation of love to designate the types of work – and whole industries – that are truly unproductive and can be and should be eliminated. Finally, we need to understand sexual love, in this talk, to learn how to make monogamy work for future generations of people in a civilized, K-and-R-minimized world.

If you think about it, I think you will agree with me that heterosexual monogamous marriage (with one partner) should be the ideal that we strive for (for future generations) because if would greatly simplify life, enabling us to maximize and meet our expectations of one another.

But this will be the ideal only if and when we are able to provide everyone with the perfect partner, the partner that thinks, desires and looks most like ourselves, a partner that is so much like ourselves that there is no temptation to have sex with anyone else.

As we’ve seen, in our earlier talks, our present, dysfunctional monogamy developed with the K Class of first farmers accidentally and spontaneously owing to their competition with one another and their drive to accumulate private property. Monogamy enabled the K Class to constitute itself, as a class. At the same time, monogamy became the great woe and oppressor of the Ks because it created the homophobia that prevented the homosexual sons of the first farmer/Ks and every successive generation of Ks from being able to love. (We all love the face of our opposite sex parent, the face most like our own. If mom has a partner and doesn’t stay too close to us for too long, we transfer our sexual desires to our siblings; and they determine our sexual orientations. Monogamy forces homosexual folks to choose between having love and having children. It forces bi-sexual folks to satisfy only part of their love – thus the homophobia.)

Our top priority should be to enable everyone to love. We have to legalize and encourage, not only same-sex marriages but also, group marriages that mirror people’s sibling relationships. The most prevalent and easily-formed of these group marriages will be threesomes (of two bi-sexuals of one gender and a heterosexual of the opposite gender) and foursomes (of two homosexual couples, couples that hope to procreate). Accordingly, the Blogs Page of the Peace Love and Progress Party includes a “Proposed Group Marriage Bill.”

But this is just a first step. Legalizing same-sex and group marriages will only give everyone the right to love. Most homosexual people will not exercise that right if they are still plagued by homophobia, which the de facto pressure to be monogamous keeps generating. What causes this de facto pressure to be monogamous? Growing class differences (in wealth, income and education) make every sort of marital union difficult and group marriages the most difficult.

The Peace Love and Progress Party is convinced that the only way to get off the suicide track that humanity is on, the only way to eradicate homophobia and any of our other problems and create a civilized and sustainable world is with a twenty-five year transition period in which we put a global moratorium on procreation. No babies from anyone, anywhere, for 25 years.

I’ll pause the video so that those that have fainted can be revived.

This proposal is bound to sound outrageous to everyone. I doubt if anyone else has ever publically proposed it. It will sound especially outrageous to all the latent homosexual Big Brothers and the folks that are fundamentally religious, to all the folks that systematically fail to adapt. Freud had a special label for you folks, neurotics. While name-calling is not nice, the failure of you folks to adapt and your knee-jerk opposition to political attempts to adapt society endanger all of us.

This moratorium is the only way to get from here (the savage status quo) to there (a civilized and happy world). Big Brother is currently at the wheel of a bus that is racing toward a cliff. We can’t just swerve in another direction. We’ve got to first stop the bus and educate everyone onboard as to why a new direction is necessary and what direction it must be.

More specifically, we need about 25 years of a zero birth rate in which to 1) reduce the human population to a manageable level, 2) educate everyone and complete the spread of English as the world language, 3) eliminate all of our prejudices (including homophobia, which contradiction, the contradiction of having to choose between having love and having children, can only be eradicated if love is the only option), 4) create equal opportunity and 5) use the Face Matching software (to be discussed below) for the people who cooperate and as an inducement for people to cooperate.

Before proceeding to describe the New Socialist Family, the Stage II System of Marriage and Child-rearing, it is probably best to answer some of the fears and objections that many of you have. And I know that many of you are fulminating with objections – calling for my incarceration for smoking an illegal substance, plotting how to better censor the Peace Love and Progress Party, etc.

First, for the people in their 20s and 30s that worry about probably never being able to have children: none of us need to reproduce our genes. Genes only determine physical characteristics (e.g. the color of your skin, the shape of your nose, etc.). Genes have nothing to do with the important stuff: character, personality and general intelligence. All of the important stuff is learned.

After debunking the best efforts of Big Brother’s overly-heralded and overly-paid researchers to prove otherwise, Stage II of the Non-violent Rainbow Revolution speculates that general intelligence is determined by two factors: 1) the amount of psychic energy that the individual generally devotes to repression (to walling off lies and excluding all awareness that would tend to conflict with lies) and 2) the number of internal connections within the brain and the convoluted (folded) area of the cerebral cortex (the outer brain).

The existence of number 1) is demonstrated whenever someone tells a joke that makes anyone else laugh explosively. As Freud taught us, the energy for that explosion comes from the forces of repression being defeated. The punch line of the joke unexpectedly circumvents a wall of repression, defeats it and causes all that energy used for repression to be released.

The other factor, number 2), the number of connections within the brain and the cortex, is determined by a positive feedback loop consisting of five factors: 1) stimulation, especially at the earliest age and by the mother, 2) motivation, especially to please the loved one and at the earliest age when the brain and nervous system is growing most rapidly, 3) struggle (hard work), 4) achievement and 5) confidence.

At the insect level of our brains, genes probably do set up, in stages, the hard wiring of our autonomic nervous system – the simple pictures that, when associated with a present trauma, cause the brain center for the corresponding organ to be switched on. (See the New Medicine of Ryke Geerd Hamer on the Blogs Page of But this evolutionary matching of simple images with organ systems is the same or virtually the same for all of us. Again, nobody needs to reproduce his genes. What everyone does need is love.

For the minority peoples and the people with dark skin who suffer from the universal prejudice against dark skin, for all the people who fear that no committee elected or appointed to award procreation rights could be fair and unbiased in selecting the couples privileged to procreate: your fears are justified at this time. This is a very good reason why the 25 year moratorium on procreation is needed, needed to educate people, eliminate every form of prejudice and create equal opportunity.

For the latent homosexual parents and grandparents that only married to reproduce their genes and regard the perpetuation of their gene line as their principal purpose in life, for at least half of all the people that have ever procreated: you folks are indeed to be pitied. Not because of what the future might hold for you but because of the relatively meaningless lives that you have elected to lead. Cooperate in the forging of a new and better world, and we will use the Face Matching software to find you the partner or partners that you can truly love. Do not worry about your friends and children or grandchildren not loving you without your Third Mask. To one extent or another, others have always been able to see through that mask, and they will love you more without it.

When an openly homosexual person once said to me, “Image how much your homosexual father had to sacrifice, in his time, to have you and raise you as he did,” I belatedly but immediately forgave my father for all his problems.

Let’s proceed now to a description of the Stage II system of marriage and child rearing that the Peace Love and Progress Party envisions for the future, for the indefinite future following the twenty-five year transition period and moratorium on procreation. The best way to describe it is with a scenario describing the lives of two individuals: Dick and Jane. Dick and Jane and their dog, Spot were the main characters of a popular primer that helped teach most Americans to read from the 1930s through the 1970s. Look how cute the originals were – living the American Dream – Dick’s right hand holds a B25.

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Our new Jane lives in a classless (K and R minimized) society, a society with equal opportunity and population control and without poverty, crime, global warming, or violence of any sort. She is three and one half years old and wondering what Mommy and Daddy are doing in their bedroom late upon a weekend morning. She turns the door knob and the door opens. She walks in and sees her parents enjoying intercourse.

If Jane hasn’t already asked and been told where babies come from and how they are made, they tell her at this time. Because her parents are a happy couple, perfectly matched for one another by a computerized system that I shall describe for you below, they have sex often; and Jane starts seeing it often. Soon she expresses her desire to replace Mommy in having sex with Daddy.

“No, no, no,” they tell her, “You and Daddy cannot penetrate each other or touch each other’s private parts because Daddy belongs to Mommy. But you can have the man that looks and becomes the most like your father.”

There’s nothing that Jane wants more, so she asks, “How?”

“Well, you have to start school, immediately,” they tell her.

Immediately, Jane enters a preschool where she receives an intensive course in health, safety, marriage and family life. Six months later, when Jane is 4 years old, she graduates.

The family counselor for the state immediately informs Jane’s family of the contact information for the new-born baby boy, somewhere in our socialist world, that is going to look the most like her father. Since baby faces don’t stabilize, on average, until about one year of age, you might be asking how this is possible.

It will become possible with two software applications. One, Baby Face Generating Software, analyzes a sample of every male baby’s genes, focusing upon the critical genes and alleles that determine facial characteristics, to generate an image of what that male will look like, facially, at maturity. The other application, Face Matching Software (or as I like to call it, “Finding Mr. Right Software”), selects from a database of all the recently born baby faces, worldwide, the face that is a slightly more exaggerated image of Jane’s father’s face. This application is just an enhancement of the face recognition software already in existence and can be easily produced at any time. The fact that we are only using facial point detection software for security and crime-solving purposes – and not match-making – shows how savage and insane our world is!

Next, Jane travels to that baby boy. She travels to Dick’s home. Drawing upon her schooling and some initial help from Dick’s biological mother, Jane immediately starts to perform as Dick’s wife and mother. She nurses him with artificial breasts that hold formula or the biological mother’s expressed milk. With support from Dick’s family or relatives, Jane devotes 100% of her time to him. She nurses him, attends to the dirty work, plays with him and sleeps with him. Dick’s biological mother is able to return to work and attend to her husband within a week of giving birth. With training and support, little girls make excellent mothers. They still remember being mothered and want to do it themselves, which is why they all play with dolls.

Moreover, Stage II future mothers, such as Jane, will make the best mothers for a number of reasons. First, all of them will be well-motivated to have their husband/son grow up as soon as possible a) so that they can have sex with him as soon as possible and b) so that they can more fully devote themselves to their own education and future career. Secondly, these Janes will want their husband/sons to grow up and become as intelligent, educated and accomplished as possible because they will know that half of their future prosperity will depend upon his earning power. None of the Stage II mothers of an equal opportunity and population controlled world (wherein there is zero unemployment and a shortage of labor power) will be as the oppressed moms of today that make life-long babies of their children because they have no ambition and opportunity to be anything but a mom.

If the Peace Love and Progress Party’s speculation about the determinants of general intelligence is correct – and I believe it is – then the sons of these Janes will all be geniuses. Today’s mothers have to divide their time, love and energy between the baby, the job, the husband and often other children. Jane’s love and attention will be focused entirely upon Dick. He’ll get as much love and attention (stimulation is the key word) as did DaVinci or Einstein. The Janes, themselves, will have more control of their families then even Chinese women have ever dreamt of. But back to our scenario:

As soon as Dick is toilet trained, Dick and Jane start school, where they have their own apartment. The apartment lacks a kitchen because all students eat in the school cafeteria. There are few teachers because most of the classes are online, with only the very best teachers offering them. Their school does have numerous nurses, psychologists and physical education instructors.

The population-controlled state will be able to provide lavishly for each child’s education and development once there are fewer students to provide for and once expenditures for health care (attributable mostly to trauma and environmental toxicity), police, military, welfare and debt service (due to indiscriminate economic growth) are minimized. Government revenue will come much less from income tax and much more from the remainder of decedent’s estates once minimal inheritances are paid out.

Dick and Jane will be able to enter a work-study program as early as junior high school owing to the shortage of labor and the fierce competition among businesses to acquire the best students as employees.

Marriage vows, marriage licenses and marriage ceremonies will all become as necessary as buggy whips and cease to exist.

The most difficult love and marriage problem will be convincing people to go on living and make use of society’s face-matching software, once more, when their spouses pre-decease them.

The last thing I want to say today concerns China and the censorship that will prevent Chinese people from watching this video or reading the text of it. That’s really quite tragic because this presentation answers what is probably the greatest dread that Chinese people have of change. They fear Chinese women becoming as oppressed and powerless as Western, especially American women.

Women need to be able to control family life and be the proactive leaders in love and marriage – and not just select the highest bidder from among the stupid men that take a fancy to them. Indeed, but for a few customs and holidays and Chinese women’s control of an archaic language; Chinese women would become as powerless and oppressed as American women, and marriage and family life in China would be as dismal as it is in the United States.

But archaic languages are the greatest particular problem that Easterners have. These languages, as we have already pointed out, make linguists of all the people that learn them and consume their imaginations and creativity.

Yet the complex code languages of the East are a form of secrecy and deception necessary to supplement larceny and lies. Easterners need larceny and lies to counter the overt violence of Westerners. Easterners can’t abandon their form of violence until the Westerners abandon theirs.

The Stage II system of marriage and family life that is a vital component of the New Social Science of the Peace Love and Progress Party and that I have described above will guarantee all women more control of marriage and family life than any Chinese woman has ever dreamt of – and do so without the handicap of an archaic language. Its implementation, everywhere, should eliminate all incentive for savagery of every sort and enable us to integrate our peoples and civilize our world.

Thanks again for tuning in.

Hope to meet with you all again soon.

For the Peace Love and Progress Party,,

Dave, November 30, 2019

Steve Percifield

Introduced this past fall, Jenny Lee Sammiches are already selling like hot cakes at two major Big 10 universities and a number of c-stores and supermarkets.

4 年

The "B-25" looks more like a Lockheed Vega. Excepting that, your observations are off the chart but compelling.



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