Social Science 202 Prehistory and Religion Part I
(If you would prefer to watch this as a video, go to the Video Page of Do read of watch these social science presentations in ascending order of their course numbers.)
Hi, Dave again. Good to have you back.
You don’t have to be a literal believer in religion to like gospel music. I like it. Merle Haggard did an especially good recording, or two, of that great African-American song. Merle’s playing now with Buck Owens and Bill Monroe, in the Angel Band.
By the way, the angels are what became of the army of the sun god in kinder, gentler times. The angel’s halo was originally an aurora, emblematic of the sun. The angel’s harp is, like the trident and several other symbols from our mythologies, a transformed bow and arrow.
I can’t emphasize enough that these videos are only hitting the highlights, giving you a general and conclusory outline. For the details of religion and these other social science subjects, read the books that are FREE to download, as PDFs, on the Downloads Page of
I’m coming to you today from beautiful Vladivostok, Russia. I came here looking for those Communists that fry babies in oil, but all I found is nice people. Seriously, during the cold war, people were actually saying things that crazy in Big Brother’s media. People almost that crazy are still getting all the media coverage and grant money they want. Just three years ago, I couldn’t even schedule a talk at a library – in the “Land of the Free” – without Big Brother’s secret police agents finding out about it and cancelling the engagement! Is it any wonder the world is in the shape it’s in?
Let’s pick up where we left off in the first video on the K and R Class Struggle. There, I promised all of you that are religious believers, especially those of you that have had numinous experiences, personal interactions with God, that I would give you a more profound understanding of those experiences. Since you folks that have had these experiences are the best promoters of the literal belief in religion, literal belief that my scientific understanding of the world opposes; let’s exaggerate our opposition and make a game of it.
Let’s pretend that we live in a very progressive municipality, a science center such as Novosibirsk, Russia. The Peace Love and Progress Party has filed a class action law suit again all of the priests, mullahs, rabbis and other religious leaders that are reaching out to our town. I am the attorney for the Party. The Party is suing them for unfair and fraudulent business practices, for lying to you, the people, about our past and the essential nature of the world. With one exception, the Party can’t bring a criminal complaint that is likely to secure an indictment against the clergy because they do not intend to do wrong. But as the old proverb says, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” The respondents are retarding human evolution and the progress of civilization by influencing you as they do. They are capping the K and R Class Struggle.
Recall from our first video that the K Strategy, the quality strategy, is the tendency of the folks on top in terms of income, wealth and education to do like the large animals, to have relatively few babies but to equip them with every possible advantage for survival. The R Strategy, the quantity strategy, is the tendency of the folks on the bottom in terms of income, wealth and education to do like the small animals, to reproduce for quantity. These two extreme strategies cause and define each other. They are what the class struggle is all about. They are the root cause of all our social, political – and even our medical problems – without exception. We must minimize both extremes simultaneously by maximizing, respectively, equal opportunity and population control. As our first video, “Social Science 101 the K and R Class Struggle” shows, since all of our ills are just symptoms of K and R; none of our ills can be effectively and permanently remedied except by reducing, preferably minimizing both K and R, which means increasing, preferably maximizing, equal opportunity and population control.
How are your clergy-persons preventing us from getting to the K and R Class Struggle and minimizing K and R by maximizing equal opportunity and population control, respectively? They are doing it in two ways. First, they are encouraging you folks to believe that your god exercises control over matters of life, birth and death. Why else would you pray to “Him” or make sacrifices to “Him”? For you folks that believe matters of life, birth and death to be “God’s” domain; anyone that practices or promotes any kind of population or even birth control is infringing upon your “God’s” prerogatives.
By encouraging you folks to believe in an immortal “soul” and some other world – call it what you will, heaven, hell, nirvana, Ragnarok, Elysian Fields, whatever; religious leaders are also encouraging you to shirk your responsibility for this world, the only world of which we know and in which we must live.
Whether you are conscious of it or not, you who believe in an immortal soul and another world also believe in reincarnation. Since the immortal soul must go somewhere when it exits a body, and since this world and this life are the only world and life of which we know; all beliefs in “afterlife” are actually beliefs in reincarnation. This is why you religious folks are so opposed to population control and even birth control. For you folks, preventing any new birth could be preventing Grandma or Uncle Bob from being born again, albeit in a different body.
The second way in which the clergy are discouraging progress, discouraging us from dealing with the K and R Class Struggle, is by promoting screen memories (pleasant fairy tales) to screen out grim, prehistoric realities, realities that we must learn from so as to create a better world.
The one criminal exception is the Roman Catholic Church. The Church has known since at least the 1991 edition of my books, that it is their vow of celibacy – and even more so, their literal interpretation of the Virgin Birth Doctrine – that causes the Catholic priesthood to be a magnet for pedophiles. Yet the Church refuses to reform the policy and the doctrine, apparently calculating that it is more profitable to continue the status quo and pay the damages of the judgments entered against them. Victims of pedophile Catholic priests, since 1991, should file civil suits demanding punitive damages and should also file criminal complaints. For an understanding of the relevant psychology, see page 35 of “The First Christmas.”
By the way, for the evolution of the cross, from its original Species War representation to its use in solar religion to its use for Roman crucifixions and finally as a symbol for the Christian religion; see Figure 111, Volume III of Decoding the Deluge.
Please don’t misunderstand me. I know that most of you have good intentions. As “Just a Little Closer Walk with Thee” says, many of you pray to your god hoping that he will make you better, happier people that contribute to making a better world.
But it does no good to pray for help from a god whose only existence is poetic, and it is insufficient to be better only one day a week when we happen to be in church or temple and concentrating only on positive feelings and actions. We need to take responsibility for the social world that men have created, and we need to eliminate our negativity toward each other at all times and permanently. We need to perfect this world; and to do so, we must be realistic and proactive and not just dream about escaping to a better world after we die.
The Peace Love and Progress Party knows exactly what our past is all about and what we must do to improve upon it, what we must do to eliminate all our negativity permanently and make paradise here, in this world, on Earth.
It’s really quite simple. In one expression of it or another, all of our religious leaders of the modern era have taught us the Golden Rule (ethical reciprocity). The Golden Rule is the essence of modern religion. It’s what modern religion is all about. We simply need to complete the transition to modernity that modern religion represents by extending the Golden Rule to the most important sphere of our social life, to the sphere of our reproductive competition. Again, that means setting rational limits upon our genetic competition, minimizing the extreme strategies for reproductive competition, K and the R, by maximizing, respectively, equal opportunity and population control.
So, let’s pretend that your religious leaders are now on trial in civil court facing claims of monetary damages for unfair and fraudulent business practices (lying to the public), damage claims that, if granted, will put them out of business. The Peace Love and Progress Party is the plaintiff, and I am its attorney. You who have had numinous experiences, personal contacts with God, are the star witness for the respondents/defendants. We shall refer to you, collectively, as Mr. John Doe.
You, Mr. Doe, have delivered your testimony for the respondents and are still on the witness stand. You have claimed to know that “God” exists through your personal contacts with “Him.”
Now it is my turn, as attorney for the plaintiff, to publicly cross-examine you. (Legal proceedings in this science town are all televised.) I have nothing against you personally; but, as the opposing attorney, it is my duty to try to impeach you, to discredit you as a witness and have your testimony thrown out, stricken from the record.
I wanted to act out this script, to stage a mock trial; but I couldn’t find even 5 other people who were both irreligious and unafraid of the Church. So, I’ll have to just read the script to you.
Plaintiff’s Attorney: Mr. Doe, please state your disposition toward our parent species, toward the primal fathers (the alpha males of the horde, when we lived as the gorillas live), toward your same-sex parent and toward your fellow man in general. And remember, Mr. Doe, you are under oath. Perjury is a felony punishable by no less than one year in jail.
Witness John Doe: I don’t know what you mean by “parent species.” I only know what the priests have told me, which is that God created the world in seven days. We were created on the last day, the seventh day, in His image, separate from all the other animals and plants. I know nothing about gorillas or how they live. Unlike some of you, I am not descended from monkeys.
Plaintiff’s Attorney: Mr. Doe, do I detect a pinch of animosity within you toward your fellow man?
Witness John Doe: Not at all. I have nothing but love in my heart for our fellow men.
Plaintiff’s Attorney: Aha! That’s what I thought! And how do you feel about your same-sex parent, your father?
Witness John Doe: I never had anything but love for Dear Old Dad. Rest his soul.
Plaintiff’s Attorney: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, John Doe and all others claiming to have had personal contacts with “God,” don’t know their own minds!
Defense Attorney: Objection Your Honor. The plaintiff can’t possibly know another person’s mind better than that person himself knows it.
Plaintiff’s Attorney: In this case I can, Your Honor, because our feelings toward these groups and persons are all the same. We have extreme mixed emotions toward them, love and hate, ambivalence. For Witness John Doe to claim otherwise is to admit that he is an unconscious person that doesn’t know his own mind.
Judge: Explain how that is so, Mr. Huttner.
Plaintiff’s Attorney: Certainly, Your Honor. First, consider the same-sex parent. As Sigmund Freud showed us, long ago, we all have love and hate, ambivalence for that parent. On the one hand, that parent loves us and is the model for the person we want to become so as to become worthy of winning the love of the opposite sex parent, whom, at an early age we all love most and want to unite with, sexually, so as to most nearly produce another person like ourselves and most nearly overcome our own mortality. On the other hand, the same-sex parent prevents us from sexually having the opposite sex parent, for which we hate him or her.
Defense Attorney: Objection!
Judge: Over-ruled. Proceed Counselor.
Plaintiff’s Attorney: We are ambivalent toward our fellow man, especially fertile persons of our own sex, too. On the one hand, we are a herd animal.
Defense Attorney: Objection Your Honor. I am not an animal!
Judge: Over-ruled, Counselor. The Scopes monkey trial ruled otherwise long ago, ruled that we may all indeed be great apes, and that no one can be faulted for so saying. Each juror can decide that question for himself. Proceed Counselor.
Plaintiff’s Attorney: On the one hand, we great apes are a herd animal. We need to cooperate, to work together in order to survive and thrive. Therein arises our brotherly love. But on the other hand, we have failed to complete the transition to modernity that modern religion represents by extending the Golden Rule to the most important sphere of social life, the sphere of our reproductive competition. We need to take responsibility for that sphere and not pretend that there is a willful god that controls it. As my client, the Peace Love and Progress Party shows in Part II of its video on religion, of the five universal elements of the godhead (of “God” and “Devil” or “Satin”); only two are ongoing, still alive. And those two, our ongoing genetic competitors and our same-sex parent, couldn’t express their common will even if they had one. Moreover, we are at the top of Earth’s food-chain, without a natural predator. Our reproductive competition is totally out of control, unrestricted and ferocious, and we need to control it. That’s where the animosity, the negative side of our ambivalence for our “fellow man,” our ongoing genetic competitors, comes in. In all our mythologies, associations with this universal element of the godhead, the ongoing genetic competitors, are easy to spot. They often include references to the number 7 or 1000, or multiples of them, numbers which refer to the countless little insults and injuries that we suffer from and inflict upon each other seven days a week.
As for our parent species, Homo erectus, and the Primal Fathers, the alpha males of the wandering, foraging pack of 10-40 animals when we lived as the gorillas still live; witness Doe admits being totally unaware of them. His ignorance of not only our ambivalence toward them but everything about them is owing to the two great and worldwide traumas of our horrific prehistory, the Species War, the major, albeit cryptic subject of all our religions and most of our holidays, and the Great Flood of 14,634 years before the present era (2000 A.D.), which came not long after the discovery of horticulture. These traumas caused our ancestors to grossly distort and virtually black out oral history and replace it with the hallucinatory, cartoonlike versions of our prehistory, our mythologies, that were passed down to us and still further compromised by our modern religions.
Defense Attorney: Objection Your Honor. Can the plaintiffs prove any of this?
Judge: They certainly have to my satisfaction. I’ve read their books.
Defense Attorney: For the record, Your Honor, the Defense is proceeding under protest. You should have recused yourself.
Judge: On the contrary, I had to read their books in order to be impartial and NOT recuse myself.
Defense Attorney: And why is that, Your Honor?
Judge: Because I had already read the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran.
Defense Attorney: Ok, Your Honor. The Defense is willing to stipulate that we are all ambivalent toward the three groups of ancestors and the one individual (the same-sex) parent, the folks that Witness Doe is totally or partially unconscious of. So what. How does this have any bearing upon Witness Doe’s claim of having personal knowledge of the Lord? I motion for the court to strike this whole conversation from the record.
Plaintiff’s Attorney: Four groups of ambivalent ancestors and relatives and one ambivalent individual, Your Honor. The victors of the Species War gradually contracted the ambivalence felt toward their ambivalent victims because the executioner is hated to the extent that his victim was loved and loved to the extent that his victim was hated.
Judge: Attorney Huttner, tell the court where you’re going with this.
Plaintiff’s Attorney: Certainly, Your Honor. If we only hate someone, that’s not a big problem. We simply avoid that person or group and forget about them. But if we have love and hate for some person or group, especially if he, she or they are much-needed parents of some sort; then that is a huge problem. That ambivalent person or group becomes associated with every tough decision, every difficult problem and every momentous event. We become obsessed with much-needed objects of ambivalence. Our ongoing genetic competitors are parent-like because, as a group, they are infinitely more powerful and knowledgeable than any one of us.
These ambivalent ancestors and relatives were (and the ongoing ones are) the only eligible candidates to become the big parent in the sky that we hope is there for us when our biological parents are not there for us or otherwise unable to protect us. All the myths and rituals about these five groups of highly ambivalent ancestors and relatives, these universal elements of the godhead, became amalgamated by the priests that were competing to absorb each other’s gods and patrons. The positive sides to them condensed into the loving gods, or, in modern times, “God,” and their negative aspects condensed into the hateful demons, or, in modern times, “Satin” or the “Devil.”
We tend to deal with ambivalence toward people we need, especially family members and trading partners, even countrymen, by repressing the negative side of our ambivalence toward them. When the repression is great enough, as in the case of Witness Doe, the individual becomes totally unconscious of the negative side of that ambivalence. But the positive and negative emotions, which reflect the reality of the relationship, are still there, struggling within the individual’s unconscious mind. The unconscious individual feels that struggle, but because of repression, he cannot locate it and identify its objects. Assuming, quite naturally, that what he feels but cannot see and control must be outside of him; the unconscious individual externalizes, projects the struggle. He attributes it to an immaterial and immortal spirit such as the immaterial and immortal “soul” that he wants to believe resides within him. (As previously explained in our first video on the K and R Class Struggle, the “immaterial and immortal soul” is actually the ego, an electrical circuit that resides within the intralaminar nucleus and cycles at a steady state of 40 cycles per second until that circuit is broken, until we die.) Each generation of unconscious individuals learns to equate their spirits, their projections of repressed ambivalence for the ongoing elements of the godhead, with the “gods and demons” or the “God and Devil” of the prepared religions of their ancestors. (Fifty million Frenchmen can’t be wrong, or so they think – even if the most intelligent individuals among them keep insisting that everything in the universe is material, motion (energy) being matter’s mode of existence.)
Judge: This court finds Witness Doe’s testimony of having personal knowledge of God to have been successfully impeached and orders it stricken from the record.
Does the defense or do you reader/viewers have any other reliable or verifiable evidence for the existence of “God,” evidence that can withstand the strict scrutiny of social science and the Peace Love and Progress Party? If not, then please proceed to “Social Science 202 Religion Part II.”
For the Peace Love and Progress Party,
October 30, 2019