Social responsibility and well-being at INESC TEC: an ESG commitment
Since October is the month dedicated to mental health, one of the vital issues in our people management and social responsibility policy, it makes perfect sense to dedicate this Editorial to this central topic that is often neglected by institutions and society in general.?
This month, we reinforced our commitment through a set of initiatives dedicated to mental health. We organised a yoga and meditation class, a session on the importance of sleep, a nutrition class and even our Book Club focused on this theme. These actions are part of an ongoing effort to support the work-life balance of our community, thus promoting a healthy work environment.?
Our Technical Committee for Social Responsibility has been instrumental in developing initiatives aimed at the well-being of our community – complying with the principles of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG), a strategy that we are implementing and that promotes sustainability, while favouring our purpose: a sustainable future through the impact of science, technology, and innovation.?
ESG covers three fundamental pillars, and we’ve been promoting several actions in those domains:?
Hence, Social Responsibility is one of the cornerstones of our ESG commitment. Through these initiatives and policies, INESC TEC aims to create a healthy, inclusive and balanced work environment, as the success of our institution depends on the well-being of our community.?
Obviously, this can only be possible if we are motivated and if we create an inspired and inspiring community that keeps developing science with social impact – together. To do so, we rely on you – our people!?
By Luís Seca, member of the Board of Directors