Social Program Invite
To: The African American Community, Latino Community, Those Who Have Suffered The Loss Of Love Ones, Black Lives Matter Movement, Occupy Movements, Those With Social & Economic Injustice, Disenfranchised, Downtrodden, Bewildered, and Marginalized.
Social & Economic Development Plan For The 21st Century
We would like to introduce to you some groundbreaking research that has been under development for some 8 years. It will truly impress you with its comprehensive and exhaustive look at the issues of our time. Many of you have been somewhat disillusioned by the efforts that you have made to address the Social & Economic Injustice in our present age. This is why we want to reach out to you and discuss this issue in a very respectful and powerful way. Please consider the study herein contained and see the benefits we have built into our program for you and your particular field of interest in the Social & Economic ills of our time. This is a must read, if your looking for solutions. We all want change, and this is what we propose a plan to bring about the change that must take place. This is our outreach to you to inspire you to join our work in achieving a new level of Social Activism that works for you and for your concerns. It is very viable and a lot of effort has been made over the 8 year period to study the issues of our time & bring forth a platform that will bring about your desired outcomes. Lets get started. We begin with a brief review of the present day as well as a historical review of these efforts. Some of our findings may amaze you but as you will see we have you and your interest in our hearts. Our desire is to bring results for you that thus far may have seem unattainable or may seem elusive.
If we look at the Historical & Results of previous Protest movements of varying types its clear to see that only a few have really impacted legislation or benefit for the people. Traditionally, we see that although we have the right to Redress of Grievances and Petition often times the Government has not the ability to meet the demands of the people. They hear us, but they don't have the answers we seek. There are limited budget issues, multiple issues, and a general lack of ability to wield the answers for such complex and systemic issues now facing us. For example, they may have answers for food assistance, but not housing etc. There are too many issues facing the good citizens of this country for us to look solely at the Government to solve them. If so, we find ourselves over and over again not getting the answers or long term solutions that we need. In short, protesting doesn't produce the desired results. The Solution is for us to begin to work together, stop looking to Government and look to the Programs we offer to build unity among the movements and make personal imitative the means of solving problems. By unity we can move mountains and we can bring forth a true New America of compassion.
Here below are links to the programs we have initiated and we ask you to join us and get involved with the programs best suited for your particular cause or need. Together we can solve problems.
Program Links For Your Review
IAM Pro-Maker Organization
Human Development Program…/0B7MD6aWHtfcjUFhJUmlQd1FuTTg/view
Community Development Site
Council Of Congregations
Ecclesia Training Centers
The Global Soccer Network Corp (Under Construction)
Please look over these programs, sign up, support us and contact us to begin the process and become a part of this dynamic effort to solve today's challenges !
Thank You !