Social Norms " Certificate of Hypocrisy"

Social Norms " Certificate of Hypocrisy"

Going through a tough time, like losing a business you spent two decades building, or facing a demotion or being fired, is an incredibly difficult experience. It’s not just the loss itself but the emotional weight that follows, compounded by the endless stream of consequences and “what ifs” that start to take over. Suddenly, the people who think they know it all come out of the woodwork, doing what they do best—claiming they saw it coming. “I had a feeling it wouldn’t work,” they say. “I expected him to fail.” These same hypocrites were once the ones showering you with compliments, praising your achievements, and telling you the sweetest things when everything was going well.

But when the chips are down, these people show their true colors. They reveal themselves to be nothing more than opportunists, fair-weather friends who were never truly on your side. It’s in these dark times that their hypocrisy becomes clear, and while it hurts, there is also a strange relief in finally seeing things for what they are. You come to realize that adversity has a way of unmasking those around you, and you learn who’s truly loyal and who isn’t.

Life is a rollercoaster. You go up, and you go down. And as you’re dealing with your downs, take solace in knowing that the hypocrites who stood by and watched, or even contributed to your fall, will eventually face their own lows. The wheel always turns. So let them revel in their moment of false superiority, because their turn is coming, sooner or later. Life has a way of humbling us all. "What goes around comes around"

Dima Anabtawi

Principal at Ibrahimieh college in Jerusalem

4 周

That is totally true… you get back what you give ????

Rasha Shawabkeh

District pharmacy Manager

1 个月

Totaly true , In adversity, too, a friend is proved, for in prosperity all seem to be friends.



