Social networking will become dull without these five kind of users
Arslan Ali
Quality Assurance || Software Release Strategy || Trainings || Community Engagement || Team and Project Coordination || Creative Functional Testing
Social networking is something we now take for granted. We treat it like eating, sleeping, walking, and talking. Why should we not? It is so closely sewed in within the complexities of our daily lives that we use it almost instinctively without feeling its existence.
There are several psychological and behavioral reasons behind why people use social networking and its related outfits. The consequences are so interesting to its core, that you will see different sets of psychological behaviors working their way. If you consider the minds and the effect it carries to those minds – it’s a whole different story to articulate.
Here are five users, without whom we will be a in a very dull kind of social networking experience, they simply put colors to everything …. But not in all good manners!
1. Trolls
These bunch of folks are those who either put up arguments, or post something which upsets people. Their remarks and comments are inflammatory, extraneous, and often off the topic. They embed themselves in online communities and forums such as a newsgroup, discussions, chat room, or blogs and their intent is deliberate – so it’s hurting.
How to deal with them? Well, you don’t have to respond to their comments, that’s what they want actually. They are fond of fake profiles, so if you remove one, another one will pop up, and since they are targeting with intent, so they are also too sensitive to respond back with more harsh response.
On the flip side, well, they do generate a lot of traffic and activity on the page don’t they? So let’s keep them at a safe distance and everything will be fine.
2. Profile Deactivators
“I am not on Facebook anymore!” My friend took a sip of his tea and smiled back. “I deactivated my profile”
“Why’d you do that?” I asked
“I was not comfortable with people sharing about their selfies and political alliances” he frowned back at me. “I was fed up with closed mug shots and the way political status updates get the likes and comments, I just could not take it anymore” He leaned forward as he wanted me to take him seriously.
“But that’s Facebook! People do that, why are you taking this personally?”
“I don’t know, it disturbed me a lot, I am never going back again!” He looked away.
A couple of months later he was back on Facebook.
Why do they do that? Well, these particular users are too sensitive to handle the newsfeeds. They take everything personally because when they scroll down the timeline, they feel that everyone is posting about them.
Consider these people sitting in the center of a room, and all of their friends, relatives, colleagues, and strangers, speaking to them at the same time. At any given time, they can either fold with that mind pressure, or will run out of the room, screaming. But the moment they step out, they will turn back and knock the door again.
Who says Social networking is not addictive, and easy to handle? ;-)
3. Sub-tweeters
Although considered as social networking platforms, there are vast differences between Twitter and Facebook.
Because of its character limit restrictions, users around the world love Twitter for being precise and to the point. In recent years, because of its dynamic live feeds, twitter proved to be the “News Breaking” site.
Coming to the point, unlike Facebook where people mostly share videos, memes, and news materials, the users on twitter prefer to construct their own tweets. This creates an enriched psychological phenomenon for the users. As their followers post tweets, due to the effect of “Trolling”, “Difference of opinion”, “Personal affection”, “Political influence”, and “Getting the attention”, people does not reply the tweet directly, but they post an independent tweet down the same newsfeed. This behavior is called Sub-tweeting.
The impression of a subtweet is very clearly reflected and for regular users of twitter it is now an easy way to express their response without directly involving someone. But be careful, as your friends and adversaries are both closely reading your newsfeed.
Interesting isn’t it?
4. Commentators
Oh god! Imagine yourself talking to a bunch of people in a conference hall, and someone in the crowd keeps clapping on everything you say and laughing on even the serious notes you are putting up. These people have nothing against you. These are simply your friends, but does not know when to shut up or speak out.
You will find them on every social media platform. They love to comment, and makes it their prime responsibility to say something about everything that is being posted online. Sometimes within their own perception they take things way too wrong, and their comment can start a brawl.
I have to admit, that I have deleted some of my post because of such commenting.
What can we do? Can’t kill them, and can’t live without them!
5. Stalkers:
Stalkers are a serious issue. The behavior is okay to the extent of likes and shares of your stuff. But it gets serious when you start getting private messages and even emails. So people usually don’t share their phone numbers, addresses, and official emails on social media, and this is the prime reason.
One other form of stalkers are the silent users. Usually this is more interesting on Facebook, as someone along the Mark Zuckerberg’s team thought it was cool (or obnoxious) to keep connection status on the sidebar with their online status. Here you can spot the stalkers and silent profilers. Who does not post anything but remains online most of the day.
Gives you the creeps right?
Well keep them, don’t unfriend or block them, otherwise they could become commentator, or trolls and then this would become more serious, just kidding.
Social media is our extension to the cyber world. It is our non-physical existence, and as the time passes by it is becoming part of our daily lives. Steve Jobs commented for computers of a tool that will make human the most efficient being on the planet. Social media is what will integrate and torn apart the world at the same time.
The psychological power of this medium is beyond our calculations. The impact it creates is worldwide and most of the time, people does not have a single clue what has happened.
Welcome to the new world!