Social mobility 101
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Social mobility 101

Our approach is to empower teacher, parent and student together, within a program that prepares students for the world of work and their life as they look at future career options during Key Stage 3.

Our main objective is to inspire and motivate young people with a toolkit of personal development skills, in time for them to prepare for life-changing decisions, rather than start talking about apprenticeships at age 16 or 17. This better balances skills development between technology, hardware and software and the soft skills that are usually overlooked.

Access Higher Order Thinking Skills

Here we have proven students are more open to further learning and have greater confidence and belief in their ability to achieve throughout their whole education experience, and beyond. They are also able to think for themselves and access higher-order thinking skills — creativity, critical thinking, complex problem solving and coordinating with others.

The program enables schools to be totally self-sufficient in running the program after year 1, providing the foundation for a sustainable and empowered learning community.

Society Underestimate Children

“The evidence gives a strong message that as a society we are underestimating children. When listened to, understood and empowered, they need not be passive recipients of ‘behaviour training’ but can contribute to loving, caring and the building of positive relationships in their own families and communities.” – From the report following a two-year evaluation of the Parent Champion program from Canterbury Christ Church University

We offer a successful and proven suite of personal development programs that enable children to empower and fully express themselves by employing a “whole person” approach.

This is a ground-breaking yet stable model for young people — particularly disadvantaged young people — co-created with parents, carers, students, teachers and the professionals supporting these groups.

Powerful Combination of Modalities

Our unique programs use a powerful combination of mindfulness to calm the mind and prepare for learning, and emotional literacy to take control of thoughts, feelings and emotions. The resultant life skills and coaching abilities help children, parents and teachers harness their higher potential and:

· Improve emotional resilience, allowing all participants to adapt to change more effectively

· Build self-esteem and create a growth mindset, leading to a more inspired and motivated attitude towards themselves and their lives

· Empower students to think for themselves and take responsibility, to become happier, more self-aware and confident

· Create greater trust and communication between teachers, parents and students, including work-related learning, work experience, careers information, advice and guidance

Open and Trusting Relationships

“I have been overwhelmed by the response to this course and by the achievements of the individuals taking part. Obviously we would not have embarked on this programme unless we were convinced of its value to the school, but it has more than met my expectations. What we are creating here is open and trusting relationships between parents, teachers and pupils and I had not realised the potential of this until now.” – Georgina Saralis, Deputy Head, SEN school

Next Step

We have responded to a House of Commons Select Committee inquiry into the quality of apprenticeships and skills training, details here.


