Social media –is it the worst guy for you or the best guy?

Social media –is it the worst guy for you or the best guy?

What is the beauty of digital world to you?

What exactly do you thank social media for? What do you do in your life that has a close connection to social media? Are you a marketing strategist? A doctor....Name it

I have some real blood-relatives of social media sons and daughters that I’d like to point out to you in case you don’t know. Here are the people I’m talking about:

Freelancers- in case social media dies today, this is a group of species that would suffer the most in fact they’d curse the world

Why would they? Well, if you didn’t know

Freelancers are the independent workers that use social media in the best of uses

They range from article writers, academic writers, ghost writers, online marketers and social media evangelists- the latter comprises of speakers, video markers and social media coaches

If you’re the type of human who is carried by some mythical information and news that there are no jobs on social media platforms, you need to think twice and think wise

Why I’m saying that? Because I’m in some kind of cults that I’m using social media to blind fold people but the truth is…….I get paid through cults and some devil worship thing? Hell NOO

Social media can be the worst guy to you or it can be the best.

It all depends on your decisions first then your persistence and finally your hard work

Let no one lie to you that there are easy methods of earning through online stuff. There isn’t any easy way of earning whether online or offline ……this is the brutal truth I’m pretty sure you knew but you haven’t got a person to tell you. I just did, now what is important? Stop listening to myths and get your ass up and find some decent things to do

Who knows maybe your destiny lies in online working?  

Online thing is real

People are building empires by working online….just the same social media that you use frequently to participate in discussions. Sometimes getting yourself into politics, sometimes into groups that lands you into threats and so on

Who would you blame for misusing social media? Are you going to blame the guy who invented social media?

So what do I want you to know about social media? If that your question to for me, I think you just asked the question that I wanted to hear from you

I want you to know that social media is a gold mine for you. You can start your business or get hired and get paid. In fact, you can be paid highly than the salary you admire from the offline jobs that are out there.

Let me tell you a story …..This is not just a story but something that you need to have a positive eye about it

When I was fresh from high-school, I was the type of “I won’t sit at home and stay idle. Instead I will find some work to earn some cash until results are out” That was easy to say but hard to do….the hardest part was……To start the type of job and stick to it

Let me tell you something………If there is people who act like bosses, it is students

I don’t know what actually gets into students but there is a certain spirit that tells students……..Life is good as long as you’re a graduate

The worst of it is……that spirit make some believe being a high-school graduate is a ticket to some top intelligence that would bring you easy jobs!

It is not that way.

The bad news is…….Kenya isn’t like other countries where school guarantee you a good life

Speaking of good life, I mean securing a good job after graduation and being paid enough to live the life of your dreams

Don’t get me wrong….I’m sharing a story remember?

Are you still with me into this? If so, thank yourself because I’m about to open some darker sides in your mind

So back to my story

After days of checking in and out for jobs, I came across this sign document pinned on a street wall with some breathtaking message that made me think like I was the luckiest dude in my hood

It read “A Kenyan Company is looking for youths aged 21-28 years to work with as sales men and ladies. The qualifications are: Have a form- form certificate or be a form –form leaver, be able to communicate well in English and Swahili. The pay starts from 36000Ksh per month and will be added when you prove to be a qualified sales person” I don’t know how I really felt about that message but the truth is……I just founded tears dropping down my cheeks.

I felt like heaven favors were all dropping straight to me. Are you familiar with the biblical story of “Manner” dropping from heaven? That exactly how I felt

36000KSh was big money to me. And if they wanted a sales person who would prove Excellency, then I figured I was going to be the top most paid sales person in history. Why? Because I’ve got wisdom of the tongue so selling big wasn’t going to be a problem for me

At my place, here in Coast province, we’ve got a Swahili statement that is translated in English as “What you don’t know is a night full of darkness and devils are always rolling in it” this was true to my case. The company was nothing than a kind of con I would call

They persuaded youths with their sweet promises but the truth was…….there wasn’t any such pay

They demanded that you carry a bag full of things ranging from tooth pastes, torches and some solar panels

You would be required to go sell anywhere and come back in the evening with what you’ve collected

Your salary depends on the sales you make a month…Bad to those who couldn’t sell a thing for the whole month

That was my story.

The feeling that I have made a financial breakthrough died instantly

I was made to come to the realization that money wasn’t for people like me.

The worst part about such companies is…….they don’t give you either lunch or fare to whatever you’d go sell their stuff and the humiliating side of it is….they make you a bad person , how?

They tell you to go sell stuff like solar panels. Promise the customers that the panels have a one year warrant but that a fat lie. Why?

Because I’m the kind of person who doesn’t want to lie to innocent people

I used to give the buyers my real contact and in less than 3 –weeks I started receiving complaints from people that those panels weren’t working anymore

Trying to communicate back to our sales manager…..the dude clearly said” this is business, don’t give customers your contact instead the company number” to my surprise the company number given to customers to call in case of products failure was always on voice mail!

That was a job that made me realize the kind of humans Kenya has as a country.

Why would people sell counterfeit products to their own people in a Kenyan soil and get rich without bothering?

I pray thunder strike such souls and if the government learns about this……let it jail such asses

So you heard my story right? The above is something that I always walk around seeing youths with huge bags on their backs. Sometimes I feel like telling them “ Hey stop working with such companies, the are taking advantage of your desperate situation “But when I remember my mother’s usually “ Mind your business “ statement ,I just walk past them and wish good fortune finds them

I shared that story because I know how it feels to be a youth looking for ways to make some money

Sometimes you get used, made to do stuff you wouldn’t do just because you want a few shillings to put into your pocket

Back to social media and why I want it to be the good guy for you

So after quitting the company job and promising myself I won’t engage myself into such kind of doing. I stayed like a terrible crippled person. No money, no job. Just nothing

Then it came a day while I was reading some stuff online, I came across some document…..those days I wasn’t aware there were some stuff called articles

This document said something about a guy making 50000Ksh per month working as a freelancer!

The rate at which I search on Google about “Freelancing” it just similar to the rate at which an ejaculation squeezes a body…..Hahaaa, fun isn’t it?

I went straight and searched. There many pages and because I wasn’t versatile enough about real pages and adverts, I had to read every piece of it

I jotted some notes down and started a daily routine of figuring how I could start about freelancing

It was a journey full of thorns, the struggle and it dangers

The cons and the discouragement on social media was enough to stop me from pursuing my freelancing dream

I then came to the open realization that freelancing is a full-time career to some people

A certain man named – Walter Akolo, he’s the first guy to train me and never conned my money

The guy is the top freelancer I know, he’s a Christian and some cool speaking person

I have read some of his life story……he is coming from a far hardship life and when I read his story I was motivated and so I paid for his training

I was trained and that didn’t promise me straight earning…….In fact he’s clean and he’ll tell you

“I’m not training you and to promise you to get a job, you have to work hard” This made me promise myself that I would work up my ass so hard and I did

Through the social media platforms that Walter trained me, through the Facebook groups that he advised me to join like …..Online article writers, ATK group, Content writers ,Bloggers helping bloggers, Online content masters , Writers looking for online work, Kenya article writers and many other groups

I started from scratch and worked hard to climb up the ladder

It is damn hard but when you master the copywriting skills and the interactions, then the pay.

Everything starts to get sweet.

You start dreaming big and bigger

You start seeing possibilities and taking social media as a source of building your dream life

The feeling of finding a lot of money grows deeper in you and you become an avid reader on different blogs and sites that builds your IQ quality

Social media…..Social media…..Social media……How many times did I call social media? 3, 4, 5, 6 or 9 times

It doesn’t matter how I emphasize it, what matters is……I want you to know that you can build something through social media

I want you to start seeing social media as the best guy for you.

Find people who can take you through the path and when they do, struggle your way up until you make it……And FYI…..I promise, you will make it because people did……I did

Final Thought

You can sit and keep saying that there are no jobs when others are out there striving to make some cash.

You can keep using social media as a tool of communicating less-money making stuff or use it as source of getting some money ideas

People are making their lives comfortable by using social media

For example, when I started writing, when I was trained about article writing……which is something any one can do, you can train and do this because if I did I believe I’m no special so you too can do it. When I started, I started with platforms like Upwork, I paid back my training fee and some bucks in addition

But then I realized platforms like Facebook got clients so I started showcasing my writing abilities and the results?

Clients asked to see my samples, they gave me writing jobs and not just that…….They appreciated my hard work and the quality of my writing

See for example the kind of comment from my clients, these are clients from Facebook!

Peris Wambu

Fri, Apr 12, 4:23 PM (21 hours ago]to me

1.    Hello William,

I am sorry I took long to reply. Been quite busy and its hard going through all the emails. However, yours got my attention. And if I am being honest, I think you are overqualified. Your content is engaging and informative and the reader can definitely relate to it.  

Edith Muthon

Fri, Apr 12, 10:30 PM (15 hours ago) Hi Kazungu, How long would you take to write a 1000 words article?

So could you please get your ass up and start using social media to earn some money?

Could you stop too much reading of social media flooding information about who killed who, who is marrying who and extra…..extra

Whoever killed who will face the law and your social media noise want add a thing to that, whoever was killed let us pray that the person finds peace and favor in the hands of heavens

Don’t be carried away by stories that bloggers write at times to just get your attention

The story flooding Kenyan social media at the moment isn’t something grown ass people would be so judgmental about

My point is, when you’re using social media, could you please use it to make some money to at least buy the data bundles you use and stop using your hard earned or parents’ money?......This goes to students , I hope you feel what I’m putting across comrades don’t you?

Let’s use social media for the good….And good, I mean earning from it.

I came to the realization that most of the Indian youths and the Whites are freelancers straight from high school, while we Kenyans graduate and hustle the hell up in the sun wishing to get jobs

You can take your chances and try this whole thing……    Freelancing and using social media as a source of earning








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