SOCIAL MEDIA as usual but FOCUS in a new way

You are gonna see how social media can helps you to #leverage further, Each has unique #benefits which is listed as inline below.

1. LinkedIn : Focus on your industry's networking

Although this social site for professionals is very powerful, average users do not take #advantage of it. #LinkedIn can be of great help in keeping you in touch with #people in your industry, within your ranks, or above you. LinkedIn is overwhelmingly feature-rich for business, whether it's for new #clients or a new job. If you have an account on LinkedIn, understand its profile, networking, job search, etc. aspects and stay active on it with a focus on networking, will definitely be useful.

2. Twitter : Focus on your industry's updates

Start following powerhouses and leading personalities in your industry's leading companies. Not only. Now instead of following, take advantage of Twitter's 'Lists' feature to create lists of different people for specific #topics or subjects from around the #world and then add carefully selected, industry-researched #Twitter handles to it. You can easily get the latest updates on what's going on in your industry, and by clicking on the links that interest you, you can even dig deeper.

3. Meta : Focus on your industry's audiences

There is no need to teach the new #generation how to be active on Facebook or Instagram, but why to be active – both are different! In Facebook or #Instagram, if you keep posting whatever comes to your mind or uploading selfies, reels, stories like other users, you will be active in them, maybe you will be able to increase followers, but you will not be able to take full advantage of these #powerful platforms. Now let's look at these two sites separately. Around the world, almost all people active on the Internet are active on both of these platforms, and your industry, your work users, and potential buyers are also the highest proportion. Who are those people? What they see, what they do, what they like, what they don't like... If you keep studying them, you will be very valuable to your company or your startup.

4. Youtube : Focus on your industry's learning

Being active on YouTube is either wasting your precious time or making the most of your #valuable time – both are absolutely true. What applies to you? Just as there are tons of totally pointless, useless videos on YouTube, there is no shortage of hacks #videos that can easily take you from your current level to a higher level, in all subjects in the world. You have to decide exactly what you want to do. In everyday, simple use of YouTube you definitely need to set time limits. Thus, when using YouTube with a focus on learning, you have to focus on specific channels. Depending on your topic, there will be certain #channels whose videos you will find most appealing. Make it a habit to follow it regularly. Mastering any subject is not difficult in modern times!


