Social Media - is it Tool or Weapon?
I'm sharing an interesting article/review on a Social Media "docu-drama" that uses some fiction to underscore the affects (good and bad) it can have on individuals.
Our younger generation is being influenced by it; should it be regulated? How do we teach a young mind to distinguish between what is truth and what is fiction when reading a post they think is about entertainment, latest (real) news or education??
Social Media has become the bane and the joy of our everyday lives and it invades our work day lives; yes, it has that much power over us. Why would some companies disable the websites on their computers if it did not? That's when our trusty smart phones come to the rescue and we dig in or post during bathroom or smoking breaks of course! Yeah, right.
In one way or another, Social Media can affect peoples moods and they may or may not know it in the moment. A silent influencer, Social Media (like advertising), works slowly but effectively in the background and recesses of the participant's mind. Too much of it (like a drug) in one form or another can be detrimental to some.
So what do you think, is Social Media a tool for good, a weapon or both?
What was your intention on your latest post, what did you hope to accomplish? Read on to learn more and watch the movie...
#BostonUniversity #SocialMedia #Influencer #Facebook #Instagram #Pinterest #Netflix