Social Media Supremacy!
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Social Media Supremacy!

This article is from the content of a webinar session led by me for, Mind Strategies Ltd and broadcast by the Wealth Master Team on 4th April 2020.


Lets be real. Working from home (WFH) in the Coronavirus Pandemic needs many of us to quickly improve our online skills, not least in Social Media. This short article covers many of the essentials you need to gain extra social media traction, fast!

I also acknowledge the work of Jason Keath, Deirdre Breakenridge, Neil Rainey, Luke Baker and others who helped inspire me in preparing this article.

A list of the sources used is given at the end. You can also get a copy of my book “Technology for Leaders” on Amazon. In this short article we will be covering some Social Media basics, such as:

  • Why we are on Social Media?
  • Gaining Social Media Supremacy
  • Refocusing Your Message
  • Using Creative Engagement
  • Adding Positive Value
  • Getting Feedback to Improve

What is Your Problem?

The Coronavirus is sweeping round the world forcing many to stay at home as a way of avoiding spreading the disease. Please follow the instructions of the health professionals in your area. Stay indoors if you can, or keep recommended distancing as the virus is clearly spread mainly by human contact.

This Coronavirus Pandemic means that Social Media has become much more important in our lives as source of information and a way of staying connected. Apart from TV and radio broadcasts, social media is the go-to place right now. What do you think is the major problem with having your voice on Social Media during the Coronavirus Pandemic? Where are you having the most difficulty?

This article will try to give you some of the answers. Feel free to inbox me here on LinkedIn as well or email: [email protected].

Why we are on Social Media?

Anyone can be online, but not everyone is effective there. In this short article, we will try to improve our mastery of social media. For many leaders, one of the main problems is that the Coronavirus itself is dominating the space, spreading fear and insecurity. Many more people are overwhelmed by the negative news, than will catch the disease itself.

It is sad that there is also a lot of fake "corona news" all over social media. But it is necessary and good that social media is carrying messages about the pandemic. There are also scammers and other cybercriminals out there, so beware. As a leader, your own sources of information are important because that is what you end up sending to other people.

In the midst of all this, you can become a source of trusted information by carefully editing your content and using only trusted social media sources yourself.

Ask yourself why you are on social media. It’s all about your content. Do not post for the sake of being there. Have you decided what you are really seeking to achieve? Everything you do online should have purpose. If you were the audience, why would/should you respond to that content? Be strict like a surgeon, cutting away dead or infected tissue. If you would not allow it as a reader, do not allow it as a writer.

Who do you think has the best online presence? Take a look. The best content is always brief, balanced and straight to the point. Borrow from them. Repost positive comments, photographs and good news from a couple of those great sites on your various social media.

Try and model your own content on the best you can find, but make your style your own.

Share or repost positive comments about your products, services or your organisation. Remember that on platforms like Facebook, you may need to give specific permission, to allow each positive comment appear on your own page.

 Social Media Supremacy

The problem for many leaders at times like this is that any other message we have for our contacts, can be drowned by the “corona noise”. But even during the pandemic, life cannot be only about the Coronavirus.

When we talk of Social Media Supremacy, we simply mean that these online tools must always be your servants and not your bosses. You can use this lockdown time to take greater control, starting from understanding and using your devices better.

As a leader you must learn to drive the direction and content of the social media in your network, rather than be driven by it. Think how you can make it work for you!

Even if you do not update social media yourself, you need to be able to give direction to those who do on your behalf. My latest book, technology for leaders will be a great help to you and it is available on Amazon.

Refocusing Your Message

This article will help you to focus and use your social media messaging better. This is a good time to review your social media presence and your message. Ask yourself how your use of social media fits the current season and how best you can adjust to make the best use of it. This is not the time to be posting just anything online. It is time to control your content and to be focussed.

Revisit your membership lists. This is a good time to get back in touch with those you have not heard from in a while. You can also get those who have kept in touch to invite others to you online events etc. Remember though to always keep to the data protection rules of GDPR.

There are two obvious spheres of influence.

1.      For those who have been your regular contacts:

a)      Keep in touch regularly

b)     Emphasise your relationship and shared values

c)      Remind them of the value you can add for them

2.      For those you are trying to add to your list:

a)      Highlight the benefits of joining your network

b)     Outline what value your products/services bring to them

To expand your network, post content and links to your content on social media sites that you might not normally use. Different platforms cater to different demographics. Facebook is probably more easily targeted. Each platform demands right content for your target.

Use the best content that you can. Make the best use of hashtags, descriptions and keywords. Choose the relevant categories so that search engines can find your content more easily. Tools like Google analytics will help show you what strategy is working best.

Try to have a consistent basic branding messages across all the social media you choose. Build added value as a layer on top of the basics. Use your logo and other graphic/audio presence online, even more than before the lockdown.

Wherever possible, use the same or similar colours and other brand identifiers even on a temporary website or Social Media pages.

While working from home, all members of your team still need to have the same shared focus and discipline. When posting on social media, every member of the team should stick to the same main points, in addition to what may be their expertise.

This is a good time to echo your main corporate messaging, before adding in any special "lockdown offers"; bringing extra value for members of your network. You can also target offers at the various sub-groups within your network with specific content tailored to them; young people, men, women etc. More on adding positive value, below...

 Using Creative Engagement

In times like this you need to increase your engagement levels online. Create space for yourself amidst the many voices that are out there. Whichever channel you choose to use, be available. Make it easy for people to engage with you. Turn the problem of limitations on movement during the Coronavirus Pandemic and working from home into a great opportunity. Most of those you need to reach are also at home and many are available online.

Your online network should feel they have never been nearer to you! By the end of the virus crisis, your network should end up feeling they know you and your team even better. Your contacts should feel they have gained a deeper relationship with your or your organisation than before the pandemic.

You can become a favourite source of courage, hope and inspiration in what for many, are scary, difficult times! So be creative about ways of engaging. Yes, sell whenever possible and appropriate but go beyond providing your usual (and new) products and services. You can turn the situation more to your advantage by making this a time of belonging and social collaboration, by members of your network.

Bring people together to share food recipes, fashion tips and much more. People love quizzes and other "light" competitions. Some of your products can become free prizes for the winners. There are a lot of things that can be done to add positive value.

Adding Positive Value

The way to avoid all the negativity and sensationalism out there, is to always add positive value.

In the current situation we need to look at what we bring, beyond the normal content that we give to our network. For example, we can try to think of what to provide the network to help them through being locked up at home.

One way is to turn your network into more of an online community. Brainstorm with your team or with friends and family. What do you think you can add that will bring added value to the network at a time like this? Remember to always acknowledge and thank people for their wonderful suggestions.

Communities grow through things they share. Here are a few tips you can consider to help engage more informally with your online network during the lockdown and beyond. You could think of adding information on:

  • Nutrition
  • Fitness
  • Working from home (WFH)
  • Hair and Beauty tips
  • Children’s education
  •  Clean entertainment
  •  Spirituality

 Getting Feedback to Improve

Get as much "stakeholder feedback" as possible, to know what people on your network feel they want and need during this time. Do your best to respond in a timely and appropriate manner.

What are people saying about you and your brand online? Is anyone checking on this and how are you responding? There is plenty of software now that can help you with this kind of monitoring. I treat this and many other important topics quite extensively in my latest book “Technology for Leaders” . If you cannot get the book online, please contact me by email [email protected]

Here at Mind Strategies Ltd, we have other very specialised, in-depth training courses including: SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS. This is available online (as self-study) or as instructor-led distance training. Contact us for more details, [email protected].

As challenging and tragic as the Coronavirus Pandemic is, it also provides opportunities for you to use your online presence, much more effectively.

?The skills you gain now, will still be useful when this is all over. Hopefully you will also have expanded your network and gained new contacts/customers!

Sources and Further Reading:

Agama, D., Kundi, J., Technology for Leaders: Everything you always wanted to know about Tech!, 2020, Chakam Publishers

Baker, L., Under Europe's virus lockdown, social media proves a lifeline,, Accessed 01.04.20

Breakenridge, D,. Social Media Campaigns to Drive Engagement (Training Video on LinkedIn) Pure Performance Communications,, Accessed 03.94.20

Keath, J., 2020, How To Adjust Your Social Media Marketing During Coronavirus,, Accessed 03.94.20

Rainey, N., Leading Digital: The Executive Summary, 2018,, Accessed 01.04.20

The Author, Teido (Teddy) D. Agama has proven expertise in Strategic Technology Transitions and Team Transformations. He loves writing occasional (and hopefully) thought provoking posts and articles on LinkedIn. Teddy is based in Manchester, England and works internationally.


