Social Media for Solicitors & Legal Professionals
Social Media is a great opportunity for any business and a solicitors office is no different. Among legal professionals there’s a common myth that social media is for kids and not for them. Solicitors often consider social media to be risky but the reality is that it’s no riskier for them than it is for any other business.
Before continuing, let’s put one thing straight – if you are worried about what people will say about your company, remember – they’re going to say it anyway, whether you’re there or not. It’s always better to at least have a seat at the table to be able to set the record straight than to let comments spiral out of control without any knowledge of what’s being said.
There are many business benefits for solicitors who engage with social media which assist with what is probably the practice’s key goal – generating new business. Through the correct use of social media, your firm can seek out and communicate with new clients, enhance your reputation and improve your website’s SEO to name a few.
The pivotal point of a successful social media marketing strategy is great content that educates, inspires & entertains the reader. By using Conquest Consultancy, we will put your social media brand in the mindset of your clients and identify what information is valuable to them. To do this we “listen” to social media through groups, blogs, hashtags, and trending news stories. Due to the nature of the legal profession, it is important that when writing we distinguish between information and actual legal advice we will do this by working closely with you and immerse ourselves in your brand to ensure we are also speaking in your company’s tone of voice.
Take the first step today and ask Conquest Consultancy to take a look at your solicitors’ social media output.