Social Media Recruitment tips from Lord Ganesha.
Lord Ganesha, The Elephant-headed God in the Hinduism. This deity has played a unique role in our corporate life. May Lord Ganesha bring more prosperity and success in our lives.
This time we will talk about the Social media learnings from Lord Ganesha. Social Recruiters should not treat social media as quick- fix solution for your problems; we should take it as a long-term solution. No doubt, Social media has changed our lives for better.
We have a lot more to learn from Lord Ganesha. Here we go with some important lessons from the physical traits of Lord Ganesha which we can use in effective social media recruitment.
Big Head( Broad Thinking)
Think broadly and creatively. You should surround yourself with positive vibrations and think about ideas to create buzz on social media. Your buzzing ideas for social media should sell your jobs like hot cakes in the market.
Big Ears( Good Listener)
Be a good listener. Open your eyes and see the things as they are; the social listening tool is a secret to success. It will give you enriching ideas what you post on social media, unlike others.
Small eyes (Focused Vision)
It doesn’t mean you have to see less. You should have a good concentration power and beautiful focus. Check the social media platforms with sharp vision. You should scroll your news feed, but stop where you need to observe and consume the content.
Small Mouth( Speak less)
It teaches you to speak less and listen more. Inculcate more listening power, but, when you speak in the crowd, your words should create a big impact on your audience.
Trunk and Broken Tusk (Careful & Alert)
A social media manager, you should always be on alert mode. You should know what you are saying on social media because you’re representing your recruitment firm there. Most importantly, you should sacrifice your time and energy if any problem occurs.
Big belly ( Good digestion power)
You should have a good power to digest anything. Never show your reaction mode on social media. A social recruiter should be able to consume both good and bad experiences of social media.
In the social media recruitment, the recruiter needs to overlook his candidate’s interest and offer him the best possible opportunities for him. May we all imbibe above-written traits and learn from Lord Ganesha. If you want to share something more about social media recruitment; please comment below.