Social Media Marketing World '18 - 4 Take Aways, 4 Friends - Week 4

Social Media Marketing World '18 - 4 Take Aways, 4 Friends - Week 4

Need help with improving your customer experience through social media, create a loyal community via Facebook Live or want to publish a book in 90 days, keep reading!

We have the Chief Inspiration Officer, Mary Fain Brandt from The LinkedIn Bakery recapping Megan Conley’s session on:

Tools, Tech, and Processes to Scale Your Enterprise Social Media Programs

Over the next 3-5 years 75% of marketers say they will be responsible for the end-to-end experience over a customers lifetime.

Meg says, “Social is about offering a great customer experience”. But how can you do this? Here are some simple tips:

Takeaway #1:

Your customers don’t care how big your company is or where you are located in the word

Takeaway #2:

If we think about how much business has changed AND will continue to change, it’s no surprise that our customer expectations are evolving and that we must evolve with them. Meg says, “You have to keep your finger on the pulse of what they expect.”

But how can we do this?

  • Listen
  • Be responsive
  • Real time and make it Personal
  • Shift when needed
  • Create the same experience online and in person for your customers

Takeaway #3:

Meg stressed that we as marketers must know the WHO, WHAT and WHERE about our customers. But not just gender, education, age and interests. We need to know things like WHERE they get their information from and WHAT their goals are.

Her graphic below explains this in detail.

Takeaway #4:

My motto is “Work smarter, not harder” and that is exactly what Meg says you need to do, to scale your business. You need to ditch the excel spreadsheet which isn’t current (who hasn’t opened a spreadsheet worked on it and then realized it was version 3 and everyone else is working in version 5?) not is in mobile or scalable. Instead you should look at programs like Google Docs, Dropbox, Sharepoint #Slack and smartsheet. These are called collaboration tools because well, you can collaborate with others, they are mobile and they keep your data current.

Want to hear Meg’s full session and get all her tips on how to scale your business?

You can still purchase a ticket to listen to her entire session as well as all of the rest from Social Media Marketing world here:

From Fans to Friends: How to Create a Loyal Community via Facebook Live

By Lou Mongello. Recap provided by Amy Airom of Capitalize Social Media

Lou started building his community back before social media existed and in the early stages of the internet, through discussion groups. He received his first book deal by directly reaching out to 48 publishers before he even wrote his first book and one said “Yes!” That is our first takeaway, you only need one yes to make it to the next step toward your goal. Keep that in mind when you are reaching for your goals, it only takes one yes.

Second takeaway from Lou’s talk: As a business owner, you are in relationship marketing, we all are, and everything is grounded within the community. People want a place to create connections, feelings of trust and safety, feeling of influence, fulfillment and emotional connection, show that you value their friendship and especially the sense of belonging, everyone wants to go out and find people that feel the same way. The third takeaway is the key tools that Lou suggests on how to do to create community: don’t talk to your people, talk to them, bring them value, value their time, entertain them, care about them and appreciate them. Lastly, once you build the community, how do you keep them engaged: Lead an “ask me anything” Q&A session, take them “behind the scenes” or create discussions regarding timely topics. Lou gave some incredibly valuable and useful tips to create a loyal community using live video including tools he uses and specific actions that he takes and suggest to do so. You can still purchase a ticket to listen to his entire session as well as all of the rest from Social Media Marketing world here:

Next up, it is Marisa Cali, the CEO of Hashtags with All The Social,  and her recap of Zero to Published in 90 Days: How To Use A Book To Double Your Following & Revenue In 2018 from Chandler Bolt.

Ever want to write a book? Chandler Bolt talks about how to get published in 90 days and she'll cover the four takeaways from his session.

Takeaway #1:

Focus on your idea. Ok, so, you're struggling with that idea. Bolt runs through a few tips to get your mind racing with ideas. If you have an idea already, GREAT! Skip ahead to the 2nd takeaway of the session.

Here are some questions to help you with your book idea:

- What do you get paid for your expertise?

- What are the broken record conversations you have with every client or new prospect?

- What's the special sauce that makes you different?

- What are the common misconceptions in the market that keep people from doing business with you?

Still stuck? You've been producing videos, sharing PDFs, and writing your blogs already. You can massage them into a book of your own.

If you have more than a few ideas for your book, answer these questions to get your idea refined and focused.

Which one solves the biggest pain for my current & potential customers?

Which one can I finish the fastest?

Which one am I most likely to finish?

Which one is going to make me most happy?

The real truth is that there are no new ideas and you can get as specific as possible. Remember, there's no such thing as too specific.

Takeaway #2

Ok, now that you have that idea of yours. Bolt covered how you can get the rough draft done in a weekend. Yes, one weekend.

So you've heard of mind mapping right? Well in case you haven't, this is the first step to get your rough draft done. Grab a piece of paper and write down your book idea in the middle of your page. No matter what it is - your passion, your life-changing story, that only thing you said and then someone said you should write a book about that.

Next, write out everything you've learned about this idea and connect it to the idea. What stories can you tell related to this idea, what lessons did you learn, what books you read to help you with that idea.

According to Bolt, actually writing the book is the easy part. YOU DO HAVE TIME TO WRITE A BOOK, with this process you can do it easily,

Takeaway #3:

Design a good cover that grabs attention. If you have a title and cover that don't jump off the page, work at it until you do have that. It needs to jump off the image and the title should be in the upper third of the book.

Get feedback from your circle before you decide on a cover. It's gotta POP.

Takeaway #4:

Chandler Bolt says it's imperative to have a launch team. Now, what's a launch team? Well, it's a small group of people that support your book and support it well! The launch team generally will agree to to read the book, review the book on day 1, share with their network and support your efforts as an author. It can be friends, family, clients or colleagues. Anyone who's gonna support you 100%!

You can even acknowledge the launch team within the book and give them a free copy of the book before it's available online.

Are you ready to write your book now?

The truth is that you don't need to spend a lot of time on marketing and you don't need a publisher.  "The timing is never going to be right, let's get it done now."


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