India@100 Growth Story: TIE-NJ Celebrates India Independence Day Huge thanks to everyone who participated and helped make the TiE NJ Indian Independent Day event held on Aug 15th at the spectacular Jasana Polana Club at Princeton, NJ a big success. Special thanks to Neetu Randhawa, ED, the TiENJ NextGen team lead by Nandini Menon and Renu Vaish, and our speakers -Wesley Matthews, CEO of ChooseNJ, TiENJ Board Members, Navneet Puri, Badri Nittoor, and Ram Nagappan. Thanks to Nivedita Candade, Co-Chair of our Woman's SIG and the NextGen children for a wonderful rendition of the Indian National Anthem. For me it was a honor to stand with the beautiful flags of United States and India- on either side. Like all India Americans, I feel very fortunate to have roots in both of these great nations and to witness their partnership flourish. India is the fastest growing large economy in the world and the 4th largest by GDP- on its way to soon be #3 and under certain conditions has the potential to be #1 by the turn of the century. This should come as no surprise to long time India watchers. Should this happen, India will be reclaiming the top spot in the Global economy, that it held about 300 to 400 years ago- before the systematic loot and plunder by the Mughals, Persians, the British, and other foreign invaders made it one of the poorest when the hard fought independence arrived in 1947. But greatness is in the India DNA, it may be delayed, but cannot be denied. To me even more impressive that the economic gains is the indisputable evidence that India is the world's largest and most resilient democracy with a record 66% voter turn out in the 2024 general elections- which translated to about 640 Million people casting their vote (more than 4X the 155M people who votes in the 2020 US Presidential elections in the . The elections was executed flawlessly over 44 days at a cost of Rupees 1,00,000 crores and returned PM Modi led National Democratic Alliance to power but with a smaller mandate and a stronger opposition. A ruling party being humbled by the people the classic sign of a health democracy. And the cherry on the cake?- the election results of the elections was accepted by all parties- no election deniers, no insurrections or electronic voting machine conspiracy theories involved! It is this combination of dynamic economic growth powered by digital revolution and widespread entrepreneurship build on the foundations of a vibrant democracy is what makes India in a class of its own! A nation that is good for the world. Sincerely, Suresh Kumar, President-TIE-NJ