Social media - love hate addiction
Ann-Kristin Zeitler
Creative spirit | Hospitality Expert | Sustainability Advocate
I love social media! Keeping in touch with my beloved ones, having delivered the most actual news 24/7 and seeing all this pretty images of nature, art, culture and so much more. Photographers,who can develop an audience and maybe one day be officially recognized artists. Isn't that just great? Smartphones used to create art or to create a voice for those unheard. As we all become digital zombies (admit it!), my support is on this side. And then there is the other side of the medal, glamour land. Voices no one really wants to hear. Self exhibition. Loosing of all that makes us human beings. Becoming robot barbies. Perfect self content. Trying 1000000 shots before the perfect one sits and is being published, right after layering 1000000 filters over it. #nomakeup #ohsonatural #realbeauty. Isn't it paradox that the world does not allow any kind of failures and on the other side celebrates those, who are truly incomplete? I like second better. But can't we just be simply us, heard and seen, without any extremes?
It sometimes annoys me and then I, myself, can't let go off the phone and must realize, that it's even me posting nowadays on Facebook, Instagram... and Twitter (not saying I still don't understand how last one really works until today). Love hate. Did you know? Hotels are offering digital detox programs today. I admire that, but isn't it sad, that we can't let go off the phone without being forced? Kind of an addiction.
Social media is happy-monster-barbie-land and I don't think we will ever stop communicating through it, as the clever app creators made it so much fun to use. At least we are communicating. Have you seen school grounds nowadays? They don't event play anymore. Teeny-tiny zombies with smartphones in their hands, head down, ignoring all the beauty and fun around them. Scary. I hope society will teach them socializing in real life soon again. Being more present again, having deeper and more connected conversations. Become more reflective, peaceful.
Still I'm in. Love hating it so much. I'm not saying you should stop using social media. But take your phones down sometimes to breath in the real views around you and memorize it. Your future you will thank you for that.
Link to the article on my blog "Life of a Mountain Girl".
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Twitter @MountainG1rl
Instagram @lifeofamountaingirl