Social media links to include in your CV or resume
Your CV is undoubtedly one of the most powerful tools you have to show off your relevant skills and experience to a potential employer, but with the rules dictating that your CV should be short and sweet – definitely no longer than two pages! – there is a limit to what you can include, or is there?
Attaching links to your social media pages on your CV will allow you to add an entire new level of information to it, without it taking up much space or costing the hiring manager more than a simple click to access.
Social media sites can be great places to build your personal brand, allowing you to showcase examples of your work, share industry news and insights and connect with other industry professionals. By linking to your profiles on your CV you can give hiring managers a better insight into who you truly are as a person. However, it’s important to make sure that the content you’re sharing on these profiles is relevant and appropriate for a potential employer to see.
Here are a few social media links you might want to add to your CV, and why:
1. LinkedIn
Your LinkedIn profile is similar to a CV in the way that it shows your key skills and experience, but its dynamic nature means it can tell a hiring manager a lot more than that through the people you engage with, the content you share and the groups you are a part of. For your profile to really hit the right note it needs to be complete and up to date, so make sure to add a recent profile picture, fill in all the relevant sections and keep engaging with your network by posting and sharing content.
2. Twitter
Including your Twitter handle can be a good idea if you use your profile to talk about your professional interests or share examples of your work. It can show potential employers what you’re passionate about, how you interact with others and your ability to succinctly relay information. Just remember to keep things professional and tweet regularly.
3. Facebook
Facebook is a great platform to share information and engage with contacts but if you’re mainly using it to upload snaps of your recent holiday, it’s unlikely to be relevant or appropriate to show a potential employer. You can, however, create a business page on Facebook which you can use to promote a personal blog, for example. If you have one and you regularly update it then definitely include it on your CV.
4. Instagram and YouTube
Instagram and YouTube are both great visual storytelling and personal branding tools, but only include links to your profiles if it makes sense for the role you are applying to. For example, if you’re applying for a visual design role and using your Instagram account to showcase your work, including it would be worthwhile.
5. A personal website or blog
A personal website or blog are both great tools to tell people what you’re all about and showcase your work, so including links to them on your CV can definitely be beneficial. Always include the best and most recent examples of your work and make sure you’re adding something new to these pages on a regular basis to show hiring managers you’re proactive, passionate and understand what personal branding is all about.
Before adding a social media link on your CV, always ask yourself; how does this page represent me? Does it showcase the relevant skills and experience that I have to offer? Is it complete and up to date? Don’t just include links for the sake of filling up your CV; if they can’t help you to get the job, they shouldn’t be there. Also remember that employers may look for any pages you don’t include on your CV, so google yourself every so often and hide any information you don’t want them to see – that’s what the ‘private’ function is for.
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