Social Media KPIs: The 8 Indicators You Should be tracking.

Social Media KPIs: The 8 Indicators You Should be tracking.

Social media is a fundamental part of any business, which you should plan attentively and take care of every single detail while launching your campaigns because it is your business gate to the market, the audience, and the whole world…

But it's not about merely having a presence there, the point is to make the most of your presence on these platforms and create regular, quality, relevant content tailored to enable you to get noticed, get more engagement, and have greater exposure…?

A robust social media presence requires robust strategies, ongoing monitoring, and sticking to some metrics to ensure the success of his campaign. All details should be measured so that you can learn what's working and what isn't and how can you improve it…

But, how could you do so?

measuring your performance can help you understand how well your campaigns are performing, spot the weak points, and how these weak points can be improved and developed, as it also helps you build your campaigns in a way that suits your business goals and your customers alike.

There are countless KPIs to measure on social media as they vary from one platform to another, but typically include some metrics that I've listed below to facilitate the whole process for you:

  • What are social media KPIs??
  • Why do you need to Set social media KPIs?
  • KPIs you should be tracking
  • likes & Shares
  • Comments
  • Brand Mentions
  • Profile Visits
  • Active Followers
  • Impression
  • Bounce Rate
  • Conversion Rate

Let's first dive a little deeper into the concept of social media KPIs…

What is the concept of social media KPIs?

Social media KPIs or Key Performance indicators are the norms used by social media marketing teams to assess the efficiency of their campaign. Social media teams often use many social media platforms to increase the reach of their marketing messages. This can make it difficult to track the success of campaigns since the data and results are available in many locations. For marketing teams to understand their social media performance, it’s important to measure social media metrics and track results every month.

Why does your business need social media KPIs?

Social media KPIs are of ultimate importance since it helps you make sure that you're connecting with the right audience, as it helps you measure your reach. Speaking about metrics, reach term means how far your message is traveling beside the number of target clients that may have seen it. Reach also helps you know who the people viewing your messages are.

Those elements are enough to make KPIs one of your priorities, aren't they?

So keep reading to know what are the top KPIs that you should take into consideration.

Likes & Shares:?

Likes & Shares are among the top elements that lead to more attention?because people naturally gravitate towards popular things. More likes also is a signal to most platform algorithms that this particular?content deserves a higher spot in search results. But sometimes "likes" are considered passive and mindless actions. Sharing is a more conscious action, because when someone shares (or retweets) your post, it means that this person is giving a personal recommendation to his friends, colleagues, and family. For this reason, shares are a great sign of how successful your work is.


Your followers' engagement is one of the ultimate goals of your social media marketing practices. Like When you post something on your social media page, and it triggers a discussion between your followers. It might also invite others to join in, including those who weren’t following you before that post. The more comments your post receives, the more influential it will be and the higher likelihood of appearing in other users' newsfeed.??

Comments also give you a glimpse into how your brand is viewed by your audience. In the comments, you can get valuable data that you can use to improve your products or services.

Brand Mention:

Tags or mentions mean that people are talking about your brand even when you're not even in the room. This is another social media KPI that focuses on how relevant and popular your brand is since it shows that you are maintaining top-of-mind awareness.

Active Followers:

An active follower is someone who keeps engaging with your content regularly. Unfortunately, for most brands, the majority of people who "like" or follow are unlikely to visit their pages or check out their content.

So you should keep an eye on your followers, identify individuals that are inactive or are fake, and remove any irrelevant followers, this might be hard on most networks, but it's a lot easier on Twitter thanks to tools like MangeFlitter you'll be able to remove any irrelevant followers in no time.


Impressions are one of the hardest metrics to analyze. This metric lets you know how many times your post has shown up on a news-feed or timeline.

A single user could have many impressions. For instance, the user may see your post many times, they see it first on their feed when a friend shares it or reacts with it.

This metric is ambiguous somehow because it only shows how many people might connect with your brand. However, the higher the number, the better for your campaign.

Bounce Rate:

A bounce occurs when someone clicks on your call-to-action (CTA) on social media but leaves soon after they get to the landing page or website. They didn't purchase your website or subscribe to it.

Bounce rate will also help you compare traffic from search engines or other social media sites using your social media bounce rate.

A lower bounce rate means that your campaign targets the right audience driving high-value traffic and generating a positive ROI for the business.

Conversion Rate:

When people are redirected to your landing page or website after clicking on your social media links, how many of them take action and subscribe to your newsletters to buy your services or products?

By looking at their conversion rates, advertisers will know how successful their social media

the strategy is and whether it contributes to the bottom line of the business, or not by looking at their conversion rate.

Businesses should aim for a high conversion rate for their social media campaigns. A high conversion rate means that the content you’re providing to your audience is excellent. Good enough to inspire them to convert into paying customers or subscribers.

If you liked reading this post, you might also enjoy reading other posts? in different scopes about digital marketing. Have a look now and contact me if you need help!


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