Social Media In-intelligent Usage – A Source of Wasting Time - Self Audit for year 2018 and Way Forward for 2019

Social Media In-intelligent Usage – A Source of Wasting Time - Self Audit for year 2018 and Way Forward for 2019

1.      Introduction .   Most of the challenges to human beings are technology driven. The biggest among these is how to use technology constructively for the betterment of human beings at large, in this respect the scope has been narrowed to Social Media usage only. It’s an effort to carry out an audit for the year 2018 in respect of “ Social Media In-intelligent Usage–A source of wasting time”  and subsequently suggest way forward for this projected challenges. In this audit first of all social media based challenges to human beings are analyzed using primary data analysis technique and accordingly the way forward to convert these challenges in to opportunities / strengths in year 2019 has been suggested. To carry out audit the help of statistical convenient sampling   technique has been taken.

2.         Aim.    To carry out self audit for technology driven social media usage challenges and aim is to make this audit a source of correction in year 2019.

3.           Technology Driven Challenges. The details of technology driven challenges faced immensely during 2018 is high rate of usage of social media, the details are outlined in the subsequent paragraphs. However some basic facts as referenced from various studies and researcher’s work are narrated here. For instance There are many benefits to social media. We get to talk to our friends easily; we can instantly know what’s happening in the world, find people with whom we share same interests or even fall in love. But social media have a different, much darker side. And there are plenty of studies that focus on how social media affect our brains, relationships, and productiveness. And conclusions are mainly negative. Is social media addictive? Researchers have shown that our brains behave the same way while using social media like when drinking alcohol or smoking a cigarette. According to YouTube channel AsapSCIENCE, a human brain that gets constantly stimulated by checking social media is being rewired into a dangerous direction. People glued to their phones are much worse at multitasking and performing a single task is not easier. Concentration problems and social media addiction go hand in hand. For every word written, a code built or decision made, there are minutes spent on social media. It's also much harder to concentrate on real conversations when there's plenty of them on the Internet. How many times have you seen a couple on a date looking at their phones, not at their partners? Maybe you're guilty of that also? Social media lower our self-control. Studies have also shown that people addicted to social media are more prone to impulse spending and eating. It's not hard to go binge-shopping after seeing all those perfect lives on our timelines, after all. To sum up: we are worse at our jobs, relationships and decisions.


4.                Social Media In-intelligent Usage–A source  of wasting time. A survey was conducted to gather data on this issue across both the genders and on various population comprising of different age groups and various demographic mix consisting of different economic, cultural, geographical localities and professions through a convenient sampling technique.  The sample size of more than 30 respondents was fixed so that normal distribution curve could be applied. The social media included in this survey are face book, watsapp, Viber, twitter, Instagram  and imo. The survey results revealed that more than 90 percent of the respondents in each of afore mentioned population samples supports that in-intelligent usage of social media leads to wastage of time. The survey results further concludes that respondents are of the view that inherent attraction of social media for human beings does not allow their brain to send message for this time wastage while they are using this media. Using Omni calculator through website (ref)  I self audited for my social media usage  counter productivity and found that I wasted plenty of hours of my life in aimlessly using Social Media, the parameters that this calculator takes care of are given as follows

How often do I check my social media?

I visit social media...

times / hr

I usually spend...

min every time

Time wasted

hours / day

Read books and relax

Average book has...


Average page has...


.... or

minutes per page

Reading speed

Words Per Minute

You could read

books /yr

Any one can do subject self audit for own self for year 2018,  by using omni calculator through above reference and by entering number times one visits social media in one hour time frame, this

5.                   Way Forward for year 2019 in respect of Quitting and or judicious usage of social media.  How to quit / rationalize social media? (Mostly based on verbatim from site whose reference is given above with a contribution of primary data through survey  by me thus making it a useful reading to pass a resolution for ourselves for year 2019)

As a resolution for year 2019 for our self  we should understand that getting rid of all our accounts apps is hard. After all, it’s the primary place for getting in touch with your friends. But we can at least cut 75% of our social media time with no side effects (losing contact with our close ones) whatsoever; one must avoid pointless scrolling and we may resolve that we will not do it in upcoming year. Subsequent paragraphs will show that many other dos and don’ts will help in our endeavor to lessen time wastage on social media in 2019. Disable all your notifications.

And do it instantly. Nothing gives you more urge to pick up your phone and open Facebook or Instagram than a hint that a mutual friend of your colleague has commented on a post.

Apps want your attention and notifications are the best way to get it. And if you open them, you can find yourself 20 minutes later still on Facebook. Not reading a book or working.

In July 2017 WIRED magazine wrote that notifications take away user's control over their phone. In a sense, it’s them that dictate how often you should use your phone and not you who does it.

So go to ?Settings” and try to disable notifications in as many apps as it is possible. Leave enabled only those that are essential, so probably messaging, phone and e-mail. Everything else is just time-wasting.

6.        Deleting needless apps.  We might still feel the need to check social media every once in a while even with notifications disabled. The remedy to that is simple - deleting the apps you feel addicted to. How many times it’s your instinct to open the Facebook or Twitter app while commuting or waiting for someone? Not only does it take your time (which you can use better like reading a book), but also makes your mind less sophisticated.

7.        Do you honestly need all your social media available with just a couple moves of your thumb? Means we can restrict our social media usage in upcoming year 2019 if we pass a strict resolution for ourselves that the social media that are available on desk top should only be viewed on desk top at home

Most social media are also available on a desktop. Probably nothing will happen if you check it only at home.

8.     Use our phone more often

A long, long time ago mobile phones were used mainly for calling. If you wanted to talk to your friend or family, you just dialed their number. We are using our phones so frequently that phone is no more main source of calling now. Text messages and now Snapchat changed the landscape of social interactions. But texting can be addictive. Every single time you get a message, your brain releases a hormone called dopamine, which gives you an instant pleasure. Sounds familiar? our love that notification sound and the view of someone writing a message to us, right? In fact, we love that shot of dopamine that follows. We wait for someone’s reply and jump into other conversation, we talk about various stuff and spend hours talking to people without anything happening.

Calling can also take a lot of time, but if we have important stuff to say, it’s better to hear somebody else’s voice. Keep it real, means calling on some one when ever possible,  as a better communication option.

9.       Go silent – keeping ourselves in rest mode and not using Social Media for a while.  Have we ever tried to avoid any social media interactions? No snaps, no photos, no texting, no twitting? It can be healthy to keep away from our phone and computer for a while. Just we may try to do it for a day, maybe for just a couple of hours. We will realize how much we can achieve without all those apps bugging us.

Enabling our ?silent mode” gives us a perspective that we rarely get when constantly checking social media. It might become a habit of opening all those apps just once in a day.

10.   We Don’t have to get discouraged.   The beginning is hard, we might be successful in our fight against the urge to check our phone for just a couple of hours, and then we find ourselves reinstalling all of the apps next morning. It’s natural that cutting on something so embedded in our everyday life can be difficult.

If we cannot maintain our resolution, always try to get back to it and we must try again and again.

11.      Conclusion - Why abandoning social media is a good idea? There are many benefits to social media. We get to talk to our friends easily; we can instantly know what’s happening in the world, find people with whom we share same interests or even fall in love. But social media have a different, much darker side. And there are plenty of studies that focus on how social media affect our brains, relationships, and productiveness. And conclusions are mainly negative. Therefore it is concluded that we must pass a resolution for ourselves for the year 2019 that  at first step will try to curtail its usage and subsequently will bring it to minimum to see it twice a day for limited number of minutes in entire 24 hours, if we find it difficult to leave it completely.       

Muzammil Aftab

Ministry of Finance CCP

6 年

thanks and jazak Allah



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