Social Media and the Garden of Good and Evil - Part 2
Social Media is a two-sided coin. On the one side, it is the most effective disseminator of continuous human prejudice, of hubris and of the infinite human stupidity presupposed by Einstein;
It is the harbinger of coming changes, of the end of elitism and self-aggrandizement, as evidenced by history;
It is the trumpets;
heard in the Garden of Good and Evil, announcing the incessant superficiality of American life; the life a dissipated of moral values, in the words of Abigail Adams;
about Thomas Jefferson;
It is the announcer of medical;
and economic catastrophe;
the corruption of patriotism and love of country;
the diminution of character;
the eroding of religiosity and faith;
and the need, the responsibility to redefine once again, to the world; via social media;
what our sacrifice;
valor, discipline and leadership stand for;
Continued with Part 3