Social Media Evolution. Good,

Social Media Evolution. Good,

Unfortunately the marketing and communications industries have a strong bias towards youth, and very little enthusiasm for age. (Which many call experience). The result is many lessons from the past have been lost. Yes, it is true in the broadest sense, the only constant is change, but many of the basics of human (and consumer) behaviours are as true today as they were in the past.

I gave many guest lectures to MBA students at the AGSM and MGSM over a 20- year period. I would start every talk with the same question:

“What do successful businesses today (year gave the lecture) have in common with successful business in 1770?” A blank look descended upon all faces, as not once did anyone give me the correct the answer – a couple stammered out some tripe such as “better value” etc.

“Happy customers” was the answer. Why this is such a good example is the end result is unchanged, but how it is measured and achieved has changed over time due to technology and measurement research.


Six Degrees (I think 1996) was the first, what we would term social media platform.? (Most people think Facebook & My Space). Until Web 2.0 was developed it was all one- way traffic – it was difficult, nigh on impossible, for the average person, to “upload” material to a social media platform. Nielsen produced an annual “digital media” study and in 2007 looked at the increase in the % of people who uploaded material to a social media site. My memory is a tad haggard to give the exact numbers, but there was a very significant increase from 2007 to 2008. (You wouldn’t even ask that question today.)

This was what I term “The Good”. As we go through school, university, or some tertiary education and/or jobs, we lose contact with many people. Some gladly, but many others we wish we had not. Social media allowed people to reconnect with old friends, lost relatives etc.

In was called Social Media for a reason.



I well remember when business decided that rather than the one-way street of advertising, people could talk back. And though websites were already well established, Social Media became the ideal medium/s. There was a belief people wanted to have “relationships’ with brands. (Considering the average consumer comes in contact, in some manner, with around 13,000 brands a year, a pretty big ask.)

Instagram started in July 2006, originally called Twitter. (This is appropriate. The name “Twitter” – in slang, a “Twit”, is another name for idiot.) Its role was a “short messaging service” (SMS) for groups, to the public.

The type and number of Social Media platforms has grown significantly since Facebook launched in 2004. (As previously mentioned, Web 2.0 was the catalyst).

There has been a proliferation of social media channels since 2004, though many (Telegraph, WhatsApp etc.) tend to be used more for messaging than for “stories”.? Organised crime and terror groups love the development of new crypted message services.

It wasn’t long before businesses and various organisations (sporting clubs, religious group, RSL and community clubs such as sport etc.), all joined in the Social Media frenzy.

Social media started to move from Good to Bad. (If you think people can put a lot of garbage on social media, ain’t got nothing on some businesses and organisations).




Witnessing this now with the explosion of Antisemitism around the world in what were once considered tolerant liberal democracies.

Twitter had been trending towards being a far- left wing sewer but has become home for some of the worst of the Antisemitic propaganda. Up until October 7th, 2023, the Hollocaust was regarded as the most revolting example of “man’s inhumanity to man” that is within what are supposedly civilised societies. (excuse the gendered language, but that is the original statement. If it offends, go and learn some basic science!). This type of savagery occurs in places that have not been “colonised” (if that offends, watch “The Life of Brian” and learn some objective history, whilst learning your basic science).

People of Jewish decent, who have been Australian citizens for generations, are being harassed for what is happening in Gazza, even though they have zero control or influence over, what is happening in Gazza.

Universities were once places of higher learning. Now they are an example of evolution going backwards. Many students praise Hamas, who would execute them for any of their core beliefs in:

-???????? LGBTQ+ rights

-???????? Women’s rights (a rapper in Iran, a country which students at Columbia University openly support, has just sentenced to death for releasing a song in support of the 2022 women’s rights movement.)

-???????? Liberal sexual activity

-???????? Drinking alcohol

-???????? Belief in democracy. (Though they hardly show this).

-???????? Freedom of speech

Throwing gays off tall buildings is a favourite past time.

The ignorance of the anti-Israel protestors is astounding. They call Israelis Nazis and an apartheid society. ?Do they know Hamas is the offspring of The Muslim Brotherhood? Do they know The Muslim Brotherhood met with Hitler and other senior Nazis in WW2 to support their “final solution”, the elimination of all Jewish people in Europe. (Elimination of Jewish people everywhere was the Muslim Brotherhood objective).

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. Some 2 million Arabs were given the choice to stay or go to an alternative Arab country when the modern Israel was formed by the UN in 1947. All stayed, now enjoying democracy and the highest standard living of any Arabs in the Middle East. (bar the oil rich sheiks).

Cannot help but draw the conclusion there has been enormous latent antisemitic racism in what were considered open and tolerant democratic societies.

And I cannot help but compare this antisemitic behaviour around the so-called civilised world, in comparison to the Black Lives Matter protests.

George Floyd died in a struggle whilst being arrested by police. (Funny that. Put up a fight when being arrested and the police will counter). Black Lives Matter protests broke out, many violent and destructively, all over the world. The fact the autopsy showed he died from cardiac arrest from all of the fentanyl he shoved up his arse, made no difference. His death was still blamed on racist police brutality. (Though thanks to the Gramsci effect, the real reason for his death raised barley a whisper in mainstream media).

The loudmouth minorities are winning out over the silent majority, though it will be interesting to see if any of the “loony left” politicians follow the call to ban Anzac Day after this year’s turnout. (Only slightly less than the record 100th anniversary crowd).

The loudmouth transexual lobby politics is winning over proven medical science.

Bob Hawke famously said: “if the bell tolls for Israel, it tolls for all mankind” (Old Bob was not bogged down in the idiot “them/they” nomenclature. When used by individuals, I cannot help but wonder if they are schizophrenic i.e. they/them (plural) instead of him or her

As mentioned the core beliefs of fundamental Islamists goes against the core philosophies of the left, yet they see no contradiction.

I can imagine people are thinking I am “right wing”. No, I am what the majority of Australians take as their political position – middle of the road.

I have paid, either through income or my companies, literally millions and millions of dollars in tax. (More than an average 100 looney left protestors will pay in their lifetimes). And I do not resent one cent of it, well until now. If used to fund the underprivileged, those not fortunate enough to grow up in a family who could afford very good educations for their children and actively encouraged and supported them to succeed, then that is a debt I gladly pay society.

I do object strongly when $837,174 goes to fund Randal Abdel-Fatah. She calls supporters of Israel “white supremacists”. Stupid women has obviously never been to Israel, the only functioning democracy in The Middle East. Jews, Arabs, Christians, Druze, and Kurds all are members of their parliament. They have gay marriage and celebrate Pride Week (unlike Muslim countries where being homosexual will land you in jail if you are lucky. Executed if not.) She has the audacity to then call them all cowards. Yes, unlike your terrorist brothers who use women and children as shields, drop their weapons and run if in a gunfight and suddenly become civilians, blow up buses of school children – I could go on for pages, but I think this paints the picture.

The 6- day war. Israel was ambushed by Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Kuwait, Lebanon, Sudan. A new country, poorly armed, they kicked their combined arses in 6 days. Not bad for a bunch of cowards????????? .

In fact Israel has fought a number of conflicts with various Arab forces, most notably in 1948-49, 1956, 1967, 1973, 2006 and 2023 to present. In every case the Arabs were the aggressors, and the losers.??????????

The Labor party is pandering to 1st generation Muslims because they, in some instances, make up to 30% of their electorate. Well, if these new migrants don’t like it here and want to change our society back to the stone age, they can “fuck off”. I sure as hell don’t want my tax dollars spent on them.

If this sounds “right wing” to you, you have shifted so far off the political spectrum you sit around the corner with Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Atila the Hun.

In addition to antisemitism and destructive far left politics, bullying which has had a devastating impact, in some cases resulting in suicide of young social media users, is another ugly side.

We now have a generation who have grown up knowing nothing but social media. Trying to legislate a minimum age for access to social media highlights the damage it has and will do – a comparison to drugs and alcohol maybe a bit over the top, but not by much.

The good, the bad, the ugly. Let’s just hope that Armageddon is not the final step.






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