Social media is more than a digital water cooler for TV and movies. Theg lobal conversation that takes place around events and the experiencesp eople share based on what they watch teaches us about consumerp references. More importantly, their activity influences behavior. Behaviorc ounts for everything Studying it is just the beginning of course in order to understand and eventually sreer behavior, we must translate activity into insights and as to, translate insights into actionable strategies and program
According to the study, of respondents view social networking sites Twitte and Facebook as a new form of entertainment The report found that 79% of connected television viewers visit Facebook while watching TV The report found that 79% of connected television Facebook while watching TV. Polster for Penn notes Social media is the connective tissue that enables consumers to multitask during their entertainment experiences by connecting with others and sharing their opinions
Addmonally, 82% surf the web while viewing TV and 41% tweet about the show They're watching When we look at the psychology of engagement, this next stat becomes a bit more revealing of those who post about TV shows, 76% do so live and 57% do so to feel connected to others who might also be watching