Social media: Convenient or just the most received?

Social media: Convenient or just the most received?

It should be apparent by now that social media is a goldmine for businesses looking to connect with customers and I have said it before too in one of my previous articles about social media marketing and all the buzz around it. Brands can easily reach and engage their target audience directly on the platforms they already use. From a heavy social media user's perspective, it might seem like social media ads dominate the marketing landscape with many brands and marketers relying largely on social media to accomplish their marketing objectives. But stepping back, we can't forget the constant barrage of emails flooding our inboxes, traditional advertising on billboards and even TV commercials are still very much a thing of the present as it was in the past. During my learning, I discovered that TV still enjoys an exuberant disposition among older generations such as millennials and baby boomers while TV has lost prominence in my household itself.

Perhaps, what makes marketing through social media entirely different from other forms of media is how it ditches disruption for engagement. It uses funny videos, informative content, and stories that land at the perfect moment to engage users; all without interrupting their social media flow.

So I've made a list of a few reasons why it feels so received:

? Social media marketing avoids forceful tactics and methods for a friendly, streamlined approach. Sponsored content feels like part of the conversation, and influencers you trust deliver the message in a natural way, avoiding that interruptive ad feeling.

? We're talking about social media where it's all about connecting and participating. Users actively engage with brands through follows, likes, comments, and shares, fostering a sense of brand loyalty and community. It's a party, not a lecture!

? Unlike TV and it's pre-picked channels, social media learns what you like and shows you stuff you'll actually enjoy through its algorithm so that whatever you come across is merely a plethora of content you enjoy and your feed becomes a curated selection of things you'd love, that sparks your interests and keeps you locked in. It's like having a friend who knows exactly what kind of stories you love to hear.

? What social media marketing is definitely not is a guessing game. It's elaborate analytics lets you see exactly how far your posts reach and how people react to them. While these platforms may be meant for connection and sharing, they were also designed for businesses, organizations and brands to know exactly where their leads are and how to reach them. This helps you figure out what works for you and what doesn’t, helping you fine-tune your approach.

While social media marketing offers undeniable convenience, its effectiveness can vary across industries and your selected target audiences. Traditional marketing channels or a strategic combination of them may be more apt for certain demographics though and almost always requires a thorough study or research first(because its paramount that you know your audience). Having conducted target audience research quite amply during the last semester, I have even come to learn some characteristics of certain demographics naturally. Therefore, it is imperative to know one’s whys and whats.

Lastly, success on social media more often than not requires a substantial investment in compelling content creation, audience engagement, and performance metric analysis despite its proven convenience. Anyone might be able to use it but it is content that separates one from another. As an active social media user myself, I see social media marketing as a powerful tool for businesses and brands. Its accessibility, targeting capabilities, and cost-effectiveness make it a convenient way to build brand awareness, drive engagement, and ultimately generate sales- the penultimate of objectives. Social media integrates seamlessly with consumer behavior becoming part of the online fabric and not a disruptive force.



