Social media - boon if you are smart!

Social media has become a part of our life. Either you use it or you consciously make a decision to avoid it. In either cases one needs to acknowledge its presence.

By not being on social media you might be missing out few things but its a personal choice.

I strongly believe that if you want to professionally succeed social media is a tool you can't ignore.

So handling social media is a skill one must definitely have. My 2 cents on how one can use social media to better your life is:

1. Choose the right people, pages : this is mainly applicable to Facebook. Your Facebook has all the people whom you have known for years. You might be a very different person now. You need to unfollow all negative , poisonous , disturbing people ! Follow people you love , admire and those whom you see as role models. You might have followed a lot of crazy pages over the years, but take a moment and think does this page really help me? Is it useful? Am i not Wasting time by consuming this content? Apply this filter to pages that come in your news feed and bingo, your newsfeed improves drastically!

2. Follow ideas, passions and not people: i believe that we are here to create a dent in universe and we have our own world, so no need to compare yourself with anyone. Hence the focus should be on things which you love doing, things you want to do in future and who you want to be known for. Though this is linked to social media, but this has much deeper meaning which can actually change the course of life. there are billions of people in this world who don't get this point and who contribute to most of the grief/negative energy present in this universe.

I only follow people whom i think , wish good for me and think nice about me.

some of the pages/people i follow: goalcast, power of positivity, sadhguru, modi, comic channels, my seniors who are on crazy life paths, dog/cat videos etc. facebook throws you similar content , hence one needs to be very careful in allotting time to social media.


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