Is social media 'blackout' the new 'off grid'?
Off Grid used to mean departing society and going to live in a self-made hut in Outer Mongolia, living off dried arabica beans and rainwater. But I've come to the dawning realisation that the new 'off grid' could mean having a social media blackout.
I have recently found myself spending too much time on social media, I was aimlessly scrolling through dross I wasn't interested in, on Facebook, but also totally hooked on TikTok, my new shiny toy. I also have LinkedIn for work, so I have to use that, and Instagram because I like photography, or so I justified to myself.
Something had to give, so I chose Facebook. I closed my account down. 2 weeks in. I don't miss it at all. In fairness it was really only good for me to ask questions of things, like 'Where can I find the best home-made chips in Gibraltar?' and true to form, people answered. But I realised, I could just go out and find out for myself. Experience things.
Now what leaving Facebook did however, was free up a little bit more time for TikTok, so I now find myself aimlessly scrolling through that of a night. But in fairness, TikTok does teach me stuff and does make me laugh, so is it all bad?
Yes and no. When I am sat with my 4 kids and hubby and look around and realise we are all on our phones. Something has to be done. So, I implemented 'no technology Tuesday'. Well, my goodness, you would have thought I had severed their limbs! Even hubby who was well on board for it, found himself reaching for this phone to check the football scores! So I gave in, gave everyone their phones back and peace was restored.
At least on the surface, but what about deep inside. Teenagers are struggling from lack of social skills, seeing things they shouldn't see, being made to feel like they are not good enough, comparing themselves, cyberbullying....and now the Metaverse. I fear for humanity in a lot of ways, I do worry that we are harming ourselves without even realising it, or realising it, but so addicted the we now cannot stop, and I for one, am seriously considering a complete social media blackout, being 'off grid' if you will.
Of course, I do not miss the irony of writing about this subject on a social media platform, for who else will listen to my ramblings, my hubby, my kids?
I miss the 80's where we called home phones, met up and socialised, played out, played up, watch cheesy TV, went to discos and met people. Maybe I'm just getting old. But that's for another day, and my next topic. The Invisibility Cloak - becoming 50.