Social Media Ban: Insights from 30,000 Australians &  Government's Final Decision

Social Media Ban: Insights from 30,000 Australians & Government's Final Decision

Hi everyone,

Remember that proposed ban on under-16s using social media I mentioned a while back? Well, sharing my thoughts online has sparked some seriously interesting conversations, and I wanted to share what I've learned from Australians across various social media platforms.

A Tale of Different Platforms

My experience highlights how differently each platform handles these kinds of discussions.

Instagram, true to form, seemed to bury anything remotely political, giving my posts there minimal visibility. Facebook, while also owned by Meta, was a bit more open. Many parents there expressed support for the ban, hoping to see the government take a more active role in protecting kids online.

LinkedIn, as always, was where the truly in-depth conversations unfolded. Experts weighed in, debating the practical challenges of implementing such a ban. While everyone agreed on the need to protect young people online, the proposed ban's weaknesses sparked concerns about its effectiveness.

But the real surprise came from TikTok. Despite being a relatively new user, my post about the ban exploded, garnering 35,000 views and 500 comments (and still counting!). It wasn't teenagers worried about missing out on trends. Instead, adults, my usual audience, were outraged at what they perceived as government overreach. They felt a ban crossed a line, perceiving it as the government trying to dictate how they parent their kids..

Many also saw the ban as a potential step towards mandatory digital IDs, a prospect that filled them with anxiety. Grandparents worried about losing their easy connection with grandkids that social media provides. Below are some comments from my TikTok.

Some TikTok comments

Valid Concerns

And honestly? I get it. The idea of the government dictating how we raise our children and potentially mandating digital IDs for online access does feel invasive. While social media comments should be taken with a grain of salt, they do raise important questions: Where does it stop? Will we all need digital IDs just to log on someday? How comfortable are we with that?

The Heart of the Matter

This debate goes beyond kids and screen time. It's about who controls our online experiences and how much power the government should wield in our digital lives.

Parliament's Final Decision!

This week Parliament discussed the proposed ban in depth. Despite bipartisan support for banning under-16s from social media, the inquiry ultimately decided against recommending this policy. They acknowledged the "contrasting views" on whether preventing children from accessing social media until a certain age truly makes them safer. The inquiry concluded that a ban alone wouldn't effectively curb the harms associated with social media. I 100% agree with them on this.

Instead, the joint committee put forward 12 recommendations. Big takeaways are below. I'm very excited by point 4 as thats the presentation I submitted at the NSW Social Media Summit and also to the Federal Government!

  1. Making it easier for the government to enforce laws on digital platforms.
  2. Introducing a duty of care for platforms
  3. Giving users greater control over what they see via algorithms.
  4. Providing greater digital literacy education.
  5. Reporting back to parliament on the outcome of age assurance technology trials.

The Takeaway

It's been fascinating to witness the diverse reactions across different platforms. This experience underscores the importance of open dialogue and diverse perspectives in navigating the complex challenges of the digital age.

This newsletter aimed to share what Australians across different social media platforms think about the proposed social media ban and Parliament's subsequent decision. I believe it's crucial to keep these conversations going as we strive to find the right balance between online safety and individual freedoms in our increasingly digital world.

What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Email me or message me on any of my social platforms.

Thanks everyone. Dr Jo


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