Social Media Addiction: Symptoms, Signs, and Solutions
The Social Switch Project
The Social Switch Project is switching the narrative on how social media’s relationship to youth violence is understood.
If you find yourself spending hours scrolling through TikTok, Instagram, and countless other social media sites, you are not alone. Science Direct estimates that more than 210 million people worldwide suffer from addiction to social media and the internet.
In this blog, we’ll explore the symptoms, signs, and solutions to social media addiction. We’ll look at how to identify if you or someone you know is addicted to social media, and what steps can be taken to switch the story and make the most of your time online.
What Is Social Media Addiction?
Social media addiction is a behavioural addiction that consists of an unhealthy dependence on social media platforms, excessive use, and difficulty in refraining from use.
There is growing evidence to suggest that social media addiction can bring about adverse consequences such as:
Why Is Social Media So Addictive?
Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are designed to create habit-forming behaviour using the Hook Model of Addiction. This is achieved through a looping cycle of trigger, action, reward, and continued investment.
For example, Instagram:
Together these form a loop that encourages users to come back, eventually making Instagram a daily habit.
“Social media platforms drive surges of dopamine to the brain to keep consumers coming back over and over again. The shares, likes, and comments on these platforms trigger the brain's reward centre, resulting in a high similar to the one people feel when gambling or using drugs.” - Dr Nancy Deangelis, CRNP Director of Behavioural Health
Signs and Symptoms of Social Media Addiction:
If you think you may have a social media addiction, here are some warning signs to look out for:
If you think someone you know may have a social media addiction, here are some warning signs to look out for:
Solutions to Social Media Addiction:
In today’s digital era, social media is increasing in popularity with over half (58%) of the world’s population being active users. With so many ways to occupy yourself online, people find themselves developing social media addiction.
Once you realise that you have a social media addiction you can take steps towards overcoming it:
By understanding the signs and symptoms of social media addiction, we can take steps to address the issue and find ways to reduce its impact on our lives.