Is Social Media Acting As A Boon Or Curse?

Is Social Media Acting As A Boon Or Curse?

If you're anything like me, you were probably a little wary of social media as a concept when it first came out.

However, now many of us have become addicted to this online world where we share pictures, videos and texts with each other all day. I use social media every single day and I've seen firsthand how much impact it has had on my life.

The one thing that is for certain is that I am quite envious of the people who haven't given up this tool in their life quite yet. They seem so much happier than those of us who are constantly checking Facebook or Instagram. They don't spend hours upon hours every day trying to keep up with the social media trends. They just simply ignore it all together and go on living their lives.

I constantly see pictures of people who seem so happy and content, and I immediately think to myself, "Why can't I be like that?" They're either at their cabin in the woods or they're doing something really fun with friends and family. Meanwhile, my Instagram feed consists of strangers eating ice cream cones on a beach in Greece. It's extremely depressing. I spend most of my days wishing that I was doing all of these wonderful things with friends and family instead of sitting at home eating ice cream by myself.

Social media is not the answer to happiness. It will not make you content or fulfilled or hopeful for the future. You cannot find happiness in a phone or computer screen, at least not long term. It just simply won't work. . . . Social media is just one big mind game that we play with ourselves where we try to compare our lives to those around us and pick apart every little flaw, whether it's real or not, so that we can hate our lives even more than before.

I feel like these "perfect people" that we see all over Instagram and Facebook are just trying to make us believe that we should be so happy and so content. But the truth is, happiness comes from the inside, not from what I see on social media. . . . You can try to look at positive quotes or motivational videos all day long, but seeing them won't make you any happier in your life. They're just pictures and words, which can give you a false sense of contentment and excitement and then leave you with a mind that's full of emptiness when it's over.

If you're anything like me, I can tell you that social media is definitely not the answer to your problems in life either. But speaking of which, Piktale is your one such social media platform that not only helps you to check on your animosity but also keeps you safe from the prying eyes.


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