Social Media and the 5:3:2 Rule
Social Media and the 5:3:2 Rule

Social Media and the 5:3:2 Rule

I know.. I didn’t understand this until I was introduced to it. So don’t worry.

When it comes to managing social media pages for businesses, either small or big, it is always wise to have a balance.

In traditional marketing, print advertising, TV and radio, it has been all about me as a business, it is about me and my products, and me and how I can help you. This no longer applies in the digital age of marketing, and consumer product information.

Social Media now plays a big part in drawing your audience to your products, and the brand. In most cases, talking too much about your self can drive people away from you. it’s like an annoying friend who continues to talk too much about himself without listening to other people’s conversations. Naturally, you would hide their posts on your timeline and ultimately unfriend, because they do not add value to your Facebook life.

The same applies when you don’t say much about yourself and sometimes you just loose the interest of your online friends.

The key thing to do when managing a page for businesses and small online SMEs is to strike a balance.


Apply the 5:3:2 Rule. While there are many references and explanations to this rule, which you can Google and find out more.

The 5:3:2 rule comes into play, when you are working with social media. It simply guides you to a ratio, that For every ten (10) posts;

  •    Five (5) should be content from other sources, that are relevant to your audience. This technique is known as curation.
  •   Three (3) content that is created by you, that adds value and relevant to your audience, otherwise, your creation.
  •  Two (2) should be personal, fun content that gives character your brand and adds a human touch so your your audience relates to you.

The best thing about this rule, is that all these posts would be focused on your audience and not about you. It surely does take a little bit more thought, a bit more time, if this is the first time you would be planning to use this rule. But once you get the hang of it, your will start to see more engagement with your audience and getting more conversation on social media.

Social media keeps changing; there is always room for improvement, research and understanding your audience. So keep listening to conversations and opinions about your brand, products and your industry.


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