Social Media 2018 Keynote Presentation: Power of Intent and Perspective in a Digital World of Change

Just when you thought you had your social media and digital marketing strategy and plan together, 2018 hit many marketers like a load of bricks with fast, unexpected changes.

From the Facebook news feed algorithm changes, new features announced on all of the top social networks, to the consumer and buyer digital behavior changing faster than most businesses can keep up - businesses are learning fast that both the traditional marketing methods as well as the new media channels are changing and putting the buyer more in control with every click, view, and decision to share or not share their private information.

How do you win in a digital market that doesn't ever stay constant?

How do you stand above the crowd? How do you stand out from the noise?

How do you win authentically in a way that you earn trust, draw people closer to you organically and not push them away with spammy tactics?

Check out the keynote presentation of Pam Moore, delivered at the Midwest Digital Marketing Conference 2018. In this one hour presentation, she with you solid strategies and tactics that you can implement starting today that will help you succeed and grow your business and brand online in 2018 by embracing change, not running from it.

The only guarantee you have in the world of social media, digital and online marketing in 2018 changes. It's time to get your game face on. You can't wait for perfection or you'll be left behind. It's time to tap into your superpowers as you continuously learn, grow, optimize and embrace these incredible opportunities with vigor and precision, yet agile execution.

Key topics discussed in this 2018 marketing keynote presentation:

  • The power of intent. Why authenticity and the intent behind every decision, post and piece of content matters in 2018, more than ever.
  • Current 2018 and future social media and digital marketing landscape for business.
  • Get your algorithm game face on - how are marketers adjusting to ever-changing social platform algorithms such as the Facebook news feed?
  • Where and how to focus on what matters for real and measurable business results.
  • Why you MUST take an audience-based approach to marketing online or offline.
  • Destroy Random Acts of Social Marketing so you can set goals, prioritize and earn the needed budget and buy-in to win.
  • The power of mindset. Why mindset often matters more than tools, particularly as you are getting started with social media.
  • Importance of choosing the right metrics to measure success. Don't let the social networks control where and how you focus.
  • Why chasing shiny objects and vanity metrics can make you fail.
  • How to gain an unfair competitive advantage by tapping into the power of the OPC - other people's community and content.
  • How to leverage the power of your personal brand to differentiate in a crowded, noisy and social world.

Pam Moore Social Media 2018 Keynote Presentation video


