Social Impact – support by the Irish community in Kenya

Social Impact – support by the Irish community in Kenya

Ireland is renowned for the positive impact it has had around the globe over the years. From technology and industry to sports and music, Ireland continues to distinguish itself as a world leader on several fronts. In Kenya, Ireland holds a rich and reputable legacy spanning over a 100 years that started with the establishment of health and education centres spearheaded by missionaries in many parts of the country. The Irish participate in charities and champion causes that seek to empower communities across different parts of the world.

While the Irish community in Kenya has contributed to the economic development of the country, the social impact promoted by Ireland through various activities has played a monumental role in moulding generations of Kenyans. The commitment and common experiences between Kenya and Ireland in terms of the struggle for freedom and economic liberalisation has built free, resilient and democratic societies

The education sector, for example, has had significant influence from Ireland; Irish missionary organisations established many centres of education in Kenya that are still exceling to date. Some of these include Loreto High School Limuru and St. Mary’s School Nairobi. Ireland has also had an impact in the health sector through the Sisters of Mercy who established Mater Hospital which is one of the country’s top six hospitals as well as the Medical Missionaries of Mary providing health care to the farthest regions of the country

In more recent years, Irish non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as Goal, Trócaire, Concern Worldwide and Action Aid have contributed to humanitarian and development programmes in Kenya and the region. Through Irish Aid, the Government of Ireland annually provides over €6.5 million to NGOs and Missionary congregations which support communities across Kenya

Business Ireland Kenya (BIK) and Irish companies operating in Kenya are also keen to impact on the social development of Kenya, doing so through various engagements and initiatives around achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In November 2018, BIK hosted an event themed Shaping a sustainable future: Why a commitment to the SDGs is good for business. The event was very well attended and met with an overwhelmingly positive response.

BIK encourages companies and organisations that have established businesses in Kenya or have plans to do so, to not only focus on contributing to economic growth, but to be intentional about how their businesses impact the communities around them.  BIK sees this as a way of continuing the legacy already built and a way of building global citizenship for the future.

Are you an Irish company and BIK member that is executing a social impact program in the country? We would love to hear about it all. Write to us on [email protected]

“At the end of the day it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished… it’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.” ― Denzel Washington.


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