Social Engineering: What is quid pro quo?
★ Trevor Wood ★
★I help people and organisations protect themselves from cyber attacks★Ethical hacker★Cybersecurity consultant★Web developer★Speaker and trainer
Quid pro quo is a Latin phrase that literally means “something for something,” or “this for that.” We use it to signify an exchange of goods, services, favours, or other things of value. It’s an attack beloved by mal-actors.
In this attack, a mal-actor either offers to provide help (“Let me help you) or asks for help (“Can you help me”) causing the victim to feel obliged to assist. For example, you may get a call from someone who says they’re from your IT help desk. They need you to help by sending them a file using a new file transfer facility they’re checking out. In return they’ll give you a free account, all you have to do is to create an account. Unknown to you, the website you have to go to is fake and it passes on your username and password to the mal-actor.
Or perhaps they offer you a free gift (an expensive box of chocolates, a case of wine, etc.) and all you have to do is to answer some questions. Answers to which reveal information about you that can be used in a later phishing attack.
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