Social Engineering Attack
Sujith Rajendran
Cloud Infrastructure Architect | Cloud Consultant | Coach | Mentor |
Social Engineering attack is a big challenge in the digital world. These days it is growing in India, every day at least 10 % of the customers get fake calls from those well trained cyber attackers group and collect their credit card information and perform the fraudulent transaction and loot money from customers.We need to have a strong mechanism which assures that our personal information is safe in the hand of data banks.
Recently customers getting fake calls from attackers that customer's a new credit card has dispatched, due the security loopholes in the old card. In order to activate the new card attackers ask for the old/existing card details and somehow they could convince the customer by providing fake employee name, ID card number, office address and phone number details of the bank . Also, attackers use some software to generate SMS and send to customers phone when and as it is needed during their conversation. It creates a paranoia in the mind of the customer and SMS makes an impression that its a real SMS from bank.The attacker want to made an impression of a real banker though out their conversation with the customer so most of the customers will be ready to share the details of their cards.
So please don't accept any credit/debit card upgrade offer calls from unreliable sources.Also, note that no bank is ready to convert credit card reward points/loyalty bonus into money so it is an another way of attack. After collecting the credit card details attackers will ask the customer for OTP (One Time Password) received in customer's mobile/email.So that attacker could easily perform the planned transactions using the OTP number which customer has provided.
Please don't share your credit /debit card number, Date Of Birth, Expire date of the card, CVV, One Time Password and PIN Number to anyone.If you want to upgrade your card/change card or doubts regarding your reward point please call to the customer care number of your bank and seek help.
If you receive any call/SMS from 9069938937/7290836293 then it's fake call so add those numbers to your spam.Trying to collect more information/experiences from other friends and will share with you soon .If it saves one then the objective will be fulfilled .