Social Distancing vs Social Isolating
James Sweeney
PR and Comms Professional ???? Founder of Sweeney’s Blogs ?? Mentor at One Million Mentors ?? Digital Storyteller ??
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has hit everybody in society, each in its own way, and has dramatically altered the way we are currently living our lives. People have been made to stay out of work, people have fallen ill and unfortunately, people have lost their lives to the virus. As the damage, that has been and still is being caused by the virus, is being investigated, safety measures are being put in place to try and reduce the spread and damage that is caused by the Coronavirus. One of these measures is Social Distancing.
Social Distancing is a preventative measure put in place to try and reduce the spread of the Corona Virus. The premise behind Social Distancing is to encourage people to stay at home as much as possible in their day to day life whilst the threat of the virus is still at large. We, in the United Kingdom, have been informed to only go outside for food, health reasons or work, as long as the option to work from home is not there.
Social Distancing is designed to discourage people from meeting up with friends and family during the pandemic and to avoid mixing in groups. The virus poses a great risk for everybody’s health, especially in the older populations and people with existing health problems. If you do have to leave the house it is advised that you aim to stay at least 6 feet away from fellow people, we can meet up with people from other households but it is still stressed that social distancing measures should be followed.
While these measures put in place are very good for everyone, it is crucial to remember that Social Distancing does not mean Social Isolating. There are a lot of people who live by themselves and unfortunately will not be able to see anyone during this crisis. I completely agree with following the Social Distancing guidelines, but it is still very important to check in on these people to make sure that they are okay and that they are feeling well.
Just because you are not allowed to call directly into someone’s house or go on a walk with them, it does not mean that they should be left alone. In a world that is as filled with technology as ours is there are tonnes of different ways to contact them. Even a quick phone call a day can make a huge difference in someone’s life and can make them feel so much better about themselves and can really be the highlight of their day.
If the person has the option to Skype call you or get in touch using other media channels such as Social Media, Zoom or Discord then I highly encourage you to do so. You don’t have to spend all day doing it! A small chat here and there can be all the person needs. You can really play a huge part in someone’s day and life, simply by spending five minutes having a chat with them! Social Distancing does not mean Social Isolating. Message your friends and family, call them, see if they are doing and feeling okay!
Whether you are messaging an older person who is living by themselves or someone younger, please try and do it. This virus has hit us all really hard but we as a society can get through it together. Leaving somebody behind is never the answer. Check-in on people, see if they are okay, see if they want to talk about something, anything! Remember we are never alone in the world, there is always someone that we can talk too!
The Virus is a terrible thing for anybody to go through, even more so if they are by themselves. Be the light that brightens their day, their week. Never underestimate the difference you can make to someone's life!
Thank you all for reading and I hope you have enjoyed and learned something new in today’s blog! Let us know how you are keeping in touch with your friends and family during this difficult time. I hope you are all doing well and feeling well.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day,
James Sweeney