Is Social Distancing a short version of long-distance?

Is Social Distancing a short version of long-distance?

Last one month has been difficult for the entire population across the world due to COVID-19 and many of the country like Italy, China has suffered a huge impact due to the same. There were many precautions people have started taking to keep them and their environment clean. Out of all the precautions, social distancing is considered one of the most powerful weapons to avoid the impact of transmission of COVID-19.

Is social distancing bothering you?

India is a highly populated country and when COVID-19 cases started in India, it was difficult to follow social distancing as we like to socialize and meet each other every day. Most of the countries thought that India would suffer a huge impact due to this pandemic.

Social Distancing & long-distance relationships!!

According to me, social distancing is a short version of a long distancing relationship which has the same stage which is as follow:

Stage 1: Dread

Long-distance: The first stage of any long-distance relationship is before the distance starts when you begin to dread the idea of being away from your partner.

Social Distancing: The first stage of social distancing is to make your closed ones that we need to be away for a certain amount of time due to the current situation.

Stage 2: Hope

Long-distance: After you and your partner decide to try long-distance, you’ll immediately be filled with a sensation of hope. We can beat the distance. We can prove everybody wrong. We can do this

Social Distancing: Once you are decided that you would stay away, there should be hope that we are doing this for the betterment of society and the future would be better.

Stage 3: Worry & Stress

Long-distance: You start getting worried when you start seeing her going to the party and uploading pictures on social media.

Social Distancing: None of us is prepared for this situation and there would be a sense of worry and stress amongst us because none of us are used to be in the quarantine mode.  

Stage 4: Trust

Long-distance: The key to every relationship is trust (and communication). You must learn to build trust in your relationship, meaning that if you see a picture of your better half from a party on social media, do not immediately jump to conclusions

Social Distancing: Trust the process, it would be challenging but would be beneficial for you and for society. It’s a process that would require your trust and dedication.

Stage 5: Habit

Long-distance: Your relationship is going to start feeling habitual.

Social Distancing: After a week, you would be used to this condition and would know how to deal with such an emergency situation in the future.

Stage 6: Comfort

Long-distance: Because life constantly has its ups and downs, you’ll begin to find comfort knowing that throughout all the chaos in the world, you still have someone who loves you (even if they are not physically present)

Social Distancing: Stay used to communication medium that would help you know that social distancing has created awareness among the people and you would always have that comfort that everyone around you is healthy.

Stage 7: Uncertainty

Long-distance: Uncertainty is a stage that will come up time and time again in any long-distance relationship. It is natural to be uncertain; nobody can predict the future.

Social Distancing: It’s uncertain that when we would socialize again in the same manner but till then you would be used to a new situation of e-meeting your closed ones.

Stage 8 & 9: Closure vs. Commitment

Long-distance: There comes a stage in your long-distance relationship when you realize that you are doing something very irrational.

Social Distancing:  The situation wouldn’t be the same every time as there would be closure to social distancing in the next couple of months but this has created a good awareness amongst the people they need for social distancing to avoid transmission of the virus from one body to other.

Social distancing is really better characterized as physical distancing — the social part of it just needs to become more virtual for the time being. Social solidarity has never been more needed.

We live in a country where our individual rights trump most other things. We need to exercise them wisely, ensuring that we protect ourselves and our society’s most vulnerable by staying home if we can afford to do so, and otherwise taking all necessary precautions if we do need to go out for essential tasks, like getting food or medications.

In the end, the problem with prevention isn’t prevention itself, but our collective failure to appreciate that we still have a chance to change an otherwise bleak future



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